Ate nothing but chicken, oats, egg whites, whey and broccoli this week. Today is sunday and I wanna stuff my face full of greasy saturated fats and over-processed simple carbs and cheesy trash full of sodium and sugary chocolate even if I know I'll regret it afterwards. Is such a meal once a week that bad for you, as long as it fits macros?
Andrew Fisher
Once a week, don't go over my TDEE, and it's my only meal of the day.
Jayden Lopez
Depends. Almost never unless I'm at a party. I prefer healthy home-cooked food to the trash they sell on the steets or at fast food joints.
Matthew Ramirez
>egg whites without the yolk You're never gonna make it
Ryan Wood
>not just counting macros
not going to maek it
Justin Green
I have a day where I eat like a normie but you can't have a true cheat day or you will binge 6000 kcal.
Also be like Muhammad who was way more swole than JC and fast one day a week (
Tyler Stewart
Fast food is like cigarettes or cocaine. Don't do it for a while and it is fucking gross and makes you feel sick.
Also you will get the mud ass because you are not used to the grease.
Josiah Young
I limit yolks to one a day, then add more whites, is that not the best thing to do?
>The yolk is also where all of the cholesterol (about 185mg) is found. The American Heart Association recommends keeping cholesterols intake to less than 300mg a day
Dominic Evans
Whenever I feel like it desu. Most of the time if I'm craving some shit food, I'll eat something else instead, then Im just not hungry for it.
But just today I felt like some icecream so I went out and bought a small tub and had a bowl of it. And that was it. It doesn't happen often so I just dont bother keeping track.
I found when I had a set schedule for cheat meals/days, it ended up being all I would think about.
Jaxson Collins
Dominic Kelly
can confirm. weened myself off of junk a long time ago. if i ever have something like cake i dont even enjoy it i just feel like shit
Henry Butler
>unironically referencing the AHA
Brayden Perez
It's a fucking meme. Never you weak willed faggot, but then again my diet has carbs so I don't crave shit all week and end up eating a pizza with 500g of grease when all my body actually wanted was a fruit.
Jaxson Nelson
Never because I have willpower and self control
Isaiah Fisher
just carb-backload and work your cheats into your actual diet
Tyler Brown
Whenever I wish because I haven't got an eating disorder
Noah Cooper
Even their own published research demonstrates no correlation between dietary cholesterol and serum cholesterol in the vast majority of patients. Only those with exceptionally uncommon conditions have a correlation.
Brody Russell
>cheat days >making it
If you can't go any length of time without eating like shit then you're a weak-willed faggot.
Nolan Nelson
Learn to make better (and healthier) burgers/pizza at home and you will never have to cheat again.
Evan Collins
Switch out that cheicken and broccoli, and just eat a burger or 2 each day, along with your other meals.
Christian Peterson
cheat days is a terrible concept which brings your blood sugar out of balance, a cheatmeal sometime in between is a good thing to do, but you should not overhype it.
Matthew Taylor
Autism confirmed
James Rogers
The there is no evidence eggs are bad for you
Dylan Diaz
Actually hes not making it because his diet is massively unbalanced and he has endless food lust to compensate
Whether he cheats or not is irrelevant, with a diet that shitty he wont go anywhere anyway.
Owen Sanchez
only when I'm high with a friend watching game of thrones or something. So like 1x a month.
Tyler Lee
>tfw just made a home made burger using regular bread >tfw no sugary bread shit like the one from bk or mcdonald's
There are no cheat days for me because i know how to fucking cook and because i don't have cravings for some cheap ass low-quality food
If you know how to cook, you just eat all you want because it's actually healthier and delivers your macros much more efficiently
Alexander Walker
Never, Im not a weak will faggot. Don't ever bulk above 15% because you will struggle with trying to cut for so long and will give in to your cravings. A cut is maybe three months and if you can't eat 100% clean for that short amount of time then don't bother lifting.
Leo Gomez
Every day I have a cheat meal that involves gravy on my chicken and vegies for dinner.
Asher James
You can have something unhealthy but there's still no need to over-eat.
Josiah Morgan
>burger >cheat meal it has a lot protein an a moderate amount of fat and carbs. GOAT meal
Asher Carter
once/twice meals a week and I plan my meals for that day around the cheat meal, if I get a last minute call to go out for dinner I usually tell them off
whole eggs are fine and so are whites
Blake Cox
>Fast food is like cigarettes or cocaine. Don't do it for a while and it is fucking gross and makes you feel sick. Just had a cheat meal and feel bloated and gross.
Elijah Long
Your body can regulate the amount of cholesterol it makes by itself if you dont consume dietary cholesterol. Your body needs about 3000mg of cholesterol a day so it either makes it or gets it. Cholesterol only becomes a problem when your diet has a lot of sugar in it