How do i get taller?

How do i get taller?
I'm 178/5'10 tall
and 18 years old

Remove all furniture from a room, stand in the centre and reach for the ceiling whispering "grow grow grow" while you do it.

people dont stop growing until 21-23. Just eat healthy and eat a lot, take mad vitamins and stretch like a motherfucker every morning and midday and you should be alright. Though, your genetics may tell you to fuck off and totally halt your growth at 5'10, nothing you can do about that.

I am 23 now and from 21-23 I grew an entire inch just living right and working out. Not memeing

"le pixie" women are fucking disgusting attention whores.

Height exercises

My dad is 187?6'1.5 and my mom is 164/5'4

Genes don't work like that. My parents both had straight teeth but I needed braces because my great grandmother was a crooked toothed cunt. Its all probability really. Take a look at your entire family. Are they more on the tall side as a whole or not? There's your likely answer.

You can't. You are the average American height and entirely normal and acceptable as you are. Go lift weights, fag.

>has the ideal height
>still suffers from _BODY DYSMORPHIA_


My dad side are tall as fuck
my mom side are short as fuck

Why does she deadlift like this?

Nice trap genetics, you'd make a cute girl

I'm 18, 5'8 and currently going through a growth spurt, how do I maximize this? I'm planning on eating a lot and stretching, what else can I do? already grew half an inch

Eat alot of pumpkin seeds. That will make you taller.

because she can boast about bigger numbers, it's all fucking fagshit

Okay that's what I thought

Sumo is better for some people and conventional is better for others. Also sumo uses more glute activation so some women does it for that.

I'd hit that amazonian butch with the force of a thousand angry gods.

not the guy who posted, but bump for this

She's adorable and bitches less than you

>Grow, grow, grow

man I'd fuck that dude


bump again

>Gets out lifted by a girl that weighs like 60kg
>Makes excuses why she lifts more than him


People with long legs generally do better with sumo, she competes in powerlifting so you just want to lift as much as you can.

She can probably lift 90% of that conventional no issue.

Guy who posted that, nobody has any clue? So far I only have stretch, eat, and bike a lot

You forgot to mention that the room needs to be cool otherwise you'll fuck yourself

Not that user, but what kind of stretches do you mean?

Woah that's crazy. This girl goes to my school, I had no idea she was insta famous.