How exactly do cheat days work? If I eat say 10,000 calories in one day, all of it shit...

How exactly do cheat days work? If I eat say 10,000 calories in one day, all of it shit, won't the workout the next week basically be pointless?

now im craving pizza even more you faggot, thanks

unless you go ham in the gym on your cheat day, then yesh

Cheat days are shit.

I have a "relaxed day" where I allow myself to have a little snack here and there. Usually it's just a croissant with my coffee and maybe a piece of cake. Sometimes I have a pizza on that day, but usually it's just more clean food.
To me, clean food tastes awesome, even having it every day, so a whole day dedicated to eating crap seems pointless to me.

You must have always been thin.

Cheat days work because unless youre a turbo autist you will still enjoy the occasional indulgence
>wont working out be pointless
Why would working out ever be pointless? If youre cutring cheating just slows it down. If your bulking then itll add a little more fat. Unless youre cheating way too often the difference is totally negligible.

I assume a cheat day is useful if ones glycogen is empty, they've achieved a low body fat % and is feeling run down at the gym. And I thought it was cheat meal, not cheat meals in one day?

And says. Now I'm craving pizza too faggot op

When youre as big as the rock you get cheat weeks

Summer is here boys.

No, the calories make you gain weight. Some of it as muscle in caloric surplus, but mostly fat. Lifting weights builds muscle and eating a pizza won't change that.

is it just me who doesn't want 'cheat meal food? I just wanna eat like 8 meals of chicken + rice, beef + rice, tuna plus rice

like could easily eat 10k calories of the above, and all the 'cheats' i'd want is some beer and cheese

I just hate constantly feeling hungry on a cut

Having cheat meals hampers gains. It's just an excuse for weak-willed faggots to gorge on food.

without feeling guilty about it

I miss not having to cook. I wish I could hire a personal chef.

>hampers gains
It might hamper your cut but your mussells will be fine

My cheat meals are mostly composed of alcoholic beverages, I don't know if I'm gonna make it

what you mean breh? Not the same dude but I never have craving for huge amounts of stuff. Is it because fat people used to eat so much and require more discipline in their diet?

Rice is not a clean food, it's basically pasta in terms of nutritional value. Pure laziness.

I love cooking
just need a professional dishwasher

it's hardly junk food, it's just a starch

I think he means most people who got fat started young (thanks, parents) and are hardwired to like sweet stuff and the junkfood. So they get more cravings than people who've always just had a small appetite eating standard stuff.

>giving shit about what you eat

Surely if I eat 10,000 calories as a one off my body ain't gonna store it all. Don't you just shit out all the surplus?



A cheat meal once a week is like smoking a single cigarette once a day; you're better off without it

Yeah that's what I meant.

Your body is insanely efficient

My body is insanly effecient at fucking your mom nerd

My cheat day:
>make pizza: 2400kcal, 140g protein
>eat it over the day
>have a slice of cheesecake with coffee in the morning
>drink a couple glasses butter milk or coke with pizza
>total of 3000kcal and 150g of protein

Hit my calories allowance, ate enough protein, got some decent micronutrients, just a tad too much salt and saturated fat. Still managed to indulge my taste for "trash food."

Either that or I eat my regular diet and eat an extra pastry or make a peanutbutter sandwich without worrying about it. As long as you know to not make it a regular thing there is absolutely nothing bad about it.

I'm trying to lose weight so my cheat day is pizza day at work where I get a single slice of pizza instead of the two I always used to get plus I drink a can of Perrier instead of pop. Still factor it into my calories and stay under my 1500 cals, the cheat was just eating a slice of pizza instead of my usual lunch of chicken/veg/pickled egg

Cheat days where you go over your maintenance isn't cheating, it's gains goblining yourself

>Cheat days where you go over your maintenance isn't cheating, it's gains goblining yourself
You mean to say that people should never eat above maintenance? Sorry, but that's stupid.

