I'll start:

What is the ideal body fat range for men to be in throughout the year?

Previous Thread:

The more you lift the more comfortable you'll be at a lower percentage

>tfw hover between 17-18%

How the hell are you supposed to eat 3500 calories a day? I ate a bowl of Bran flakes, half a kilogram of salmon, a twelve-inch sub from Subway, five eggs, and three bananas today and I'm barely pushing 3k calories. I'm thinking of just giving up bulking altogether.

Is pre-workout meals a meme when on a cut?
Protons should still be good for you, before a workout?

Help for someone who's missing a pec and just getting into lifting?

I'm doing SS, and obviously my bench is suffering. Should I continue just benching regularly, holding back the right side or should I switch to dumbbells and let both sides do their own thing with totally different amounts of weight?

Too clean. You need some donuts and a burrito.

You need to bench in a shirt. Start with an HD from Inzer.

3rd nipple

do bench and dumbbells
i don't know how much trouble you'll have if you are actually missing a pec, ask a legit fitness trainer

I don't have easy access to spic food and donuts are crazy expensive.

Look at the fucking picture. Guarantee a "fitness trainer" isn't gonna know what to do with that.


The idea is to refill your glycogen storage
So fat and protein is kinda useless
Whole corn products are very 'filling' wich causes your blood to rush in your stomach but you need it in your muscles. You're fine if you eat at least 1 h before gym
Simple sugars like milk, fruits, white bread (not a simple sugar but easy to digest) and cheat meals are the way to go
Lastly artificial sugars would be obviously stupid in this regard

Those were just examples. But donuts are cheap as fuck from a grocery store.

I got an ingrown hair. It sucked.

Eat pasta, potatoes, or rice before training. Dirtier options include pancakes, cake donuts, or sourdough bread if you're doing max effort.

Reposting from /femfit/ since I'd like some more insight:

Do any of you other femanons use the BBG (Bikini Body Guide) program or any others? Recommendations? Someone suggested Strong Curves in another thread. Any practitioners of the program with opinions here?

Also: does anyone do monthly cheat meals? Would planning them for the first day of your period be a good idea?

I'm starting from a background of largely sedentary lifestyle, and I've been overweight since middle school. I was so weak at first that I couldn't even do the beginning exercises in "pre-BBG" BBG. I still can't do some of the moves (like ab bikes) but I'm steadily becoming stronger. I've already gone from a size 12 to a size 6, so I'm making steady progress. Can't wait until I have a flat stomach.

Shiho Yoshimura from Japanese Olympic volleyball team is my motivation. I want those arms. Life goals and wife goals, holy shit.

I benched 225 for 1 today, when people talk about 225 being a good first goal, are they referring to just doing it for 1 rep or for multiples?

what does it feel like to benchpress with a pec missing? do you even realise or has your body already compensated for it over the years?

referring to being able to at least rep the bar

Well, it feels like my right side is working a lot harder and I definitely feel a lack of stability in my left side.

It's similar to when I do push-ups and chin-ups in that regard.

Anything wrong with eating one meal a day?
Eating is such a hassle.
Or I was thinking of one large meal in the morning and then a small one at night.

Why not one large meal whenever you want but three protein shakes spread thoughout the day?

So I've opened up some time in my schedule and I can do an hour of exercise mid-day in addition to my usual 90 minutes at night. Should I do a lighter version of my evening routine or should I throw in some cardio?

I can bang out 3x20 proper push ups with 1 min or so rest and I'm 90kg, so I'm supposed to be pushing 60-70% of my body weight (58kg)
I bench 72kg for 3x5.
Last reps on both bench and push ups are failing or hard to finish.
Does 72kg in bench and that about of push ups add up? I feel like I should be able to bench way more.

Is it okay to eat (plain) pasta while recovering from diarrhea?

Everyone on Veeky Forums seems to talk about bulking and cutting. It's it possible to make progress with lifting and aesthetics of you maintain your body weight. Started gymming two months back and still haven't been able to change my weight despite gorging on clean food.

