How many days should a natty wait inbetween working the same muscles again...

How many days should a natty wait inbetween working the same muscles again? I did chest and triceps on Sunday and I'm not sure if I should work them again today

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A week. Chest and triceps are minor muscles.

Just do it if you feel like it.
The guides you will find online are written with optimal gains in mind, but we all know you don't have that kind of dedication as you're not an olympian.

Stop overthinking this shit.

Personally I wait 3 days inbetween with a rest day once per week.

Been doing the BalconyBro ABCABCx as a natty for the past 3 months while I cut a little and I've been loving it

Isnt the pectoralis major a major muscle?

I do chest and tris twice a week

this is a roidsplit
balconybro is a roider

>tfw hit upper chest triceps and biceps 3x a week

Full body is god tier

Read the sticky, faggot

I work the same muscles every other day

Monday wednesday friday and sometimes sunday I do back/biceps and abs

Tuesday Thursday and Saturday I do chest triceps and shoulders

>tfw jacked friend swore in only training each body part once a week

Why do some people do this? My friend is swole as fuck so I followed his one part a week thing but felt like that wasn't enough and I started doing every part 2-3x a week and made way more gains

Hmmm... Well I dunno what to say. What makes it a roider program? I've been doing it consistently and made some great progress.

48 hours

>doing biceps 3 times a week and still no gains after 6 months

end me

also posting a girl to get my post attention

PS peaks after 24-36h then rapidly drops so 1 day

>those legs
Goddamn. I dig tall chicks but short chicks have some undeniable benefits that are pretty rare amongst tall girls

Literally how

are you on a cut?
the best you can hope for then is to maintain your weight, unless you are very fat, then you will be able to build more muscle while cutting.
if you just want your numbers up, eat more, train harder.

making gains as a whole.

just not much on my biceps maybe grew 1/10th of an inch

but are you able to lift bigger weights then you use to?

with curls?

not really

>with curls?
I meant with a real lift like bench or OHP or pullups



good luck making gains training muscles once per week or only 52 times a year

I'm running sheiko 4 day batty and benching or some kind of assistance press 4x a week

48hours but the CNS is more prominent for overtraining than muscles. So have a restday after big lifts like deadlifts

so if the real lifts are going up, the bicep must be getting some mass on it.
if you really want them curls up, I guess curl more and try to really control it as you raise and lower it for maximum muscle use during. or eat more and bulk up til you are the curlbro of your dreams that you want to be.

Also garbage advice

You don't need a day off after deadlifts

Unless you were going for a 1RM or multiple sets of 90% plus but you aesthetics ffs don't care for any kind of logic in your training routine

This has to be b8. He has an average body for someone whose been lifting for 2-3 years.
Also I've been doing some form of abcabcx for about a year now and I look decent. Pic related

why would the bicep be getting mass if my OHP is going up.

I only started seeing progress when I stopped reading shit like that and started going to the gym.

I had some serious paralysis by analysis going on but I've been consistent for 6 weeks now and people are already noticing. (Fixing posture helped that too)

Depends. Your muscle will get used to the strain and volume. If you are an intermediate lifter of 1,5+ years then you dont need to wait any longer than 24 hours.