Have any scientific studies been done on No Fap or is it just a placebo tier fad?

Have any scientific studies been done on No Fap or is it just a placebo tier fad?

Please don't simply respond with just a "yes" if they have; post the scholarly article you've read.

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OMG nice one!!! you really showed him11!!

>scholarly article

t. pseud

((((scientific studies))))



Saying that is like going >look everyone I won't stand for anything not peer reviewed because i am le scholar and gentleman
If you're not insecure you'd just say article, paper, link etc

Hey guys, I invented cold fusion in my garage with a toothpick and a bottle of water! Read all about it on my privately owned website! Don't try to replicate it or look into the details though, just take for granted that I'm right!

If your study hasn't been verified by other scientists and the data can't be replicated, why should anyone believe it?

How did I say peer reviewing is not a good thing. all I said was that by saying 'scholarly article' you coke across like an intellectually insecure noncecase

you understood what i meant, why does it matter? stop arguing semantics you bent twat

Veeky Forums is generally antisemantic


On the topic of semantics, you wouldn't say 'invent' cold fusion, you achieve it, or invent cold fusion technology.


you understood what i meant, as I said in my previous post, you bent twat.

>is it just a placebo tier fad?
It's a fad created and proliferated by religious zealots and pseudoscientists. Outside of legitimate medical problems, death grip no fap is a meme.

thank you

Ur links are retarded u really think sitting home and jerking off as many times as u can is good for you? U dont get less motivated after u jerk it/sleepier ?

>U dont get less motivated after u jerk it/sleepier ?

Also the retarded fuck that made that article is also roiding lmao

All I know is I feel much better when I only fap every 3 to 4 days.

people always post that chart with increase in testosterone against days without ejaculation - is that one bullshit?

Studies are easy to manipulate and often does not examine everything you need to know. It is however a proven effect of ejaculation that your blood prolactin becomes elevated, this is generally a factor ignored in both "fap" and "nofap" studies. You can read about the effects of chronically elevated prolactin levels here.


This of course covers what I would consider the largest physiological benefit of cessation of (or significant reduction) of masturbation, but other than that there are myriad benefits psychologically. This is of course somewhat harder to quantify, but a part of it is covered by this study on prolactin, as it is a hormone that is antagonistic to dopamine and over time can lead to downregulation of dopamine receptors.

could just as easily be a placebo

No, the chinese study is correct and has been done a few times already. But testosterone doesn't works like that, and after the peak of 6-7 days it goes back to normal. That peak isn't enough to do jack shit, hence why most testosterone-based cycles are long term and you don't even feel anything on your first weeks.

I do think nofap works on its own right. But each to their own, and I won't sperg out about it on a buthanese canoe kneading forum.

This will answer the question that you seek.

Do you have faith in all the information presented in Veeky Forums infographics? This isn't proof of anything.
>I do think nofap works on its own right.
Post a peer reviewed paper supporting this claim.