Is this man right or wrong? He's my friend in discord and I have to defend him

Is this man right or wrong? He's my friend in discord and I have to defend him.

You do not have to defend retards.

>anime avatar


I thought he was wrong but he is so adamant on being right it's hard to understand him sometimes


Veeky Forums permavirgin neet types are the most bluepileld people in existence. even incels are more redpilled than them

he said this too

is it possible he just too intelligent and food smart for me?

no this kid is literally retarded

>anime picture
>ONLY bad if u dont hit vitamins and calories needed

Fucking subhuman retard tier, of course it can be bad for other reasons than that. I could eat 1 multivitamin a day and however many burgers to meat my calorie intake and that would be healthy by this stupid anime niggers logic

>shit loads of grains, the cancer of humanities diet, and not even good grains. processed garbage grains. so garbage tier of the cancer filler "food" is his main diet stable
>throws on some veggies as if that helps
fucker is probably deficient in many vitamins due to his nearly zero fruit in take and his diet of processed white flour breads and veggies

literally sounds like an edgy cunt bag 15 year old who thinks he has life figured out

>Anime picture

Stopped reading right there

Your friend is an utter retard.

I didnt think there were people out there who are actually this retarded

Animal crackers do taste better


>retarded nutrition advice
>anime avatar

Be honest, you're only trying to get at his boy pussy, aren't you?

Animal crackers have a ton more fat, sodium and carbohydrates pound for pound. Fucking duh.
Chicken is high in protein, low in carbs and fats, and as an animal protein, is very bioavailable. It breaks down easier and completely, rather than say, lentil protein or whatever retarded vegans love.

Meats also contain a fair few vitamins, infant, pretty much all the vitamins you need you can get from meats. Our bodies produce vitamins, same with animals. You eat animals you eat their circulating vitamins and minerals.

Your friend is a retard who thinks he's mastered nutrition because he can parrot grade school knowledge. It's guaranteed he doesn't count calories and has no idea what vitamins and minerals he's taking in, and has no idea about how much energy he's using and taking in.

im not actually his friend im the guy that was arguing with him about how wrong he was and everyone was siding with him and i just had to know if i was wrong



>He's my friend in discord and I have to defend him

see i just wanted to make sure the thread got started so i put that in the op

You're a fucking retard. Peace out.

no way

I once met up with a guy I met on /r9k/ in those zeemaps threads. He was okish irl but he sent me stupid retarded links and anime pics on discord every single day so I told him to keep jerking off to his cartoons and ghosted him. From that point I never wanted to meet anyone from Veeky Forums irl because Id only be disappointed. Such a shame, we could have been good drinking buddies but that guy was just a leech.


wow epic thread
keep us updated!

You both sound like annoying cunts, have a double suicide.

ok here u go

>still talking to him
just stop if you need a whole boards help, you clearly can't debate him yourself
also macros are important, you can't just eat 2000 kcal of sugar and throw in vitamin tablets like his opinion allows, your energy levels would be trashed (but I guess you can't use your common knowledge to understand this)
really I think you're just looking for an argument for the sake of it

nutrition is something that is very complex, most people scratch the surface (myself included) and then argue about that, but you could study it for years and still not understand it completely

now the main idea behind chicken breast is that it's high in high quality protein and low in unhealthy animal/saturated fat, so you can eat a lot of it. Yes it doesn't contain much micronutrients but you can eat other stuff for that, like veggies

This. There are much more chemicals the body needs than the big known ones you can get from pills like the known vitamines and all the minerals

this dude says you are all wrong and he is right


You are both literally dumb gay faggots. Him for not knowing what the fuck he's talking about. And you for still talking with a retard. And me for fucking posting this.

At least you quoted the right post. All this nigga eats is starch lol, at this point it's not him talking but the parasites in his stomach leading his instincts toward more of the same fermentable crap. He's probably homosexual too.

But really just screenshot the lipids on lean chicken breast, it'll be lower than animal crackers.

>is this man
>has anime picture

stopped reading right there