/FAT/ General

Ooh Piece of Candy Edition

>Previous Thread
>Who is /fat/ for?
Fat members of Veeky Forums who want to lose weight
>Even though it is easier to ask, ignore the read the sticky fags
>This is not QTDDTOT, ask questions about fat loss but use that thread for general questions
>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy (Gonna need waist/neck measurements)
>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
>Plan your weight loss week by week
>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal, works best on smartphones

mandatory reading for newbies

Other urls found in this thread:


How many calories are in water? I'm on the water diet.



Afraid not nigga :)

>inb4 you delete your post

Ive made ricotta and spinach cannelloni, they come up to 60cal each, very filling and tasty desu.



End of day 1.

Aside from a 5k run, no other exercise today.
Ate 2 scoops protein, a protein bar and a shitload of metamucil. Plus 2 pears.

And now I go to sleep. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

H plus O

>mother and I agree that I will make baked chicken strips/fingers/tendies (What ever you want to call them) tonight for dinner
>go out and see a friend
>return home
>so keen to bake that chicken and eat it
>open door
>mother has already cooked all the chicken
>fried it all with too much spice & too much salt
>ask where are the vegetables
>I didn't cook any
>you don't like them
>ended up eating some of the fried chicken because that's all that I could eat tonight

I don't get it

So if I got a bit of strangely tough tissue beneath my man tits, that's gyno then? My tits have decreased in size by a lot since I've lost weight but now I'm worried I'll end up keeping them by the time i get to my goal weight.

Doing ok. Averaging 1450-1500 calories a day. Upped my workouts from 3 days a week to 7 days a week.

lost 30 lb since february. averaging about a lb to a 1.5 lb a week.

5'8.5 ~24% bf


Nothing to confess here. Kept under 1000 calories the whole week.

Fry some garlic in a tablespoon of olive oil, add fresh spinach (300grams for me)
When sweated remove from heat and try to squeeze as much of the liquid as possible.
Chop them and add to the ricotta (250 grams) and 20 grams of Parmesan.
Boil cannelloni pasta and fill up with the ricotta mix.
I made 17 cannelloni total, served with tomato sauce on top and some more cheese, bake in the oven until the cheese is golden.

moms are the meanest gains goblins.

Sticking to my diet on a trip sucks but I'm feeling good. Haven't gone over once this week even with all the excess food and drinks around.

thanks user you inspired me to do something similar with spinach and vegan cheese, but I am afraid I can't eat too much carbs from the pasta.
What's the macros for one cannelloni ?
I'm trying to think of other carb free alternatives to cannelloni pasta, preferably vegan any advice is most welcomed!

I actually raged pretty damn hard. I'd waited all damn day for my baked chicken strips and she goes and fucks things up for me.

Cabbage rolls? Here are the macros.

I know, user, my mom does the same thing. Matter of fact I had saved a celery for making vegan lentil stew yesterday night, and when I get to cooking in the kitchen it's all gone. I ask where it is, she says she made some sort of flour based carbloaded traditional third world soup with the macros of a fast food meal combo drink included. Protip mom, it's not because you throw in a couple celery branches in there that it's going to be healthy. Whatever man, I am moving out soon anyway and I won't have to deal with this shit anymore. It's not like I don't cook for myself and buy my own groceries, it's that there are literal goblins raiding the fridge to loot my gains on a daily basis. My brother is guilty of that too. I always keep a water bottle to get cold in the fridge at all time to rotate when I finish one. He comes along the other day, can't be fucked putting one for himself, and takes the water bottle to bring it to his room. I put my foot down and said, hey I am saving this bottle to drink I need it, and proposed to give him half of it in a jug because I am nice. it's like I live in a fucking barn where everyone serves themselves only, no one has the fucking consideration to think, hmm who put this bottle/celery here? do they need it? are they looking forward to consuming it?

fat fucks

oh wow, I expected much more carbs for a serving, I could realistically eat three servings and not fall out of ketosis. I won't consume any more than that since I will probably have to share with my family, and by sharing I mean them eating a decent amount at dinner, then sneaking into the kitchen late night to scarf the whole 10 servings left in a binge. so realistically I will have 3 servings of it. I don't care really because I love cooking more than eating in some sense.

I just thought of this, but isn't freezing cola zero like the best summer treat for dieting that exists?

No. No it is not. Not in the slightest.

Yeah, make coke ice cubes and put them in the blender. Its like a sluhy

I recomend serving them with tomato sauce, you could use bechamel sauce ( and it could potentially go better together) but it adds too many cals and carbs

Had texas toast instead of just buns on a meal from Waffle House, knowing it would put me over my calorie limit.

