Veeky Forums
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Health #417
I have mild bacne on the upper back because apparently i am incredibly high test manly man now or so my gf tells me...
Show your arms thread
Neck exercises
Best way to burn bellyfat in two weeks
Gyno surgery?
IS the
How can I attain ice age mode?
Get GF
/fraud/ general
How the FUCK do I get bigger arms? I literally work arms 2-3 times a week for a bit more than an hour each session...
Thoughts Veeky Forums?
Advice for a super beginner girl
Hair & beard
Is Baywatch mode achievable natty?
Daily reminder there is a little bit of zyzz in all of you
TFW 21 years old and working a minimum wage job while living with my parents because it's a crappy area with little job...
Hi Veeky Forums, one of your plants over at /a/ sent me
Who /noenergy/ here? I lift only 2 or 3 times a week because i feel pretty shit when i come back from work...
Find a better breakfast
Daily reminder that these are hurting your gains. Get them replaced ASAP
EMS Routines
Let's discuss the fitness youtuber no one ever discusses, the cringe master himself JaxBlade
Using amphetamines to work out, good or bad?
/goal/ body bread
Daily remainder for all you fuckboys: train your neck!
Why don't people squat ass to the grass...
Routine Judgment - RATE AND BE RATED
Hello Veeky Forums i am finished with SS and i can preform 1/2/3/4 for reps...
/fat/ "lunch" edition
1 year of lifting
How to get massive fucking arms like the Golden one / Latsbrah?
Someone please help me
17 years old Chads are fucking their teachers
13g protons x 2 servings = 26 protons
Damn, this should be required reading
Fitness Cringe
Veeky Forums humor thread
Beef heart
/fph/ - Fat People Hate
Women, when will they learn?
Genetics when lifting
Is it possible to fix this body and look good? Or is it too late - the damage has been done?
How do i become a strong man?
"That guy at the gym" thread
What's the cheapest calorie per kg food there is...
Veeky Forums Recipe Thread
So the evil Dr Lame Nordstrom cheated on his wife
Veeky Forums humor
"Realistic Body" photoshop thread
Why aren't you drinking coke zero, Veeky Forums?
Is Murphy on juice?
How many eggs does Veeky Forums eat per day? I'm new to this board and enjoy eggs (including yolk)
Naturally Boost Testosterone
Female crossfitters are jacked
TFW you realize natty lifting is YET AGAIN a meme because you have to lift heavy to get big as a natty which further...
You have just go finished your morning jog
Go ahead user, it's your turn to jump in
Im new in US, which protein is most economic to get in compare price/weight/quality ?
Press 57.5 for 2 reps 4.5 months ago
Cut Or Bulk?
Why squat?
So Veeky Forums, I'm into my second month of lifting...
Does Veeky Forums like Strenght Wars?
Using tinder in 2015
How to i get fit
Spine DOMS
My little sister beats me up, help
Does anything really justify a cheat day? ive been eating under 800 calories for close to two weeks now...
Meanwhile on cave/fit/
Why lift when it's ALL bout the Face? No amount of lifting will fix a subhuman face
Tfw working 11 hour nightshifts how the fuck am I supposed to train?
Protruding Belly Help Thread
Is this acceptable form?
Dogs and fitness
How to deal with this shit
Why do you keep saying weights is better than cardio at losing weight? I am never exhausted after a gym
So yeah guys im sick of being harrassed online by virgin boys when im gaming
Will muscles get me a girl like her?
Tfw women squat because they think they can get a Kim K ass
Friendly reminder that leg day is useless
Red pill me on eggs. Are they a meme protein?
Would Veeky Forums survive a burning building?
/psg/ - penis size general
Does his program work?
OK who here actually believes that nofap will increase strength in gym?
So user, what do you do for fun? Don't tell me you just workout! Hobbies thread
I arrange the barbell so that it is perpendicular with or parallel to any surrounding straight lines including breaks...
ITT: People that give you motivation
/fat/ - watching kpop edition
What are some signs that a girl is checking you out in a public place?
Does being Veeky Forums help out in getting a girlfriend?
Your experiences with Kratom. Has it helped you out with pain, anxiety, relaxation?
Why do you never see fit kids?
Finally pressed 300 lbs
How exactly am I supposed to build muscle without eating meat?
Subway redpill
Need to loss weight/belly fat, does water fasting work
/No Fap/
How can modern """""strong"""""men even compete?
Guys, it finally happened..... I heard the legends, but I never believed. Untill now
How to Kars mode?
Anyone might have the progress pic og a high test chick who got even thicker post pregnancy and post second pregnancy?
Is getting big the only way to be an eccentric sperg and not get teased throughout your entire life?
How do I make this not taste like shit?
