LOL at all you sheep

You have 10 seconds to explain to me why all of you decided to blindly follow the squat/bench/deadlift method of training instead of the squat/clean/press style of training if you're looking to train for aesthetics/general strength and aren't looking to compete in powerlifting anytime soon

but i do squat/bench/deadlift also ohp/row/clean you fucking idiot.

>I started doing XYZ a week ago and make threads about it to reinforce my changed routine

-the post

OHP is my favourite and strongest lift at a 235 single. I fucking despise power cleaning though.

I compete in equipped pl and currently training for my first strongman comp. wl just doesn't seem like fun compared to the others.

i do all of them

how much can you power clean? i like them, but i think i'm scared to jump with 2 plates on the bar.

can do all the regular shit in my gym for 10$ a month. access to the part of the gym for shit like cleans costs 20$ month membership.

Also i've ever done a clean

Not everyone is blessed with bumper plates ya dangus

Powerlifted all through highschool before I started powerbuilding later in college now. Just the way I personally perform best.
Like some of the others said though WL movements seem like some wild shit, when I do attempt them my joints don't like the ROM for it.

second post best post

>not doing all of those
>being this big of a scrub

Because that's the beauty of weight lifting: there's no one right way.

Consistently is more important than method.

because I want a big chest

enjoy your """""aesthetics""""" OP

his legs and ass are fucking huge

Benching doesnt really give you big chest though. Doing lots of flies/dips does.


Pretty sure tearing muscles and breaking your sternum won't help our chest

>massively prioritize half your body at the cost of neglecting the other

MFer has been training for 12 god damned years and has nothing to show for it number wise, or physique wise.

This guy is basically Jason Blaha but a little less along the autism spectrum. Why do people take him seriously?

power clean should be around 60% max back squat for a typical lifter

people take him seriously for offering good advice to beginners, not for being a great lifter. is that really so hard to see?

I hope youre just baiting but you probably really are that stupid

do you also take Jason Blaha seriously?

just do weighted dips

>i do power cleans, deadlifts, bench press and OHP
>i'm natty

Yeah okay buddy

>Having that picture saved to prove a point
>Not a DYEL
Pick one

Anyone whose into fitness can clearly see he's pretty muscular despite his high bodyfat(ie his obliques and abs are showing through his fat). Give him a solid 6-8 months of cutting and he'll look better than all of us. Alan just doesnt want to cut, but thats on him and I dont know why he SHOULD cut.


Underaged but thats besides the point. His numbers are pretty good stop being a faggot. Blaha is just plain fucking stupid, how anyone took him seriously to begin with shouldve never started lifting.

that's a weak power clean

Alan Thrall looks like shit.
Alan thrall is weak as fuck.

Whats your total?

What is powerbuilder?

a portmanteau of powerlifter and bodybuilder