>the guy who collects all the 10s in the building to bench press 165 in only the bar and 10s for 5x5
Anybody else have this pos in your gym?
>Things people do in the gym that piss you off general.
>the guy who collects all the 10s in the building to bench press 165 in only the bar and 10s for 5x5
Anybody else have this pos in your gym?
>Things people do in the gym that piss you off general.
Deadlifting in the power rack during busy hours when people are trying to squat.
The only thing that really gets me is when people take up a bench or something people use a lot and spend an hour sitting there talking to their gf and doing a set every ten minutes
>the guy who sits inside the calisthenics frame doing crunches on a yoga mat
This fucking guy at my gym took the belt from the squat rack to do curls and some machine meme exercise.
I mean, aren't we supposed to be the aspies? Damn normies i swear
when i get the 40+kg dumbells and some asshole thinks that free.space on the rack with the sticker 40 on it means there is place to put the 10kg dumbells
i swear if i see one putting the dumbells in the wrong place i am gona hit him with the right dumbells
>some arab exchange student in my gym
>does soem sort of pyramid squat scheme
>goes up to 140kg
>never squats anywhere NEAR parallel
>leaves plates all over the floor, on the bar
and related to that
>gym has two power racks
>both have sets of colored oly plates
>people bring 2,5kg plates, 5kg plates, 10kg plates from other sections of the gym and leave them there
>have to dig trough a 10kg, 20kg, 2,5kg plaes to get to the red 25kg plate at the end of the support bar
Why can't people be fucking tidy?
Why doesn't anyone in the gym enforce the rules about not leaving your SHIT everywhere when it's written on every wall?
seriously, how autistic are you guys? are you really all betas with zero self esteem?
just fucking say you need the equipment which is not essential for their workout at all.
kindly tell the deadlifting guy if he could just move to the side of the squat rack because you really don't have an alternative.
just ask him how many sets he's got to make him rush. he'll not take so much time on the bench when knowing you're waiting for it.
when he's off the yoga mat move it to the side and explain to him why you did it. how hard is it
damn it Veeky Forums get your shit together
Faggy middle aged guys doing supersets on three different stations. Fuck those guys.
when I back got into lifting a few years back, I went on a one week seminar with a few coworkers.
One took me along to a Gym that Hotel guests could use for free (not a hotal gym though)
It was mostly cardio stuff and courses and a relaxation area with a waterfall and isotonic drinks and shit like that.
in the basement was a very small area with free weights. One single Bench, No squat racks, dumbbells went up to like 20kg.
That one bench had a towel on it, but nobody was arround. My coworker and I did some exercieses on mashines und messed arround with the dumbbells a bit, but really wanted to bench. So after about 15min he took that towel off the bench.
Back then I wouldn't have dared.
Guy came back when we were on our second set. was mad as fuck. coworker told him how long we've waited and that he should feel free to continue his set.
The guy complained about "those buff dudes" touching his stuff.
Staff replied how "those hotel guests don't have any manners"
Fuck People
There are people who will be understanding and nice if you just talk to them, and then there are those who will be butthurt dicks either way.
Guess the trick is to be polite and stop giving a fuck whether it might still upset them
>Group of Asians in the gym when I get there
>Swinging the weights around doing the worst form db curls I've ever seen, light ass weights flyes
>Dumbbells, Barbells, weight equipment just thrown all over the floor and when they leave they just leave it all there
Why can't they poo up someone else's loo
I hate that you guys call them this. It's an insult to actual asians.
>Is from Asia
>Shouldn't call them asian
So are Slavs
>be my gym
>theres this woman in her 30's who looks pretty good, but she is obviously a little over weight
>she comes to the gym for 20 minutes
>walks on the running mat for 5 mins (on her phone)
>does hola hooping for 5 mins
>does leg press with minimal range of motion and 0 weight while browsing her phone
>then leaves
i cringe hard
Ignorant mongoloid
Woman that does this kind of shit at my gym, 2 years and she is legit getting fatter, that or she is pregnant legit can't tell.
Slavs are European you mong
Oh I'll ask if I need something, but even if I don't need to use something it still annoys me if someone is being inconsiderate.
Fucking old dude at my gym that leaves like 3 different nasty sweat towels on machines and benches to make sure no one uses them. Shits infuriating he leaves them unised for like 20 min.