6'3'' 170lbs

How do I train legs to not get tired while running? My lungs are fine but whenever I stop it's because my thighs give out

I started a cut about 1.5 weeks ago, and since then I've been super horny 24/7. Why?

I'm watching the national weightlifting competition right now and we're on the deadlift part. Everyone are sumo lifting, isnt that cheating?

Is sleep directly related to how well you can lift?
Because fuck I've been struggling with some lifts this week like I never struggled before. Adding just 2.5kg to my bench press made it seem like I fucking doubled the weight since last time and I don't really understand why. Couldn't even do a full five reps on my very first set while every time before it wasn't even hard to do 5x5.
I've been sleeping like shit this week for whatever reason, like 4-5 hours a day, so I don't know if this could be a factor or not.

Of course it does, many other factors play a part as well. Some days your body will work great, other days not so much. It's natural.

On days where my muscles feel like shit I just bang out as many reps as I can and often skip the last set. On good days I some times add another set

Thoughts on this upper/lower routine Veeky Forums? Gonna be using linear progression, adding weight week to week.

Lower A
Squats - 3x5
RDL - 3x8
Split Squat - 2x8
Leg Curl - 2x8
Straight Calf Raise - 3x12/Ab Work 3x12 superset

Upper A
Bench - 3x5
Chest Supported Row - 3x8
Incline DB Bench - 3x8
Pull-ups - 2x10
Lateral Raise 2x15/Chest Flyes 2x15 superset
Bicep Curls 2x12/Overhead Tricep Ext 2x12 superset

Lower B
Deadlift - 3x5
Leg Press - 3x8
Leg Curl - 2x12
Leg Extensions - 2x12
Calves 3x15/Ab Work 3x15 superset

Upper B
Military Press - 3x5
Lat Pulldown - 3x8
Chest Dips - 3x8
DB Row - 2x10
Face Pulls 2x15/Chest Flys 2x15 superset
Bicep Curls 2x15/Tricep Pressdown 2x15 superset

How important is to get your protein after workout? I have been told that your worked muscle should get protein within 30 minutes after working it out. How true is this, and if it is true, how much does it affect your gains if you get your protein say an hour later?

The "anabolic window" is a wives tale. It is true that protein greatly helps a body recover faster after a workout, but it's not 30 minutes, it's about 5-6 hours or more.

how hard is it to maintain flexibility once you have reached your goal?
how quickly would you loose it if you stopped stretching completely?

don't lift twice in a day, do cardio.

you are using far more muscles for stabilization and whatnot on a bench than you are anchored to the ground for push ups.

eat whatever you want that won't upset your stomach. Drink a lot of water to recover lost fluids.

Count calories fucker, with a food scale. All of you thin idiots claim you "gorge" on food when you maybe eat 2000 calories for a week and then give up.

Push yourself a little more each time. It's about the last step, not the goal.

Maybe your body just wants boipussy

why would it be cheating?

Depends person to person. Some people only need to stretch after a workout, some people need to stretch 3 times a day.

Anyone have that cooking info graph that breaks down into 3 parts. Like use a protein, a base, and a broth then add these veggies in order to make X? It's not in the cooking imgur folder

A protein shake would put you at 3500 with the right ingredients (peanut butter, milk, etc)

I need help Veeky Forums.

I've become really jaded with my lifting over the past few months as i'm not gaining size or strength and I can't really figure out why.

I'm running a push/pull/legs split 4/5 days a week, which worked for me when I first started, but I havn't made any progress on my lifts for ages.

My diet is fine, i'm eating at a surplus, potentially I don't get enough protein.

I'm not sure whether its a body getting too used to the exercises i'm doing thing, or a needing to eat more thing, or whatever.

Should I stop lifting for a while? Do bodyweight stuff?

Anyone been through the same thing?

I want to follow a actual program after doing a year of fuckingarounditis.

Got this one from Eric Helms' book and added 5th upper body hypertrophy on saturday (following the book orientations). My goal is looking good.

