What are your vices, Veeky Forums? I love smoking cigars and will probably never stop...

What are your vices, Veeky Forums? I love smoking cigars and will probably never stop. I am interested in getting a tobacco pipe but will keep it private since I don't want to look like a fedora.

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Coffee and porn.



Beer. Cheap beer, American beer, German beer, Belgian beer. I just love beer.


Hnnng I gave up alcohol but that looks so tempting, beer was my favorite drink and I miss it so much.

I smoke cigars daily hasn't ruined my gains yet

Nothing like a good smoke after a workout

How are pipes fedora? Thats vaping bro.

What kind of vape are you using? What vg/pg? Flavors? I just got mine not too long ago and I'm loving it.


Unless you can pull of the pipe look you will look lackluster. They've kind of gone out of style though so I would say don't get a pipe and just stick to cigars.

I just got the smoktech big baby beast

20pg/80vg, I like menthol flavors. And extreme ice is a very mentholly flavor

>EXCESSIVE masturnation

Just kill me already, I somehow manage to lose weight for the summer despite all this, but I KNOW this is bad for my body.

>peanut butter
>powdered milk

I wish I could afford smoking daily, both financially and health wise. I also refrain from smoking after a workout, but it eases the Doms on rest day.

I also have a pipe but smoke mostly in the winter and in the dark because a young man smoking a pipe in public is either perceived as hipster or as fedora.

Cigars are more fedora in that regard but most of those kinds of people wont touch real tobacco.

How do cigars even taste ? What does it do to you ?

Cigars and cigarettes just symbolize how much you care at a current moment. If you don't have a smoking room with a jacket, stick to cigarettes

I nearly vomited after finding out what this was. You suck tobacco from a mouth-diaper that has to be changed frequently.

Not so, my friend, it's all about how you carry yourself. Smoking a pipe on the golf course, for example, is gentleman status, particularly if you keep the pipe in your mouth while chipping onto the green. Smoking a pipe on your porch is also pure leisure. If you look like a numale, and smoke a pipe outside a craft beer bar, yeah, you'll look like a faggot.

You should think about life user. Realize that life can end, I mean really think about death. That shit will kill you, and you just drop dead or die quiet in your sleep. You will die slow, spending days drowning in your fluids, not being able to breathe because your alveoli are destroyed. You will spend this time suffering and wishing you never were stupid enough to smoke. You are paying the Jew to kill you before your time.

that's a sausage, you faggot

>nicotine gum
Never even smoked.

>implying people who smoke don't wish for death to come

If you wear a fedora and already look like a numale then yeah, smoking a pipe will make you look lame. It's not the pipe that makes this guy look like a beta faggot, he already looks like a beta faggot.

Hot cheetos


Jesus Christ I could eat pizza every single day. Sometimes I wonder if I should allow myself to indulge every so often just to limit the cravings, but I know I'd take it too far.

You don't have to use those diapers, you can buy "loose" snus and stuff your lips with that, it doesn't give you lung and troath cancer (as long as you're not retarded enough to fucking swallow the juice) also it gives a much stronger nicotine rush and it lasts longer.

Vidya on my rest days. I stopped porn when Varg made me feel bad about it.

Just mouth cancer, tooth rot and gum decay. nbd

honestly, pipes are overrated. They go out easily, they don't last long, and the tobacco dries quickly. You end up spending more time tamping/packing/lighting than you do smoking. cigars are the nicotine vessel of choice.

Which is inclusive to cigarettes and SPECIALLY cigars aswell

Cigars maybe but people can pack pipes all the time when theyre at home. Pipe smoke tastes good and is kind of different.

>2017 Anno Domini
>using nicotine products of any kind
Let me just pay the Jews to bash my head in with a bat. It will be cheaper and over with a lot faster. Sad!

You can smoke a pipe if you've made it.

internet and videogames

My sentiments exactly.

No inherently a bad thing if used in moderation, but I'm assuming that's it's only a problem because it isn't in your case.
It's okay, I'm guilty as well.

Ugh. Clean that shit, bitch! Then Jerk and hold it until I say stop.

I like to sit outside the house and smoke a cigar every once in a while, I figure if I buy a pipe and smoke it outdoors at home it would be fine. I don't like smoking cigars out in public since I use them to relax.

I've never thought about it like that. I don't smoke to cultivate some sort of image, I just like it.


Thanks for the (You)

Porn and weed. But I don't feel too bad about either because I read posts everyday on how anons do both 4+times a day.

Masturbation by far, but it's not really an issue because I keep my life in order

I used to black out at least once a week while school was in session, but stopped drinking when I realized it hampered my gains.

I smoke tobacco pipes at my house. Nowhere else. Imo, its way more enjoyable than cigars, and I love cigars.




Life of a tradesman.

porn and masturbation. I'm trying to quit, but usually after a week I give in.

Just smoked a cigar for the first time a week ago. I thought I would hate it but it was way better than I expected and now I want to do it more often, but I'm afraid I'll get mouth cancer and/or suffer other health problems.
I've read studies and metastudies that seem to all point towards a conclusion that cancer only becomes statistically significant in cigar smokers once they reach a rate of at least one or two cigars a day.
Is it worth it? It seems pretty nice, but getting addicted and dying would kind of suck.

