Memes aside, it this natty?

Memes aside, it this natty?

Not with those traps.

Memes aside, who cares he looks like shit

short answer
long answer

look at the thickness and look at his skin

also that looks like some gay ass shit

what doesn't look like shit then?


>roids will never, ever fix your fuccboi face


god no ... not with those traps, shoulders and lats

>also that looks like some gay ass shit
you're literally projecting your homosexuality


actually they can but they make you ugly, look young shaw and now shaw

i cant fucking recognize young brian shaw

sexy af body


imagine roiding and ending up with those proportions


>ugly slav
>not shit
pick one

He is greek you stupid nigger

he's albanian you fucking casual faggot who got into wl less than a year ago

He looks ugly even for greek standards

what an ugly fuckin body...
>those traps
>those huge quads with small hamstrings
>that hair color

Ethnically Greek born in Albania, you dumb shitskin

so, albanian. kek
