Ideal Thread

Ideal Thread
r8, h8, maturb8

template for lazy bros

pretty sure I saw that guy on the right from Veeky Forums the other day, or are you him?

estoy tan enojado que subi esa foto de mi hermana a /int/ en 2013, no sabia que ustedes autistas lo hiban a descargar y postear por todo este sitio de mongolicos

aguante messi gardel es argentino


Body is fine, maybe a little bulkier. Hair does not stand out, style is pretty solid. Where you got me was Melissa Clarke, horrendously underrated, 7/10

Gold tooth is key

winrar coming through

Katie Kat is the only girl for me

Girls 0/10

Cual foto

See you like yorself a little five on one

jesus fuck
when did alan alda start shooting a robin hood reboot?

You take your shirt off for a fist fight but you leave your shades on? Are you looking to go at it or play some Poker Stars?

You sicken me

>Not being a single bachelor for forever and saving your money

At least that's what I tell myself for not having a gf.

this is you


Not my fault she's hot.


Nah, I just want to dress decently for my office job. Especially considering I never g outside and never go out to meet people, the least I can do is have a style that looks good for office attire.

No speako the taco

i feel u user

my office has a really lax dress code (I work on a development team) but I still feel like shit when I have to talk to someone from business and they're wearing slacks and a tie and i'm wearing a t shirt and jeans

he is speaking choripan, fuck tacos

aznbrah here



My office's dress code is pretty much "As long it's a collared shit and some form of pants, you're good. But I work in a small company of 10 people over the age of 40 (I'm 23) so I don't wanna look like a kid who can't dress himself.


Good body, left hair is good and stalin is shit, clothes are baggy, women are sluts

Good body (hail zyzz), good hair, decent style, faggot

body is sexy, everything else is shit

everything is so average


Are you from latin america? Your style and desired hairtype look like the fresas in El Paso when they get a job that pays decently lol.

Not saying the style is bad (I dress that way even though I'm a gringo, just an influence from growing up there).

The style is a bit shapeless but overall good. I've never seen hair like that +muscles, so i dunno what it would look like.
Simple and good.
My fear with the young stalin hair is that it will just end up looking greasy. I would hate to curl up with a guy who has greasy hair because it clogs my pores.
Good, but i dunno what you mean with that style. There isn't even a full body pic.
Why mullet? Also, are you just going to walk around with one sleeve torn off of your jacket? Goal body is top tier tho.
Check out those huge nips. 10/10
I dunno man, that guy looks veiny as shit. I've never liked seeing muscle striations in that much detail.
Everything is good except that goatee.
That guy has kind of narrow shoulders. My best friend almost exclusively dates guys with narrow shoulders though, so maybe you're on to something.


I prefer girls like pic related for body but the rest is perf.

Anyways OPs goal would look like Jason momoa. Also what's wrong with a soul patch?

0/10. Everything is just that terrible. Stop chasing obeasts. You're normalizing their degenerate lifestyle.
7/10. Hair and body are fine, style is acceptable if unremarkable. Chicks are pure cancer and possibly underage.
9/10. Great bodies, hair and style. Most girls on Veeky Forums are raging autists but you actually seem to have your shit together. Hell, I'll give you a bonus point for not ruining it at the last minute with a 2d husbando. Fuck it, you get a 10/10 from me.

Rate other people. Stop taking up space without contributing anything.

Best ITT

I like the girls. Very solid taste.

>dat style with dat body



Dude bottom left who is that. Help a faggot out pls.

Shit i meant bottom right. I have a pic of him but dont know who he is.

I want to put my benis in your sister ass.

I almost came to that pic


>somebody on Veeky Forums uses my pic

If I had balls I would cut it down to this length though

Body is very nice, especially with that hair. Something of an interesting combo.
Love the style on this one!
Nice body pic, the girl looks like seem needs vitamins or something though
Superb choice
Money and style look great
What is your plan with that type of style? Wont you have a job?
The style looks sort of douchebaggy, but the rest seems OK. I think you are young enough for them.
Bodies are good, the bottom right body looks a bit too much, same goes for all the men.
Born in the 70s? Looking groovy all the same
Love how you made all the pictures fit to the borders, Overall average, 8/10 good though
I can see what you are going for here, nice. The girl, because of the body, face, or mind?

I have no idea who this otter twink is but ive had that pic forever and i need to know