Testicular health
Normie gyms
Yo tinder and sexting gods, what does this smiley mean?
Eat for 8 months at a deficit
Fitness beta/cringe thread
Trap doms
Good feels thread
Any tallfag (6'3+) here? How long did it take you to get out of DYEL mode?
Who /quit porn but still masturbating/ here?
Some men fuck women in public within minutes of meeting them
Cheating /fraud/s generally
Do i have gyno?
How did he get capped delts?
User, why is the only sauce you ever eat mustard?
How do I fix narrow shoulders?
Alpha destiny sucks
How much should I cut?
You fuckers lied to me. You guys said starting strength is an absolute must for beginners and here I am...
Reminder that Hafthor beats his girlfriend
Make hair grow faster
FPH thread
>I need meat for my protein
Having a bad day
Daily reminder that the BIG guy at your local gym your mire wants to plow your tiny ass
Is starting strength/ strong lifts really the best program for beginners?
Vegan General
Let's settle this once and for all
Be 6'0 skelly
Hi. First time posting here looking for some help
Just mistook my PWO for BCAA (kept it in unlabeled container)
Lookism Thread
1500+ total
Is this the best the female body can look like without lifting?
*blocks your locker*
Tfw sex drive is dead since I started lifting 5 months ago
Is mcdonald meat real meat or like the normies says it's fake meat
Gym Bully Thread? Gym Bully Thread!
You don't need volume!
Hey Veeky Forums
I want to start taking creatine [ pills] but I don't know which
Thoughts on The Golden One?
Skinny 6'3 guy at work talks to girls no problem and gets their numbers
Talking to girl
Perfecting a meal plan
Lol you guys talk shit about me which I personally find hilarious more than anything. Bunch of faceless...
Taking advice from someone who looks like this
Roll bitches
Goals Thread
Are the foods we eat these days supposedly filled with chemicals...
Stop doing brosplits
How do I pick up women at the gym?
>"71 per cent of women said a date 'wouldn't stand a chance' if under 6ft"
Veeky Forums was a fucking lie. 180g of protein every day, eating till I feel sick, every fucking day...
Favorite lift and why:
/fat/ "stop playing vidya games" edition
I started following this program around 2 months ago though I've been told this is too high volume for someome who's...
/confessions/ general
I'm attracted to big muscle on guys but i think that gay sex is gross. What type of gay am i?
Why do i always get emotional after a heavy workout? i either get aggressive and angry or very sad
Veeky Forums films thread
Really makes you think
Running General stats edition
be me
Hello, Veeky Forums
Banned from only 24 hour gym in town
Now that we're all 5 plate deadlifting monsters
Hey bro, pass that dumbbell
OHP progress in 10lb/5kg increments
What if you water fasted for 30 days, and ate healthy after...
I'm not even baiting. I'm seriously stupid and curious
Veeky Forums i have a date on saturday and i need to lose fat ASAP
Politics poll
Be honest Veeky Forums, who would win in a fight?
Why the fuck would I alternate between bench and OHP when I can just do OHP, weighted chins and deadlifts forever?
Guys I migrated from /v/ since video games are dead. How do I get settled here? What are essentials I should know?
Achievable natty?
Better progress than everyone on Veeky Forums
Mental illness or just the drive to succeed??
How do you deal with uncontrollable anger Veeky Forums...
Do you like my bench?
Squatting and Deadlifting on the same day
I am 18 years old
The left and right are 6 months apart. What am i doing wrong Veeky Forums
So Veeky Forums is vegan a meme or can you actually build muscle?
How do I deal with the feeling of getting rejected by a girl?
What water bottles are you faggots using? Just bought this shit
Want to make it
Veeky Forumsizens, how do you balance working out with a 10 hour job?
Anyone else feel like getting fit has atracted the wrong types of girls?
And this is our son's room
What are Veeky Forumss hobbies?
All of these are technically athletes who compete at the highest level in their trade, but are they Veeky Forums?
What albums do you lift to?
Another birthday spent with my parents (we don't really get along)
Home gym setups
Routine Judgment - RATE AND BE RATED
That one exercise you never been 100% sure you're performing correctly
What the fuck guys. I was promised gains. How come i've worked out for 2 years and still look like this...
Which is better for a girl? Kickboxing, muay thai or krav maga?
What is this machine called?
Fell Of The NoFap Wagon. Feel Like Sh*t
Why do you fags waste your time gymceling?
Work out macros for the vegan food I ate today
Alright /fit. What's your recommended earbuds for running/cycling/etc?
Is butter good for you? What about ketosis?
So guys I have mild gyno puffy nips, doctor couldnt find anything with pinch test but ultrasound shown bigger tissue :/...
What's the easiest way to remove back hair solo? shaving gives me a crazy number of bumps and clippers leave stubble
Why do chads all look the same?