Is it good?

Monday (Upper body strength)
> Bench Press : 4x4-6
> Row : 3x6-8
> Incline DB Press 3x6-8
> Weighted Chin-up : 3x6-8
> Lying Triceps Extension : 3x8-12
> Face Pull : 3x8-12
> Preacher Curl : 3x8-12 SS Wrist Reverse Curls + Finger Rolls : 3x8-12

Tuesday (Lower body strength)
> Squats : 4x4-6
> Leg press : 3x8-12
> Good Mornings : 3x8-12
> Calf Raises: 3x8-12

Thursday (Upper body hypertrophy)
> OHP : 3x8-12
> Pull-downs : 3x8-12
> Bench Press : 3x8-12
> Rows: 3x8-12
> Chest Flies (cable) : 2x12-15
> Lying Triceps Extensions : 2x12-15
> Face Pulls : 2x12-15
> Preacher Curls : 2x12-15 SS Wrist Reverse Curls + Finger Rolls : 2x12-15

> Deadlift : 4x4
> Leg press : 3x8-12
> Leg Curls : 3x8-12
> Calf Raises : 4x8-12

Saturday (Upper body hypertrophy)
> OHP : 4x8-12
> Rows : 4x8-12
> Chest Flies (cable) : 4x12-15
> Lying Triceps Extensions : 4x12-15
> Face Pulls: 4x12-15
> Preacher Curl : 3x12-15 Wrist Reverse Curls + Finger Rolls : 4x12-15

Progression on main compounds: 2kg/week upper body (bench and rows); 4kg/week for lower body (squat and dl). Accessory movements weights go up every time 4x12 all sets across.

I'd also add to this I am pretty weak in general, I can't do a full 8 rep set of pull ups for example. Should I move to a calisthenics routine?

Yet another victim of mark rippetoe

Your body might have adapted to the stimulus and you need to change it up a bit.

Does that need to be an extreme change up in my case? because i'm not making ANY progress and haven't been for months

how stupid is trying to lift and train for a marathon in november?

always been a runner, but i don't even know how going down this road will impact explosiveness, etc.

looking for any tips, i guess

Get a sick tattoo on it

I eat pic related and i feel full as fuck.

Someone suggested 4 tbsp olive oil and some water just to get that last 500 kcal

Alright guys, I take anti-depressants and one of them, (mirta to be exact) causes me to have horrible eat-flashes, where I get this idea in my head that I'm starving and I run around the house desperately shoveling food in my mouth. I have pretty good discipline, but it just eclipses everything else.

What I really need is something filling but low calorie, even if it's literal cardboard. I've gained a lot of weight since I started taking them, but I can't stop taking them, either. Help?

I'd like to add that I've looked up this kind of stuff, and I've heard good things about tomatoes, but it doesn't work for me. I've tried coffee and cigarettes too, but I'm in a slump, and the longer that it lasts, the worse it gets.

how the fuck do you have a pec missing

How much will missing a week of gym affect my gains if I'm cutting?

Guys, WTF???
I have been working out regularly and recently my pull up count went from 10 in the first set to barely 5, whats going on? I have been eating, I have been resting (in fact had like 3 weeks off work), I do like 5, 5 and after that I am finished, can barely do another 5 with rest between each one

wtf is going on????????

Does anyone have pictures with the outcome of training upper pecs more than lower pecs and lower more than upper?

Your wife's cunt stinks.

how do you lock your shoulders on the snatch? Its the only thing stopping me from going into a oly routine.
I can ohp 80lbsX5 with no problem, Is it enough strength for the snatch lock position?

bout to lock my jaw on your wife's snatch

>tfw no wife, much less gf

Feeling very depressed, Veeky Forums. Lost my programming job a few months ago and realised I absolutely hate programming. I have no qualifications and no skills other than programming.

Thinking about maybe becoming a PT.


Oh. Well this cunt whose pussy I'm about to take a bite of keeps saying she knows you.

