Listen to Jordan Peterson

Think about your life in 10 years. Write down the best and the worst case scenarios. Keep it realistic and think it through.

A week later read what you wrote.

find it

First, stop trying to argue/verbally reason yourself into doing/not things. That's not how people or desire works. Your declarative consciousness isn't what moves your body.

Use strategies from cognitive behavior therapy. Make a checklist of shit you want to do and want to NOT do every day (format as "don't X"), check them off when completed (so if one is no fap, check off every night after not fapping). Channel your mind's desire for completeness and order into an emotional desire to get arbitrary shit done.

>man preaches against ideologization
>people immediately try treat him as a cult leader/ideologue
You might want to examine your behavior a bit.

>today i will wash the dishes
>oops, i didn't wash the dishes
>i will do it tomorrow for sure
>oops i forgot to do it

And then its a farce.

le ebin gulag archipelago man

>implying everyone is a retard
That's a cool meme and a good reason not to sort your life out

just do shit there's literally nothing stopping you other than being lazy wtf

I often wish I was as simple as that.
Stupid people have it so easy.

>tfw to smart to "just be yourself"

I'm not that guy but just fuck off with the "too smart to" thing. You might have a high IQ but if everyone else succeeds at life and you fail, how does that make you smart.

Thinking your intelligence is the reason for your misery is maybe the most retarded form of self-aggrandizing.

You are just to stupid to get it. Not even joking, you lack the hardware to run this software. For some of us, it comes preinstalled. We can't "just do thing". We see further.

>tfw to smart

That's why you make a list. Dude this has been proven to work with people with amnesia and severe retardation, I think it can generalize to slobs.
>implying everyone is a retard
Then they should stop behaving like retards.



>Then they should stop behaving like retards.
Who are "they" in this context exactly? The Youtube commenters?

Find purpose my friend.

Do this

Checked, this image resonates deeply within me

Don't have anything that could drain on your will power.
Alcoholic ? Don't have anything to drink at home. Don't buy anything, not even "in case if...". It won't happen.
Smoker ? Throw away your cigarettes away and don't buy an emergency pack.
Fat ? Don't have anything you could snack on. When your fridge only have cabbage and carrots in it it'll be much harder to binge.

Self control doesn't work unless you have a goal.