Depends on how old you are

You mean like a dishwasher

Cheat days are used to stop your body from adapting to your diet and for a mental break. My cheat days are days when I go out to eat and eating clean isn't feasible. I'll usually have something like a pizza, dessert, and some alcohol. If possible, I try to go out to splurge on something clean like sushi.

This weekend I am going to a coworker's house and I don't want to be an autist so I'll eat whatever is being served there. It will be my cheat meal for the week.

How the fuck is your maintenance 3000kcal?

I'm 6'2", 188lbs, lift in the morning, and do cardio in the evening, and I maintain at ~1700.

How do I unlock higher metabolism mode?

how many carbs is considered low carb where you have to consider glycogen depletion assuming you do no cardio

>cheat days


Read lyle mcdonalds guide to flexible dieting

tl;dr when you feel like cheating, do it. Just in moderation. Staving off the craving can lead to binge eating, it's easier and more supportive to concede a small portion and bounce back.

Not him but yes. It's designed that way.

nigger I'm 6'2" 183, still pretty skinny and if I get less than like 2400 I start to lose weight. It's shit.

just do IF. you'll be able to eat a cheat meal every single day.

saturday a girl at work (she sells supplements on the side, always carries a shaker, etc) was talking about how you can't outflift bad eating and how you can't ever eat shitty food if you want a good body.

just rose my hand and said "I eat bad food every single day". I look like I lift more than her or anyone else in her group, so that shut her up right away. one guy said "yeah, some people don't have a great metabolism like you". I told his I used to weight 119kg, something a guy who knew me from back then confirmed. it was like they found out Jesus wasn't real or something. they just stopped talking.

I didn't mention I do IF, because broscience faggots are unable to understand insulin. they think their muscles will disappear if they don't eat multiple times a day, and the best part is they don't understand why they're still chubby.

145lbs 6'1'' here. My maintenance is ~4000kcal

But then again I'm a competitive cyclist, so I burn about 2500kcal in one session.

Anyhow, my "cheat" days are meaningless, since I have to eat a lot on normal days to get to my calorie count. Usually I eat peanut butter with a spoon or put it on stuff to reach it. There is no real cheat day for me.

this. if you're used to eating at most 3K calories a day, and you suddenly triple or quadruple it, your body is not going to store the excess 7-9K calories as fat.
People saying otherwise are self-resenting fatties who can't tolerate anyone not eating bland food every day of their life.

>You must have always been thin.
this is what fat fucks actually believe.

>calculate calories
>literally never over my cut
>fucking drink every night
>literally getting hammered every night because I hate myself

You're only cheating yourself.

u are a smart user.

>so I burn about 2500kcal in one session.
what are you riding at 450w for an hour?

Depends on the session. Some longer rides at lower %FTP (say around 250-300w for 3-4 hours), some I go at around 90%FTP for an hour or a bit longer, but yes I can hold 400w for 45-60minutes and that would be about 1600kcal in one hour

You find it more likely that previously fat people prefer clean foods then?

I find it more likely that he was fat and lost weight by eating healthy foods like everyone on this board.

what do you think about cheat days/cheat meals when cutting?

>can't tolerate anyone not eating bland food every day of their life.

Who can? I'd rather just eat less good tasting food than the right amount of awful bland shit.

Do you count calories from your alcohol?


Nah man cravings are almost entirely controlled by the composition of your gut flora. If you're used to eating well, you'll want to continue eating well because you get acclimated to things like eating a ton of veggies and shit so sugary foods, for me personally, just become sort of unpleasant.

Matey I'm doing IF and it's still kinda hard
But I am cutting hard and eat only 1750 cals when tdee is 2400cals
Just a few kgs away from weight goal

A cheat day that is basically a 'more relaxed' day is fine. Eating as much as you can possibly eat for the whole day is not good.

>cheat days

How about just eat a reasonable amount of calories every single day so you never feel the need to have a cheat day to begin with.....not to mention a higher average caloric intake will lead to far greater performance in the gym and gains....meanwhile cheat days just lead to stupid amounts of bodyfat gains in a very short period of time.