You're seriously asking for a tip? You didn't even do anything, you just asked us a question. At this point it's just panhandling.

stick with programming. nobody loves their job, at least not every day. have some discipline


There's a difference between dislike and hate. I understand you man, but I really fucking hate it

don't stick dick in crazy brah

Should i be bulking if im 196 pounds and weightlift 3 times a week? Or will that just make me more fat than muscle? I just want to be bearmode.

I'm around 15% right now and I feel like a fat kunt

Pls respond

Alright Ive been noticing my jogs and runs have become shit since I started to cut more calories. I just think I havent been eating right. Whats a 200 to 400 calorie breakfast I can have to make sure I push back to 4 miles.

if I ride my roadbike so hard I get plenty of doms in my whole legs an ass , can I skip legday ?

Just starting to lift, what program can I do with barbells, adjustable benches, power racks, pullup bars, and dip bars?

Went from 300 to 225 with just diet and cardio, still cutting hard but I want to add lifting so I don't look absolutely Auschwitz tier when I lose the rest of the fat.

How long can you wait out an infection before it starts damaging you permanently? I have one but it's barely noticeable so I skimped on the doctor.

New guy, starting out with cardio. Should I go and jog everyday? Or like every exercise should I take rests every other day?

You can do just about any beginner barbell program with that setup. Get a copy of Practical Programming for the layout of Starting Strength, and if you need information on form, get a copy of Starting Strength (the book) as well. It's a good beginner program. It has Chins/Pullups in the actual program, just not in the first stages where you're learning the big lifts. If you like Dips you can add them when you start doing Chins, do the Dips on the days you don't do the Chins/Pullups.

You can do the back extensions with just the bench, you hook your feet to brace yourself. Look on YouTube.

You can also do the Cleans without having bumper plates, you just have to learn to lower the weights properly. Rippetoe has a video on this called "the iron plate problem" or something similar, and Catalyst Athletics has a video on this as well. If you don't want to do Cleans for whatever reason, substitute something similar like Stiff-Leg Deadlifts (see the Catalyst Athletics site for video form), DO NOT DO ROWS because Rows are upper-body only whereas the Cleans (and the Stiff-Leg Deads) are for the entire posterior chain.

Seriously though, that group of equipment, you can do EVERYTHING you need to do.

Also, congrats on your progress thus far.

Put more carbs around the run itself. May not need more total daily calories, though. Experiment with what you can tolerate in your stomach while running. Maybe a big bagel? 230-ish for Lenders' cinnimon raisin bagel.

How hard are you running? As a beginner who is jogging or trotting and not going more than a couple of miles, maybe everyday if that's all or most of what you're doing (I'd throw in some pushups and situps and pullups a few times a week). If you get more advanced and run everyday, the people who do that will alternate intensity, usually 2-3 HARD runs (speed work, long runs, fast runs of medium distances) and the other days are "garbage miles" or what runners call "recovery runs" at slow pace for not very long.
OTOH if you're lifting weights and doing cardio, keep the cardio short like 30 mins and 2-3x a week at most.

Pick a top and bottom level of fatness, bulk to one, cut to the other. For most people, that means "cut to abs, bulk 'til they go away." Pick what you like.

Start with the bar. Cal Strength has some tutorials where Glenn Pendlay walks you through it. You want to be practicing overhead squatting with the bar after every rep of snatch, and one thing that helped me with shoulder flexibility is clean-grip oh squats, you won't make the bottom right away but it will help.

It's been my experience that pullups and chinups drop reps from set to set more than most exercises, especially barbell exercises. IDK why but it seems to happen to a lot of people.

Not running very hard, but as someone who's new to fitness my body does feel pretty sore. I might start with running every other day, and try to go harder.

Well, I got a toothpick in my finger, and about a month later the doctor said they need to start antibiotics, or the infection would start eating my bones away.

So, if it's infection, don't fuck around.

I also know a story about this lady who got scratched by her cat, and when she went to the doctor they admitted her and said if she had come just a few hours later, they'd have had to take the hand.