>running mat
At the old gym I went to there was this ex-military type dude who would do box jumps on the bench. I couldn't help but stare at him like he was fucking retarded. Why would you do this?
curlers at the squat rack or at the bench. There is always someone who is doing it.
>just ask him how many sets he's got to make him rush. he'll not take so much time on the bench when knowing you're waiting for it.
I can vouch that this doesnt always work.
Some people are just assholes.
>Deadlifting in the power rack
How the fuck does that even work?
You remove the racks and do it from the floor, or from the lowest peg. They're basically just borrowing the bar. It takes up the rack to do a floor exercise, and if your gym has only one or two racks like mine, it can drive you fucking bonkers.
When fucking normies are squatting in the curl rack
Some fags in my gym go get bumper plates for the bench press. when they have regular plates right next to the bench.
Honestly wouldn't be surprised if we have lifted around the same arab exchange student
>lad was in the squat rack for literally 40 minutes, I got to the gym at 8pm wanting to squat and be out by 9
>Literally have to end up power cleaning the weight raw over my head to get it in position to squat, because there's no fucking way this chump is getting off the rack, I even asked him and he was like yeah well I have 6 sets left (after already doing like 8 sets)
His shit was truly bizarre. I mean I'm impressed with his volume, but it makes sense, because his ROM and form were shite. It was like he was trying to low bar squat but had the bar in the high bar position. Definitely headed to snap city or passout from pressure on neck once he gets heavy enough.
Sometimes I can kind of sympathise, it's equally infuriating to not have a power rack or platform free to do your deads in/on if some other retards are using that equipment for their 2 hour superset drop set 1% ROM squat jumps or whatever retarded shit theyre doing
the most respect I have in my gym is for one guy who started out skinny as fuck, and I saw him doing what was obviously SS plus a couple of accessories every time I saw him - in like 6 months he's gotten way bigger and is lifting more than double what he used to, shits good.
Its weird how simple lifting is a lot of the time, most people can't figure it out for some reason.
>walk up to someone OHP in squat rack (95 lbs.)
>ask how many sets
>"oh ill be awhile Ive got 4 sets left)
>tell him he can take his barbell over to freeweight area and OHP there
>"but I need the rack so the bar is close to my shoulders"
>force him to let me work in
>do quick warm up sets up to 275
>leave plates on barbell and walk away
>mfw come back to squat rack and weight is still on the bar
Seriously though you can OHP in the squat rack, but if someone comes up to you and asks to squat in the squat rack then you must let them. Do your OHP off the ground, especially with your shitty babyweights.
is 40 minutes that much? I do 3 sets of 5 with 7 minute breaks so prolly ~20 minutes total including warmups.
My Y only has available barbells at stations, such as racks or benches. They don't just have barbells laying around, so what else should I do besides take the barbell and stand back from the rack? Dead lift at the benches?
Asians man. They're always fucking swinging around on the pull up bars at my gym. Most of them have great upper torsos, but their legs look like they just got out of a wheelchair today for the first time in 20 years. Bizarre.
damn youre a douche
I'd fight you if you tried to force your way into my workout. And then not help shred weight after I let you work in? Your 275 babyweight squat is as intimidating as a 95 OHP.
people at my gym take weights off my bench without asking if i'm using them.
good thing the rules force you to let me work in, You wouldn't even say so much as a peep about it if we were face to face.
>Why doesn't anyone in the gym enforce the rules about not leaving your SHIT everywhere when it's written on every wall?
because people are retarded.
>light ass weights flyes
>doing flyes heavy
enjoy your trip to snap city
Niggers can't math
They can only count by 10s
Oh man the 10s goblin. So fucking annoying.
>The barbell hogger.
The person using two barbells to do deads or squats with one and to do shitty upright rows with the other in between his heavy lifts.
Where are you from my arab hating friend
When people use every 45 to do quarter reps on the leg press, and people who don't re-rack and leave equipment all over the place are about the only 2 things.
I OHP the bar in one of 2 squat racks at my gym, fite me m8
You have never done this irl.
>no I'm tougher
The biggest gripe I have is people not fucking picking up after themselves.
>Weights left on bars, on the floor, on machines that have no business with those weights
More of an autistic thing but...
>Weights racked in no order, 45s on pegs hiding the 25s or 10s, and vice versa
>Towels draped everywhere, when there are hampers literally 10 ft away
Then there's the people that apparently have to do a super set for over an hour. I asked the guy if he was nearly finished and said he was, so I waited roughly 10 mins after I finished another two exercises for this guy to clear the pulley area, and I ended up just working in and apparently the guy got miffed that I did.
