Based Clarence deadlifts 330kg with hook grip.
What can I do to get ridiculously high numbers with hook grip without feeling like my thumbs are going to break in two?
Based Clarence deadlifts 330kg with hook grip.
What can I do to get ridiculously high numbers with hook grip without feeling like my thumbs are going to break in two?
Keep DLing with hook grip retard
>What can I do to get ridiculously high numbers with hook grip without feeling like my thumbs are going to break in two?
you don't because you're a fucking white numale. only superior black men can deadlift correctly
Can't even do 140kg hook grip without it hurting like hell. Would tape help?
Is Clarence Asian? Half? Doesent look Irish
>What can I do to get ridiculously high numbers with hook grip without feeling like my thumbs are going to break in two?
practice you mong
half Filipino
how about you hold the weight with your actual forearms. grip strength has enormous potential but everyone around here is just too fucking lazy to develop it
Clarence been doing it for more than 10 years.
Just keep at it. Do Smolov or some shit.
Basically this
Horrible advice
Doing it correctly usually makes it painless but every once in a while my thumb explodes even with baby weight
Clarence is ugly as fuck.
Just LOL @ these Gymcels.
Post face and body you pussy
Seriously I bet you're ugly and abusing the fact that you're user
Haha, I don't need to.
This gymcel cope is too much. I'm laughing a lot.
I'm attractive and engaged to a cutie. Nothing to prove here you're just an ugly cunt reveling in the fact that nobody can hold you accountable. I'm giggling here at your insecurity at trying to drag someone else down
I miss when Veeky Forums built people up more often. /r9k/ has ruined this place.
Are you talking about me calling user out or user laughing at based Clarence0?
Hit me with riddles or whatever my dude just don't evade the question
Not that other guy but you're fucking creepy. And so is Dino. Both of you please kill yourselves.
Literally no dude
Regret making that post. I was just poking fun.
Sorry bud my nerves are on end because of my niece
What's up with your niece? I haven't followed you since you left plg.
Is the Facebook chat still a thing? Why haven't you all come back since the dragon was slayed?
Hook grip feels perfectly natural to me these days but that wasn't always the case. All I did was hook grip every deadlift and barbell row, even outside of the gym; Grocery bags, gym bags, lawn mower etc... If I do a normal grip heavy deadlift today it just slips out of my hand.
IIRC George Leeman hook grip deadlifted 900lbs and he does stupid amounts of rows with many variations, so I guess just train all your muscle groups for it and use hook grip for them.
>following tripfags
Fuck you faggot. Enablers like you are worse than the trips
I second this post.
You are a child and this is a tantrum
Just whiney toddler being a little shit. Nothing monumental. I haven't been lifting lately due to school and injury not related to lifting. Be back in the gym and plg in a couple weeks after these vacations
Don't northern white men have the heaviest dead lifts in the world you ugly cuck
Clarence isn't ugly, dude. Genuinely ugly people are few and far between.