Need motivation

need motivation

why should I be Veeky Forums?

I just got my dick sucked by 2 qts at once whilst snapchatting it to my mates.
I'm positive it's because I'm shredded.

i'm asexual

If you have really big shoulders then cats can sit on you while you walk around.

Don't be fit. I lost 100lbs and girls still don't like me, I'm still not confident, and if anything my insecurities and hangups are even worse as the fallback of "it's because I'm fat" is going away.

Although full disclosure I still have 50lbs to lose so it's not like I 100% know getting fit has no returns. But... I don't see things changing either.

I've lost about 8 pounds so far just by cutting out sugars, breads, and taking up boxing.

By no means do I look terribly different, but I certainly feel better, I have more energy, and I am thinking faster as well. Taking charge of your own body gives you momentum to do other important shit in your day.

What's your approach to women like? Do you have any that are just your friends? Just having some women in your life has helped me because it shows society I'm not a weird loner. Helps a lot in the dating game.

People who claim to be asexual, more often than not are just social outcasts who've designed a mental strategy to cope with their loneliness. Either that, or they have chemical imbalances.

I have 3-4 friends that are women, but I don't see them regularly. I have trouble getting close to anyone but if women get close to me I usually start spilling spaghetti or fall for them.

Like, I'm in a bad place so maybe I shouldn't have replied but it's just... Being fit doesn't fix confidence. I haven't found anything that fixes confidence.

thanks for the insight, it's just that I've tried everything in intimate situations but i just cant get into it and it feels like somethings wrong

real talk

External motivation won't really get you anywhere.
You have to make a contract with your future-self that you are going to change for the better.
When the time comes you'll thank yourself for it.
Just the same, you're probably already looking at your past self and wondering why you haven't started already.

I would say being fit has certainly gotten the ball rolling for you. There was definitely a time where you didn't know any exercise techniques, but how did you learn to do them? You probably sought out info to fill in the gaps for you. You probably looked stuff up online, talked to people, and went through trial and error. You probably did small shit first, and that led you to completing bigger goals. Do you see where I'm going with this?

I'm the boxing guy from earlier. I'm 31, nigga. I only started boxing two months ago. I got wrecked so bad on my first day I thought I broke my foot. There are people half my age trying to pat me on the shoulders and encourage me for even trying to keep up, and that shit is embarrassing. But I'm also at the age now where I know what will happen if I just leave the gym: More misery and stagnation. So I stop giving a fuck and keep going, because whatever's at the end of the workout is better than where I'm at now. Dating is very similar to that.

Now I'm not going to pretend that approaching women is on a 1:1 level with boxing or lifting. But this shit ain't mystical, I swear. Dating is more boring than anything else once you get into it. Read some books on losing social anxiety -- " Say Goodbye to Shy" is a good one -- and give yourself permission to fail and be awkward. I know Veeky Forums is about spaghetti and memes, but shit does get better if you keep moving forward, even if it's baby steps.

look at the optimism fag, here, guys.

where do you think you are?

It may not sound motivational, but I'll sum up my experience over the last 3 years that I have been lifting ( 2 yrs and 4 months going to the gym and 8 months callisthenics )


1. It helps you gain confidence and a belief in your abilities
2. At least for me, occasionally you'd get laid
3. It helps you stay away from thoughts about killing yourself


1. You'll never look at food the same way, always disgusted by foods with high fat count and with people in general, eating like shit but you are also thankful that they are doing it, so that you can imagine in your head that you are WAY more than them
2. Most of the times, you can seem rather douchy and you in general don't give a fuck about anything, rather than getting laid from time to time/working out and finishing that degree that promises a higher salary in the future

not the user you're replying but thanks, that helps me

See a doctor then you moron.. You are literally sick.

You don't need to be fit just be yourself

Nice doggo

Smug dogs are best

crush those that oppose you

That would actually seem pretty cool. That or I'm autismo

This file name is fucking great.