I was big in to coke in college, trust me don't let that habit settle. Of course you think you're not going to let it ruin your life, but I've seen friends od and even worse have it consume their life.

I know that feel bro. I'm trying to quit it, but I just can't. I love it too much.

Yeah right I would much live to be 90 and get such bad Alzheimer's that I lash out and slowly forget my wife and children's names.

My step grandfather and my grandmother have Alzheimers, and it's so unbelievably saddening to see their life and memories slowly drain from their eyes. I'll care for them until the second they die no matter what, but it doesn't make it any easier when they lash out at you for no reason because a mental illness is erasing their brain.

Pick something you love and let it kill you.

If you have an addictive personality then you need to watch out. I have friends that used to be addicted, and friends that need to always be on something, and those are the ones you need to be careful around. But I also have friends who I know are rock solid and can kick whatever they want. One of my friends smoked cigarettes for a year and a half, a pack/day. Went home for the summer and just stopped smoking cold turkey.

Lots and lots of high grade Marijuana

It's a gamble bro. I've already accepted the fact that I probably will get oral cancer of some sort. A few of my cigar friends in their late 40's have been smoking 10-15+ cigars a day for over a decade with no problem. I am pretty involved in the local community of cigar aficionados, most smoke on or two a day. nobody I know has gotten oral cancer

Expensive pussy

Please stop being a fag

Coffee and alcohol no doubt. I don't really see coffee as a bad thing. But alcohol... I've tried to quit dozens of times and it just doesn't work. I very rarely black out now, which is definitely an improvement. But I still drink more than I should.

Casual sex and salty food.

what does sex feel like

>What are your vices, Veeky Forums?

>the occasional joint
>bourbon, rye, scotch, barleywines, stouts, belgian ales
>opiates every now and then

bags of sand

Alchohol and cigars, in moderate amounts though. I'm also a sucker for good food, I could never live on the chicken and broccoli.

Popsicles. I can give up practically anything but if I've got access to some popsicles I'll eat those fuckers like there's no tomorrow.

I swear I'm on the right side of being a fatass, I love all food and don't need variety.
I could eat broccoli and chicken without any type of additives or seasonings all year and be happy.

hentai and liquor


>implying everyone old gets Alzheimer's
>implying you'll have kids
>implying you'll have a wife
>implying you won't be in a nursing home and too hopped up on medication and politics arguments to care

>normie equivalent of bro science

what does it taste like

>(rarely) smoking
>post-workout waffle house

>nightly wank
>daily adderall
i recently quit weed for getting a job and alcohol for getting fit.

I have always wanted to try an ave maria.
can anybody give me a quick rundown on the quality?

Alcohol, coffee, and strippers

Weed. I know it's a meme for the kids now but I don't care I still smoke. It's fun. It makes me feel good. It helps me unwind.

sounds like how I used to be with amphetamines and benzos. Why didn't I just get fat last year instead I might not have to retake this year at uni so i could get out of this social nightmare sooner


they also smell like a dying smokers burnt arsehole


Managed to get off daily habit but feel relapse coming.

Jag älskar snus

I do most of the shit mentioned ITT but the only one I feel that is out of control or potential to be is eating. I just enjoy flavor and gorging my mouth with stuff. Guess I'm still a fatty on the inside.

> procrastination
> porn
Recovering tough
> occasional weed
> sleep

Porn and weed, I know I can quit but my laziness and love for sleep are too fucking strong. Every fucking morning, it's a personal war to get out of bed.

Lord Vader's collection of gas station cigar pictures is getting bigger by the day, as m'lord himself.

Hello brother

Serious question, what's the point of smoking cigars, since you can't inhale them anyway? I smoke ciggies and I couldn't imagine giving a fuck about them if I wasn't sucking that smoke in to my lungs

Sports betting and porn

Never start gambling on a regular basis

Do you make or lose money?

Cigars taste better than cigarettes and have a nice buzz of their own.

If you inhaled while smoking cigars you would get super lung cancer.

Ave Maria, nice choice OP

Taste. The tobacco quality of cigarettes is absolute trash compared to pipe tobacco and quality cigars. Pipe tobacco also can be aroma infused with all kind of things.

Also pipes are only as fedora as you make them. When your average scrawny pale basement dweller smokes a pipe while wearings his grandfathers trenchcoat and reading Niezsche outside of a starbucks, everything will look embarrassing.
Going /out/ with a pipe in the woods is super comfy. And you don't have to worry about your cig buds.

Is the effect of it on alveoli ever reversed? I was a heavy smoker for a good 2 years but I've been off for 2 months now, I'm so afraid man.

Booze and videogames.

I've lost around $2000 on sports betting. I've won over $1000 playing blackjack
The problem is when you win, you think it will happen again.

my man. I love catching a buzz and playing video games. It is what is holding me back at this point. Especially since I'm a teacher and I have the summer off to do whatever I want. At least I can work out as long as I want everyday.

Cocaine, Molly, tequila, acid and pussy

Tequila & dance clubs. Hangovers are a bitch, but I've been able to plan my week out so that my rest day is my hangover day. Still gives me wicked anxiety, tho.