How to prevent inguinal hernia? Never had any problems when squatting or dling. Still afraid this might happen some day....

Every time I go for a run, squat, or deadlift I feel sore on the inside of my knees.

It's not painful, it's more like I'm aware of them and it annoys me, like they're getting inflamed but without any actual pain.

I know for a fact my form for all three of those things are good, so I'm wondering if I'm always just supposed to feel it a bit afterwards.

5'9 165lbs, runs are usually ~18 mins, squat 3pl8 for 5 reps dead 4.5pl8 for 5 reps.

Do I need to lower my body fat to get rid of fat curls at my elbows or is it genetics/lack of muscle. I know it's autistic, but I have been insecure about them for a long time and I feel like I can't bulk till I am rid of them.
Calipers and tape measure put me at 9-10% but it's probably more like 12-13%

Alright so before a run eat a banana or a bagel, alright.


Will caffine and creatine have a negative impact on me when combined as a pre-workout?

If i'm cutting at a 500 calorie deficit per day, and also exercise (average about an hour of moderate intensity cycling a day, plus a weightlifting workout) then will I be losing muscle mass as well as fat? I am about 16-18% bf, 6'2" and about 178lb. Basically what's the optimum for losing the extra fat, should I be doing TDEE+exercise=500 above total intake?

Also when cutting how much protons a day do i need, I don't have any powder here but I'm eating eggs and tuna and lean chicken quite a lot. I know 0.8-1g per lb of lean mass is the standard for bulkan but for cutting is it the same?

Cheers lads

Is my routine dope or what (PPLPPLR)

pullup, pullover, curl
push press, BNP, triceps ext
snatch grip DL, bulgarian split squat, decline weighted crunch
row, face pull, curl
bench, DB bench, triceps ext
front squat, calf raise, barbell hip thrust

>tfw around 25-24

change your routine up, still stick with a split but for each major muscle group (chest, back etc) do completely different exercises. Try using heavy DBs instead of machines, maybe swap OHP with barbell to using DBs instead, that kind of thing. this can help stimulate the muscles in different ways and make up for bits where they've got used to one specific exercise.

also eat like a motherfucker, add 500 cals to your surplus, maybe you're burning more than you think. if that doesn't work add another 500 cals. shovel lean protons and peanut butter and bananas and whole milk and nuts and oats into your face until you start to gain weight.

Anyone else lift stark naked while listening to porn? Is this healthy? Am I a complete degenerate?

Will drinking alot of water make me put on weight?
I am asking because recently I started drinking alot of water (2l a day) and I already put on 3 kg

Want to start making protein powder

Whats a good cheap recipe for it if I buy in bulk online of course?

you are a retard, no one does that, you only posted it because you wanted a reaction, fuck (YOU)

Won't I stall really quickly if I'm cutting though?

Yes, water weight is a thing.

I heard that my grandfather didn't weight enough to join the navy, so he ate a lot of bananas and drank a lot of water and was able to get in. Skelly genes ftw

Obviously you want to be able to 1 rep the bar.

Later you should be able to do a full set.

Haven't used my fitness pal in 4 years due to a car accident and broken.

It's now full of useless shit and ads to upgrade to their monthly service.

Any good alternatives?

Typically it's harder to progress on a caloric deficit than on a surplus but you've got two things going for you. You're a beginner, and still overfat, so you'll make progress for quite a while anyways.

Whey powder from a bakery shop.

stupid question but can you explain gomad to me.

Then just buy cheap isolate online and creatine if I want to go that route? Any idea on portions ?

How long did it take for you to see results when cutting?

I'm 6'2" 178 lbs rn and I cut down from 188 and can't really see any difference, other than losing 10lbs on my bench press

I don't want to lose anymore strength (I lost the first 7 or so pounds in a week so it was likely water weight) and I am getting more than enough protein in my diet everyday.

i am a hungry skeleton who has a job with rotating shifts.

I want to start getting fit but idk what types of gyms are open 24/7 and are reputable.

what are some recommendations?