this is what girls want
This is what girls want
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this is what girls want
Did his innards slip into his shorts or why does he look like a pancake in the middle?
i dont think a woman wants to compete with her bf for the slimmest waist
don't know about girls, but that's what I want.
spot the jelly fag
Then he should find a slim gf
I dont think every girl wants this but goddamn every guy wants this
You misspelt faggots
Most roasties would be turned off by that. They prefer the brad pitt/ryan reynolds/ryan gosling body
>They prefer the brad pitt/ryan reynolds/ryan gosling body
nope, not anymore. Looking like Cavill or Hemsworth is the MINIMUM in 2017
The concave stomach goes too far...
it is a pose
Damn should I just give up and settle for men?
can confirm
I'm 100% straight but I'd let him bareback me and breed me no homo
>this is what girls want
I mean, it's not.
But it is what I want.
This is what girls actually want.
>Actually giving a fuck about what girls want and what the "current" sexiest body type to have is.
Women and the media are retarded, they'll fucking shill for anything. Remember the "dad bod" shilling?
You need to ignore them and just lift for the body type you think is perfect
beta bux
>implying it's not for their faces
Chris Pratt, Ryan Reynolds, Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hiddleston, etc are still ranked higher on most sexiest men lists than Cavil and hemsworth no where near top 10.
This - lift for yourself
mate i didn't say i gave a fuck about what women want. I just said it isn't this faggot. i'm just posting in this thread same as you.
>lifting for the body type you think is perfect.
kek thinking you can change your genetics. your bodytype was chosen at birth. can't lift for better insertions
I wish everyone thought like this.
That's my point. Who gives a fuck if this is not what they want. OP is just a retarded fag. As long as the owner of the body is happy with it.
Well once you start improving, I guess not being insecure and accepting the cards you've been dealt also come into play. At the end of the day, you should be satisfied knowing you gave your 100%. Somethings aren't in your control, so fuck it.
tons of guys on reddit rate themselves 7-8 yet they are virgins
They have been inflicted by the numale virus. Only cure is 1/2/3/4. After that you will be able to rate yourself accurately
>numale virus
>implying it's not an incurable disease
lol you forgot to do arms.
This is what girls actually want
Attractive is more than just your face and body. .
It isn't. I just told you how to cure it nigga
>he actually believes sexiest men list is relevant
pic related
It's not even a V-taper anymore, this nigga full on Y-taper
This is unironically what girls want
With that pic do you mean social status and any man that will raise theirs?
>a racist idiot who thought shouting louder made plans go better
Even an ork is better.
>coping this hard
How can non Germans compete?
>How can non Germans compete?
By knowing your not German and that nationality has no connection to personal traits
Plus your level of delusion only comes from being a basement virgin so I get the added satisfaction of being a better person that you.
Im a girl and that pic gives me anxiety. Money is like the dirtiest substance in the world, I don't want it in my nooks and crannies
Oh but I am German.
If you reacted this badly to my first post I wonder how you'll react when I tell you that not only am I German but I'm royalty too.
Go on lad, do your best.
>lying on the internet to save face
My fucking sides
Here is your last (you)
Holy shit, calm down nigger.
How insecure someone has to be to get mad as such a simple joke?
t. mestizo
>not knowing who I am
Sure is summer.
Personality is genetic in large part
Sorry kid
deep fry the jews
Cry more
He's vacuuming
It really isn't actually op, that's taking it a step too far and narrows your choices. Believe it or not this is what trashy girls like who tend to be tatted and chubby.
How do I become an overman, Veeky Forums?
having a slim waist is aesthetic as fuck
if your gf has a bigger waist than you then dump her ass
can confirm
delicate feminine guys > gross veiny bulky guys
SS + Mein Kampf
Those fucking legs. God I wanna ride them all night. Literal urge to rub my scent all over him.
Severely underrated
>didn't have a segregated military, unlike the Allies
I got bad news user...
Even if that would be true, thats not a good thing
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this is what girls want
idk, lets consult with the years 1944 and 1945
Spotted the fatty!
>This is what girls want