>"hey man, how much do you have left?"
>"about 30 more minutes haha"
raged so hard.
Less than 3 plate squat is shit mate
You should lift
Someone tried this when i was doing ohp in the squat rack.
>"actually seems kinda tedious taking off weights for ohp and squat"
>"ill be done in a few though if you want to wait. Or theres another guy doing squats over there why dont you work with him?"
>The biggest gripe I have is people not fucking picking up after themselves.
rerack them, its all volume mate, their loss is your gain
never gunna make it with that slacker attitude
Hah, funny enough I head up that attitude and just re-rack when I'm done with the equipment.
>be young
>decently in shape
>benching 60lb
I don't understand this? I am 35 and benched for the first time in 10 years the other day. I did 3x8 of 90lb. clavicle was a little sore but now i'm ready to hit it again. he better have done like 30 straight reps with only 60lb
If people act like this, I like to bite the bullet and ask to work in, just to fuck with them
I'm pretty sure my gym doesn't have any free barbells like that, other than ones for bench press which invariably get used way more than the racks
Some asshole at my gym takes weights off my bar in the middle of my reps. Completely throws me off every time.
>dyel dude and his gf work out together in uni gym
>They take 2 of 4 squat racks for hours at a time even though only one of them ever squats at a time
>even when they're done squatting they leave fucking huge duffel bags in the racks so no one can use them
>first few weeks of this he tries to show her how to squat by demonstrating his 1/4 rom squats
>gf occasionally brings in other girls to work out for the first time, dude keeps trying to 'show them how its done'
>never seen them doing anything other than squats/standing around watching other people squat
theyve been doing this shit for months. I'm surprised she still goes with him.
For what purpose
>Doing flyes with 6kg dumbbells
Enjoy your trip to nogainstown
Yep and I fucking hate it
>in a gym
good joke my guy
idk why but this made me kek audibly for ages thanks brah
>that young guy who keeps looking around like he's hiding drugs cause it's the first time he's been in a gym and he's nervous
>almost always goes out too hard
>good chance of wearing jeans and leaving right after not making his first set and being too embarrassed to continue
I try to go up to them and help but they always get creeped out because they think I'm hitting on them
>fat pajeet
>I'm finishing up bench reracking, he walks up and tells me to leave on 1 pl8 without even asking if I am done
>He loads up 150 lbs and does literally 1- 2 inch ROM
>Goes up in 10 lb or so increments but he stops at 185, still doing the same awful room
>Leaves the weights he took off on the floor
>Doesn't rerack plates
>He was also DB benching before I was done and he left around 3 sets of DBs next to his bench
I thought these types were only a myth, what the fuck
r u a grill
because we all start somewhere
we all have had different lives with different types of physical exertion
I leave a 45 on each side of the deadlift bar at my gym.
Should I be reracking those? I should take a picture the next time I'm there, in that area there's always like 30 extra plates laying around. Not sure why they have so many.
At least you offer assistance.
This makes me happy and hopeful that I'll have someone like you to help me out when I go for the first few times.
They think he is gay
>tfw power rack is in front of the smith machines line of sight of the wall mirror
Nothing gives me greater pleasure than piling on more weight than shit rom smith squatters in the middle of their sets and lowering my ass to the ground
lmfao i've seen you post this before in these threads, i need context
>fucking explain what is happening here
>Old woman using her whole body weight to leg press the assisted pull up pad
>Using the bench to do rows when both racks are free, not even supersetting with bench which is reasonable
>Literally curling just the bar for German volume in one of the two squat racks on a busy day
>1x100 pec deck flies with the pin not even in the stack
>moving the handle up and over your knees on the rower slow as fuck with no resistance
>waking around the cramped ass gym with a 10kg barbell lifted overhead
>accordion crunches on a bench with an empty tricep bar
>rolling out and doing yoga in the middle of a walk way when there is an entire big empty room that says "yoga" over the >>unlocked and openold guy 1/8th squatting 135 with a pussy pad in boots and Wranglers
>benching with two 25s per side
>benching with a 45, three tens, two fives, and a two and a half
>smith machine squats with clips
>pic related everywhere
>want a set of clips so the plates aren't going to move on me benching 315 because all the bars are warped as fuark from idiots
>my bench is missing it's set
>look up
>guy has no shit put them on the smith machine
>he squats 25's a side with a belt on
I hate the smith machine
The Smith attracts idiots, see pic above. That's the plate rack on my gym's.
