>20 years old
> 6'3
>150 lbs
>always been a skeleton
>my chest never had any fat or muscles on it
>my whole upper body is weak
>dont eat shit, because Im just not hungry. >probably the skelliest skelly who ever visited this board
I just don't want to be normal. Should I go with SS+gomad, or is it just a meme?
Its almost like you dont drink anything besides milk for 2-3 month.
20 years old
I drink 2 litres of milk, and rest is food. I started at ~176 and after four months was up to 183
I would be happy with the 176. Even if it wouldnt be 100% muscle
Go mad is made for people like you
You don't HAVE to do a full gallon of milk a day. What I would do is find out what relatively high calorie/high protein foods you like eating, and as long as they aren't completely nutritionally barren eat more of them (eg it's a lot easier for some people to drink 2l of chocolate milk than regular milk, or some people really like chicken and hate pork and vice versa). I'd do strict Starting strength programming for squats and deadlifts DESU, and add two or three pyramid sets down for BP and OHP as well as the usual chinups every session.
Bump for interest.
How to not be a skeleton? Is it possible to have an adult like body within 6 months or less
I'm 6 feet and weight roughly 134 lbs.
It's going to take work. I was 6ft 142lbs at the end of april, I'm 153lbs now. You have to start by making sure you eat at least 3 real meals a day, snack in between, lift, drink water, and sleep. If I slow down my eating I drop weight fast. There is no quick fix, you have to change your relationship with food. I look at food as a way to get my sexy body.
>chocolate milk
That's what finally started working for me. I can drink a half gallon a day no problem. Couldn't do that with regular milk and peanut butter made my shits greasy.
As a skelly (6'3 also) who gained just over 25lbs in the last 6 months here is my tips:
1. Lift heavy - isolation exercise will not work for you
2. Eat high calorie foods,don't sate yourself with sweets or sweet drinks
3. You will increase your amount slowly, don't try to FORCE yourself
4. When you feel full, eat 20% more (or jsut to the brink of feeling sick)
5. You absoulutely must get at LEAST 8 hours a sleep a night
6. Eat fast, eat off a big plate, eat with a spoon to save time and trick your brain
7. Its a lot easier to drink calories than to eat them, drink your proton shakes AFTER meals
How do you sleep 8 hours per night? I go to sleep when Im tired wake up 4-5 hours later. I try to take naps but it doesnt work. I never fall asleep.
>tfw too poor to even do gomad
You need to lift, your body will sleep longer when it has more work to do.
Well I wake up at 6AM every day, do yoga (helps with my terrible back pains I used to get from lifting while being as flexible as a granite cube), go to work, go to gym after work, at 10pm I am already passing out.
If you are lifting it will make you tired as fuck and you should sleep fine. I also supplement zinc and if I remember it helped me sleep peacefully a ton in the start.
I had the exact same stats five years ago. Now I am 210lbs. Never did Gomad. Just eat a lot of food and occasionally fill up the remaining calories for the day in liquid form, by a tall glass of milk or a protein shake. Over time you will find dishes that you can eat a lot of wirhout getting too full so don't worry about some strict eating regimes like Gomad.
Training wise, do more volume than SS. I started with Stronglifts 5x5 to learn the movements and switched to a full body plan with 7-8 excercises a day.
God speed user! Remember eating is more important than training and gaining size more important than staying lean and seeing muh abs.
yo dawg. I went from 115lbs to 200lbs 17% bf .
this is now a competition on how much you can eat.
and workout
I do lift. My squat went up from 165 to 205 3x6 in just the last two months. Im tired as fuck all day every day but never sleep more than 4-5 hours
SS+livid lactose may have achieved meme status, but genuinely is a panacea for the longtime skelly.
Why do you want to go from one shitty extreme to another? Just fucking eat normally.
>Im tired as fuck all day every day but never sleep more than 4-5 hours
See a doctor, you shouldn't be tired all day
Drink milk and eat as much as you can
I was downing like 2-3l of milk a day for a while and in 7 months i went from 174lbs to 203lbs and im 6'3 like you. And its pretty much all muscle, im like 13-15% bodyfat.
eat as much as you can and then drink a bunch of milk on top of it. Start with a liter per day and see if you can up the intake in the second week.
>probably the skelliest skelly who ever visited this board
Prove it bitch
>3. You will increase your amount slowly, don't try to FORCE yourself
>4. When you feel full, eat 20% more (or jsut to the brink of feeling sick)
Melatonin pills, earplugs, not playing on my phone before bed
I will, but im just too ashamed of it right now.
I will probably use just the rod for the most of the excersises.. for a while atleast.
Gomadders drink milk at the gym too?
i'm drinking peanutbutter/protein powder/full fat milk/ oats/ build up powder (vitamins/low sugar calories)
each shake is over 1000 calories and i drink 2 or 3 a day on top of my meals...
i've put on a stone in a couple of weeks
don't drink AT the gym, just before and after, buy some protein powder and just eat calorie dense foods that arent sugar or saturated fast food shit
unless you're retarded you should be able to force the food down, you're simply not eating enough, i was like you once, but i started drinking my calories, trick your body.