Shoulders clicking every rep of OHP

>shoulders clicking every rep of OHP
>shoulders clicking every set of bench

Other urls found in this thread:

>knees clicking at the bottom of the squat

>Still doing OHP despite every professional saying its a useless excercise that is gonna fuck u up when your old

my shoulders click on every rotation if I do those "windmill" warmups. also every rep of lateral raises. no pain though.

I get that but with my knees. If I walk 2 miles my knee starts to hurt like fuck. And Idk what to do, stretches aren't helping and I don't have health insurance .

I don't want to be curl-bro tier guys. what do I do?

>fingers clicking every ability on WoW

>tfw clicking with qt cardio bunny

who says that? reference?

How to work delts with freeweights?


source? I think you're mistaking it for the bench

OHP is the least snap citiest of the 4