Progress thread.
Post progress pics, especially of the first few month after starting lifting.
Progress thread
>1 year of """progress"""
this is fucking disgusting for the amount of time I've spent there, wat do?
Hardcore cutting for the next four weeks starting Monday, I want abs.
Left is at 216lbs and right is at 177lbs. 5'7", 18y/o, lifting seriously for about a year and a half
Dont hardcore cut. Just dont. I did it and lost a lot of muscle mass and now I want to kms, be patient, slow cut, dont fuck yourself up.
That's the main thing I'm worried about
what was travis doing in this scene?
Whats your routine?
What did you look like a year ago? How is your diet?
Photos ~2 years apart
Pregnancy in between them
Still 20lbs to lose
Also how do I fix my spine
I see a progress, it's like your body got more balanced out from lifting because you got wider.
Why did you post the fully clothed picture of you lol I can't even tell
As long as you eat the right amount of calories and do your cardio to shred you'll be fine. Get shredded and you can b the next chad that Veeky Forums is so jelly about
You did good grill. Hope you're not losing weight by eating too less though. For posture put your back against the wall and be aware of your posture.
We don't know what you looked like before so it's hard to tell
8.5 months of lifting
Started at 60kg, now 62
Lifts from start to now (5 reps)
DL: 40kg to 110kg
Bench: 30kg to 57.5 (I want to hit 1 plate next week on tuesday after I pass my university graduation exam)
Squat: 40kg to 72,5kg
I'm slowly getting happy again
Thanks, I'll try that. And don't worry. I'm only eating 500 below my tdee
Before: 200lbs. Always lifted, even in this pic, a few times per week. Never amounted to anything.
See after.
150lbs. During this transformation, I'd drink every week (rum and coke), smoke cigs while drinking, and eat garbage foods occasionally.
But every single day, went to the gym, lifted for 2 hours, and did cardio a few times a week. Plus my job was physically demanding.
About 8 months.
Nice job dude
You are welcome. Ok good, 500 isn't bad but you could probably even do like 300 and lose fat mainly with cardio too. Food is very essential so I usually tell my clients to not to eat too low. Or else they lose muscle...
Thanks, user!
let me ohp you plz
Is the dog food in the back for him?
I aspire to be the next Chad
Damn is that you? Post tits
Post butt pic please I'm a girl want to see how squats made your butt hehe tanks
ur face is literally 10/10 in that pic what hte fuck
looking aesthetic boi. wh
meant to post whats your routine*
Old progress photo. Looking much better these days. Lost around 24kg all up but pic related is only 8 or so kilograms apart.
thanks user
I just do the reddit PPLPPLX and finish every workout with some ab work
6'0 183lbs
Been boxing, swimming, running, and calisthenics for that cut. Also running PPL.
how tall are you? i'm a similar build. congrats on the weight loss
this world needs to burn
Exposing himself to pain to toughen up.