Spent another 30 minutes on my bike though to make up for it.

thanks for the tip, I was going to go with tomato sauce on instinct, but the taste profile alliance with bechamel got me thinking I could experiment a bit more.

I miss mah snacks.

t. on a strict diet for 1 month

I had two slices of garlic bread with my dinner last night father wojak.

what's for breakfast/lunch/dinner lads and lassies?

I just had a wiener simply because my sister left it on the counter. I don't even like them.

oats and milk
chicken, rice and mixed veggies

I just had a 1500kcal breakfast.

Oats for brekkie. Was gonna have some tuna too but I opened the packet and it smelled wretched. Gotta pick up more swimmin fish of gains at the store. I plan on having 850 calories to blow on dinner with the bf tonight, but I dunno what we're doing.

Done eating for tonight. No idea what I'll eat tomorrow. Actually really want to try Salmon. But don't know where I'd find any in this shitty town.

I snuck in some extra carb by eating a fist of white rice and little bit of french long bread.

Breakfast: Chobani yogurt drink, 200 kcal
Lunch: package of tuna and can of soup, 400 kcal
Dinner:reheated shrimp and pasta, portioned out to 600 kcal
Snack: 22 oz of strawberries, 200 kcal

nice! what kind of soup ?

so don't eat it , make your food

How about a big salad ;) ? You'd save a lot of calories and feel full faster and for longer! What do you think you'll be having?

She fried it all you dumb ass.
There was enough chicken to me 4-5 meals worth and she fried it all.

>your mom's internal reaction as she knew completely what she was doing and how she'd ruin your day.

O-only 20kg left


that a picture of your mom ?
no but on a serious note, user, unless you're like pic related, you have no reason to have eaten that fried chicken.

i had a piece of bread and it knocked me out of ketosis. sigh going to have to fast for 3 days to get back in

I am really starting to believe there is /chad/ facial aesthethics under the remaining fat, I reached about 19% bodyfat and my cheek bones are already showing as bare bones + when I clench my jaw I look like a fucking pitbull

Alright lads, I have no fucking self control. I was at 1k cal and only had 500 cal to eat yet I fucking binged on cookies and chips. How the fuck am I going to fix this issue? I make up 2000x reasons to eat something and it's killing me.

was it even worth it user? I haven't had bread in months. I don't even recall the taste.

I can control myself, how do you guys do it? I count my calories but somehow always go over the limit. This is the second hellish part minus motivation.

Well if I were just cooking for myself it would be lean meat + stir fried veg + salad. We ate out on Thursday so maybe I'll see if I can convince him to stay in and cook something not terrible for us.

I've been having awful diarrhea on keto. I've been on for about 2 weeks. It just really started today. I'm seriously considering getting off and just doing a normal diet and watching my calories more closely. Especially considering I've barely lost any weight since 4 days ago.

Throw the junk food out user.


I'm going to order a pizza today. I haven't had one in two weeks.

Forgive me padre.

I'll do this and pray I don't buy more. Thanks for the advice user.

>weigh 239 all week, including weigh in day
>finally lose bloat this morning
>weighed in at 235 a moment ago

Typical. I just really wanted to drop that bloat on weigh in day but hey, I should be looking pretty good next week.

you better make it a healthy pizza!


You guys ever have the fear that all the progress you've been seeing on the scale is actually just water weight that will come right back at any moment?

Some of you are so obsessed with shitting...don't you realize you shit less because you eat less and you probably just don't eat enough vegetables?

>option A: eat the chicken
>option B: eat nothing and don't get to eat again until Noon the next day.

Be strong. I'm having those urges as well and I have a house full of junk food I can't get rid of because it belongs to my family.

If I can ignore all these sweets you can too!

I set my calorie goal a bit lower than comfortable. It helps me to try to stick to that limit and if I go over then it isn't that much usually. Being in the red on MFP doesn't bother me though personally..

>tfw want this
>no fishio in housio
>no pepper salad mix

why live

it was one of those layers biscuits with the flaky crust, sometimes during ketosis you need a recarb cheat day, that was my breakfast. its odd how keto cheat days involve like normal healthy stuff regular dieters eat

If you have no self control, don't buy this stuff in the first place ever. Throw out whatever junk you have now, preferably dump everything instead of just throwing the bags in the trash so you aren't tempted to be a fucking raccoon.