My biggest gripe is pic.
And as an extension of that people not putting shit away when they're done, just degenerate behavior.
>skinny bloke comes into gym monday ~7pm
>basically dressed like a teenager (regular shirt + shorts, converse)
>headphones on and doesn't say hi to anyone
>takes a power rack and warms up for squats
>decent depth but he's looking DOWN, like staring at the floor each rep
>works up to 200lb
>gets a set of 6 or something, not bad
>waits SIX MINUTES before his next set
>same shit again
>on his third set, fails on only 4 reps
>obviously decides to quit, deloads the bar and fucks off to some other part of the gym
Honestly it was like he spent 10 mins warming up, 10 mins resting between sets, and only 3 mins doing actual work in the rack. Complete waste of the equipment
>5'10 hipster beard ottermode
>loads up 5 10s on each side on the bench
>Does one set
>Doesn't re rack
>This guy is doing a circuit apparently
>Runs over to the dumbbells picks up two 50s too curl
>loud PSSSH PSSHHH PSSSH every time he breaths out during the curl
>Legit thought it was a machine making that noise at first
>Drops the 50s walks to the punching bag with imaginary lat syndrome
>Starts punching the bag yelling at the top of his lungs like he was murdering someone
I think he got kicked out haven't seen him since
>That guy that always wears stupid as fuck video game shirts to the gym
>That guy that rests entirely too long between his sets
>That guy that wears running shoes when he squats and deadlifts barefoot
>That guy that tries to talk to qt girls in the gym but always walks away looking embarrased as fuck
>That guy that poses in the gym mirrors when he thinks nobody is looking
>All of these are the same guy
>That guy is me
Because you're older. Up until around 185 pounds (in general; height and weight affect this) on the bench, most of the strength gains you make aren't caused by increased muscle mass. They're caused by better motor control and more efficient motor neuron firing to move the weight. Younger guys have had less time to develop this and unless they've really been lifting for some time.
I deadlift and squat without my shoes, is this bad?
I mean, just wear flat shoes to the gym asshole. There's nothing really wrong with it, but I'll just never understand why people won't wear something flat instead of taking their shoes off.
If I wanna run on the treadmill afterwards, I'll just wear my running shoes and deadlift in my socks. Running in flat shoes gives me terrible shin splints, so it's more practical to do this than to take two pairs of shoes to the gym.
Pose when you know people are looking instead
>old fat women who cycle slowly for an hour giving the impression of being brain-dead
>old people who go to the gym just to chat
>people who scream when lifting weights
>people who look at themselves in the mirror to much
>people who drop their weights causing the entire gym to quake
>people who watch food channel while walking
>people who turn on cnn
>straight people who behave homosexually in the gym with their friends
>mtv (nuf said)
Jokes on you I use the squat rack to do OHP at 55 lbs.
>bring 4 plate from home
>pajeet asks to use them
>y-you too
>see him running out with them
>not again
>Go to gym
>See fellow German, Muhammad, doing 5x5 sets of rapes in the squat rack
>See his brother, Muhammad, on the bench doing a set of rape flys with a different sized woman in each hand
>Can't get to the dumbells because the rest of their family, Muhammad, Muhammad, and Muhammad, are standing in front of the racks and posing in the mirror while raping the receptionist
>Decide fuck it, go home
>Open door
>Roommate decapitated
>Not again
user I don't know how to tell you this ...
7 minutes is way to much
hello planet fitness
Murrican education
did he died
>Things people do in the gym that piss you off general.
>help what do I need to do
learn to read
OT: people that respond like you just had a car crash with them if you ask them if you can 'work in' with them
do people get mad about working in? at my gym i would never finish if i couldn't work in because i'm a poorcel and the gym is too crowded
I try to keep an eye out in these threads for things that might describe me.
fucking right I do that . Oh wait I also have a home gym and would never do it in a commercial setting. I also curl in the rack and get a shit eating grin every time I do .
to destroy your achilles
At my college gym, everyone always emptied the bar to signal that they were done with it. If you left 45s on then no one would touch it.
>filenames show they were saved this month
welcome to Veeky Forums little guy!