What does it say, Veeky Forums?
What does it say, Veeky Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
traps are gay
Strength training is a meme
>Slaughtering 56 billions of animals each year is unnecessary and inefficient. Beans, lentils, leafy greens, tofu, tempeh and seitan have lots of protein, calcium and iron and you can get B12 from nutritional yeast or fortified soymilk.
Is militant veganism a new meme?
I love it
Dude. Just fucking choke on a carrot.
>vegan vegan vegan
Scroll says Hitler was a Goddamn vegan. First murder, committed by a vegan. More horrible vegan people facts here.
Too lazy to make a new one.
Here's the first.
>soy milk
Wave goodbye to your testosterone you lil green faggot
Abs are made in the kitchen
lifting won't make you forget her you huge faggot
>were your life ended up
Definitely this.
Calling someone a faggot because you got shilled into thinking someone is bad? Nice one, buckaroo. But you can argue with the other options given.
Next time, think twice before posting on the chan.
Thanks senpai, I'm half paying attention to Veeky Forums anyway
Your problems stem from your insecurity, lifting won't fix that
Surprised we didn't get a "your mother dies in her sleep tonight" variant yet.
You make a gay noise when you throw things
Fuck you
are female to male trannies gay? what ones gayer mtf or ftm?
>implying Hitler did anything wrong
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
It's gayer to like ftm, so traps are only slightly gay, but attraction to male parts is gay, by definition.
I had a bad day I'm not risking this.
"Youre a manlet"
damn it
how the fuck did it know???
Do you know how retarded you are to think some anonymous poster on this cambodian antique canoe restoration and engraving website has ANY power of destiny to affect your mother?
well then
getting old
Underrated so far
"Eating meat is healthier than going vegan, sugar isn't toxic, fat does make you fat, going low on salt is unhealthy, fasting and keto will kill you, never listen to Veeky Forums"
I'm calling the police, stop watching what I do after I hit the gym.
It's my own fault at this point.
best one
All girls are pure and should be respected
I was just wondering this. How big do you have to get before grils start creaming themselves around you?
Its not about size, its the combination of fit body + new confidence
cool that helps, thanks
>traps aren't gay
>actually replying to these types of posts
Y'all should consider suicide
Thanks for behaving exactly like the 4th panel guy. Getting triggered is the result of your conscience talking. Listen to its voice. Deep down, you know what is right.
This is not what militant means
Most Isis members eat meat, but that never stopped you because it's irrelevant. Please go vegan.
Soy has phytoestrogens while cow milk has mammalian estrogens. Guess which is more harmful. Hint: you're a mammal.
Or avoid both and drink rice, almond or oat milk.
Hey you're that vegancuck from yesterday. Im gonna go to Maccas to get double quarterpounder in your honor.
>thinking plain soy milk is bad for you
>eating cheese and cow milk.
1 cup of soy milk has about 6g to 8g of protons which is only 1 serving of soy protein, to increase your igf-1 levels you should eat more than 5 servings soy protein (30g-40g), the only way to do that is to eat processed soy patties all day long.
fuck you
Plz don't kill me mom.
Except none of you T-Rex looking motherfuckers look like that.
fuck of fagit
Whichever one still has a pussy is less gay.
That's actually true. Some guys just have better genetics.
>Soy has phytoestrogens while cow milk has mammalian estrogens. Guess which is more harmful. Hint: you're a mammal.
that's quite an assumption you're making there fagget, go back2school
>hitler was evil
Wewew laddio
Goddamn it
seriously this is at least the third time this day ffs
I was waiting for this one
You bitch
>sometimes beat one out before i hit the gym
>go to the gym without changing my undies
>can smell my manmust when I squat
>love it
It aint gay if its mine, right
This is the 47th time