How are his shoulders so wide? What exercises does he do?
Wider shoulders?
Some of it is training, but I do believe it's a lot to do with genetics. Honestly, I'm just starting lifting, but I'm 235 and fat. I have shoulders broader than my waist, which I think will look pretty decent once I lose some weight.
Come out of your momma's pussy with good shoulder genetics X1
Be the best point guard in the NBA
>i have shoulders broader than my waist
you won the genetic lottery didn't you?
slinging around a 3 lb ball all day with a long lever arm probably helps. i've noticed bball players hardly ever have narrow shoulders.
Gift and the curse lad.
I'm a manlet (5'8?) My shoulders are a good 4 inches wider than my waist on each side. Genetics.
Can't fit into fucking anything, end up buying shirts for 6'4 lads. A lot of rolled up sleeves
doesn't even have the best shoulders on his team
check out shump
Train lats
>if you're reading this you can't guard me
What did he mean by this?
Doesn't everyone have shoulders broader than waist or am I being a dumbass
Fuck, meant to say "same"
clavicular length genetics. My roommate has never touched a weight in his life and doesn't exercise at all yet has one of the most impressive lat spreads ive ever seen because his clavicles are so long.
I think so
nigger those aren't even wide shoulders. even when i was bordering on morbid obesity (idk what the medical cutoff is, but i may have reached it. i was like 35-40%bf) my shoulders were more than an inch wider than my hips. desu if you're anything under terrifyingly obese or have horrible fat storage it shouldn't be hard to look like that
There is a popular Drake album called
if you're reading this it's too late.
This guy is a basketball player. He's saying if you see him this close, you can't stop him fom scoring points.
I have autism too, I understand.
It means he is hard countered by the illiterate.
By putting the whole team on his back every night
cause =/= correlation dumbass
obviously elite basketball players will have broad shoulders, it helps for the sport
A blind guy would shut him down.
Or rather, put your blindfold on when he has the ball.