When I was a lot fatter I basically had no self control around nearby junk food either, but found it was pretty easy to avoid purchasing bad food in the first place. Fortunately now I have the discipline to occasionally buy this stuff and enjoy it without binging. In time, you can reach this point too.

well we do get to eat the good stuff, in other words the fats most people restrict on.

i'm currently drinking straight gin after losing 21kg, just a night of study break before hopping back on it.

omg, fucking george, i was standing in front of the fridge thinking the same thing

yeah you might take me for a stuffed chicken if you think I'm going to believe there wasn't any other alternative to the fried chicken in your house. Who only has chicken, oil and spices in their house? Nobody.
It's time you start acknowledging that you could have found a way if you really wanted to bad enough, you just were demoralized to find that one of your attempts at bettering yourself was sabotaged by an enabler. I am not saying this to shame you or anything, I want you to realize that you are in the end a master of your own decisions, and you had it in you to resist the fried chicken. Good luck user. Get a minifridge in your room if you have the budget and lock it.

forgot pic related.

>double my bike time today
>don't go at a fast rate, take it kinda easy the whole time
>feel like I've cheated today even though my legs are tired from the duration
>want to get back on and do my normal routine

An odd guilt comes with this new role.

eating shit in the last 48 hours, icecream, cookies and pizza.
always under my tdee but jesus fucking christ, why i do this.
I do have self control but sometimes I can't help and just relapse.

i guess refeeds are necessary.

its canned chicken and noodle soup

/weak/ but want to start doing dead-lifts
Where do I begin?

remember what you're doing it for user.

74 kg from 109 kg in 6 months lads
5 more kgs to go!!! feeling so fucking happy
today ill have a cheat meal in weeks becuase today is the champions league final but im still going to eat in a deficit !!

good luck guys you alll gonna make it

Pick up a weight
Put it down
Pick up a heavier one next time

I ate a bag of microwaved popcorn while stoned last night. I had a netto -600 kcal yesterday, even with the popcorn. But the shame remaines :(

I always assume the first kilos are just water weight ;_;

The bar with 10lb bumper plates.
Don't wear running shoes. Barefoot or converse.
Feet pretty close together.
Literally pick up the bar keeping your arms straight and back straight.
Repeat 200x.
Film yourself for laughs.


>today ill have a cheat meal
No. No. NO.
Seriously, what's wrong with the people here.
Don't cheat. You've worked for 6 damn months. Why fuck things up for one day. Why not keep working are reach your fucking goal earlier? Don't fucking cheat.

How much calorie defficiet did you have?

Fuck this thread I'm going to sleep.

Man fuck that, that's a success. Keep it up.
What a bitch

How tall, lift on the side?

I'm 6 months in too and only lost 14kg. But I also lift so I feel like if I'd eat any less I'd just faint

instead of having 500 calories ill have 800 jesus sometimes you need a cheat meal help when you are stuck i will still be in my calorie deficit
Im not having a cheat day

Fuck. Yesterday was bad. 4 slices of toast with cheese, half an oven pizza, about 15 wedges, a large popcorn and Coke, and a large gravy chip.

Normally happens. Your body runs on carbs your whole life and your body converting to ketosis will usually have short term effect (LBM, Lightheadedness, Keto Flu, etc.) But once you surpass a month or two, you will be reaping the benefits of Ketosis.

The best diet is the one you stick to it religiously. Don't change it every time because you're not seeing results for a week.

taking a cheat day today. my first in 2 months.

going to a party later, i'm, going to drink, i've already had a milkshake and a crispy chicken, and i have a chicken teriyaki footlong waiting for me in the fridge when i get home tonight.

I can't remember why i liked milkshakes. Haven't had one in at least half a year. it was just very filling and sweet and i threw most of it away.
The crispy chicken was dope though. would eat again.

ive yet to experience this, been in keto for a month now, hitting perfect macros lol


even though yesterday was a trainwreck, seeing the empty list of todays calories feels like a clean slate
it's good, the last thing i want is to tell myself I've fucked it and there's no point trying any more

>keep bouncing between 73kg and 75kg
>always weigh myself naked after my morning shower on tuesdays
>posessed by the fear that i'm actually gaining weight and my scale is just broken, and any day now i will try the scale at a friends house and find myself back at 90kg

>so used to coming to /fat/ I type in "fat" instead of "fit"
top kek

Not been feeling good today. Recently been getting really bad mood swings from not eating much, felt practically suicidal yesterday, today in a really bad mood too. My breakfast is 3 protein weetabix, coconut milk, sweetener (o calories). I then wait most of the day for my evening meal of mostly vegetables, which I'm fine with except when I'm out and about. Going anywhere, doing any exercise I get a real bad case of the grumps.