Ex 300lb big boi here, don't do cheat days. Being stupid enough to do cheat days before I actually got the little fat boy in me to want oatmeal for breakfast is why I've only lost 60 pounds in the past few years.

thank you for worrying about us

>so sugary foods, for me personally, just become sort of unpleasant.
I hardly even touch soda anymore, all the sugar just makes me want to vomit

best food

I don't think my cheat days even have more calories, it's just not as strict. I don't find typical fast food that appetizing and I enjoy cooking my own food.

For cheat days I go all out and buy some expensive steak or something for dinner, or spend a lot of money on high grade tuna and make Sushi

As a former fattie this is what I do. Having full on cheat days would be a quick way to become fat again.


>tfw worked 6 days this week
>working 6 days next week
I'm in the process of getting fucked up today

Former fattie here, my maintenance is 3300.

I'm 177 cm and weigh 80 kg.

This. I used to eat snacks every day, bullshit like sugary cookies. Now I don't even crave them when someone offers one.

They don't work for 99.99% of the population.


Fatfuck SS IIFYM retards literally believe this.

Cheat MEALS are for sub 9% bodyfat competing bodybuilders and models.

You DO NOT DESERVE a cheat meal, let alone a cheat day if you're above 10% bf.

Yes. This. Agreed.

This is total fucking nonsense.

"just do IF. you'll be able to eat a cheat meal every single day."

So if I ate absolutely nothing everyday except a pizza I'd be in great shape?

I think not.

" you can't outflift bad eating "

^^^ that's a really good line imma remember that

Ya really fast food makes my stomach all distended and terrible feels all over

>you'll be able to eat a cheat meal every single day
lmao nah bro. Micros > Macros

Unless your eating a diversity of veges, mushrooms, fruits, fish/meats, etc etc you won't be hitting your micros. You can still gain muscles and "look" fit/strong but you're not even remotely healthy. IF doesnt change this.

Protip: girls DGAF about 'muscles'. They care about individuals who display signs/traits of health. Being born with healthy CHAD genetics is 90% of it but the rest is diet/lifestyle. NOT wasting time in a room lifting heavy objects that have been touched by THOUSANDS of other sweaty incels.

So you believe that none of those people ever go to the gym and were just born with perfect genes.

Perhaps you should go to

post body :^)

check my cheat meal, boys

>Cheat meal

Fucking terrible. Looks like a normal/healthy meal.


>drink a couple glasses butter milk
do people actually do this?

I do a cheat day once every 2 months, only because it helps keep me sane and my regular diet is already really really strict.

Otherwise every 2 weeks I recomp so I can have a little more than I usually do and iron out some cravings.

I don't get this. I had 3 pieces of KFC and 3 beers last night, and I was still under my 2900 maintenance. Granted, not health food, but what the fuck are you guys eating on your cheat days that totally wreck your caloric intake? (It's so much easier if you just avoid pop at all costs.)

Way to completely miss the point of his post, retard.

>2900 maintenance

are you 270 pounds

Shut the fuck up you tool.

I'm 83kg and maintain on 3k with 45minutes of cardio everyday. I only lift 3 times a week.

Been cutting really hard and doing lots of cardio. Today was my younger brothers birthday and I've eaten shit with him all day, feel so dissapointed in myself.

I'm a big guy for you.

6'4 230 and actually work out.

Not trying hard enough. My maintenance is around 4000 calories.

>go ham

Guess how I know you're under 18

>girls DGAF about 'muscles'.
No, but they really like them.
>They care about individuals who display signs/traits of health.
In today's society muscles are still considered the best visual indicator of this.

As in the appliance that washes your dishes, friend

ate 2 mcchickens (no mayo) and 4 chicken nuggets today

off to the gym I go for an hour of cardio Dx

>800 calories

Expanding this image gave me a stomach ache.