/fat/ "lift while you cut" edition
Is buying organic worth it?
Genetics aren't really that important, just put in the effort and you'll make it bro
How do I become a Chad
I did it guys after 3 years of lifting I finally lost my virginity to some random chick at the age of 21...
Hello, Veeky Forums
How do i get a tan without having to lay down outside like a feg?
135lb Crossfit girl squatting 275lbs
Commenting on other's poor form?
Being 30... Am I too old to fuck 20 year olds?
What's his name again?
FPH - Let's Keep It Up Edition
Daily reminder that HIIT boosts BDNF and thus generates new brain cells
/cbt/ Summer coming
Is he Natty?
It all comes down to this
Just ordered the SBD belt
June 12 2017
No Fap
You still drink your milk right?
Communism is the most Veeky Forums ideology
*blocks ur path*
Itt: make up names for non existent workouts
Faces of fit
Okay guys, my plan is to look like him (eventually)
Ideals thread
That guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
5.5" wrists
Does lifting weights really help your social gains?
What do you eat when you get a sweet tooth? What sweet foods sate you but are still within your diet plan?
It's time to renew le dumbbell vs barbell debate
CBT - KING & QUEEN OF Veeky Forums
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
How much do you rest between sets fitbros?
McDonald Gainz
You literally have 10 seconds to explain why you're not using resistance bands
Planet Fitness
Routine for women
Was Socrates natty?
Tfw fell for the pull up meme
Good exercise regimen for an 8 year old...
How do I get more vascular, Veeky Forums? I want to have veins popping when I'm at the beach this summer
On which exercise do you feel the strongest mind-muscle connection, and on which the least?
We're 6 months into the year
Is there a gayer exercise to do than hip adductor exercises?
Daily reminder that these are hurting your gains. Get them replaced ASAP
Dad Strength
I began my wight lose journey 10 days ago and already lost 5 kg only on diet and no exercise my question is what should...
How do I get a bf with a body like this?
He stretches before lifting
Internittent fasting - What the hell do I do edition
Is 21 years old too late to turn your life around?
/fat/ "others can make threads too" edition
What's your motivation?
Lifting for woman
Fit Girls
Guys I am slowly becoming Chad and its the worst thing ever
The Full Body Routine
Self improvement list
Pre workout meal
Progress Thread
So this is how Dorian Yates looked like after 6 months of training
Brosplits: a meme
Alright /fit, what's your favorite protein bar?
So user, with all those muscles you must have a hot girlfriend by now, right?
Are some people just not capable of building conditioning or does it take a lot longer than building muscle?
/bwg/ - BodyWeight General
/htt/ - High Test Thread
Am I doing the squat wrong if I feel 90% of it in my hip flexors?
Sister is asking me why I don't have abs if I've been going to the gym over a year now
Slow Cookers
Penis size & body height correlation thread
Whats the best routine to use so I can beat down racists?
Any of you boys tried it? Did nothing for me. Was i scammed?
Mirin stories
Is age 27 too old to get fit?
Landwhale gets ran over
How sad were you when you found out he died?
HGH For a MTF Tranny
/tea/ general
Working out for a year
This guy slaps your girlfriend's ass while she is working out with you
What's the beneficial way to break up ppl?
Tfw 6'9
Based Lenny
Holy shit inverted rows are the best back exercise ever
This isn't very good progress for one month of lifting is it? Give it to me straight
Hey user do you have big arms... Like these?
What is Veeky Forums's profession?
These are hurting your gains. Get them removed ASAP
Why do majority of posters on this board remind me of Private Pyle more than anything?
Transformation thread
What does /fit think of alan thrall?
This man could bench 500lbs and basically you're a fucking loser
Tell me about the orientals in your gym. What are they like?
A couple of weeks ago i started to mix Calisthencs exercises into my weightlifting program, this is the results so far
How big can I get if I do 20 pushups a day Veeky Forums?
Failed the semester, gonna spend the entire summer lifting heavy and doing sports. Who's with me?
Walk into the gym in 2011
What does /fit think of
ITT We write a one word letter to Mark Rippetoe... GO!
Why are women such gains goblins?
ITT: Rate each other's calves
ITT: Stories of black people at the gym
How do I boost test naturally?
Do girls dig long hair?
Humor Thread
That guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
How do I increase height?
You see this guy curling in the squat rack
Tfw came in my sleep
ITT: Advice for someone who just turned 18; thing you wish you had known
People who claim they cannot put on size no matter how much they eat, are the fucking retarded or something?
Tfw no thicc gf to cheer you on in the gym
Veeky Forums i really need some help now
Is ronaldo off roids?
Anyone else remember this guy who logged his fat loss journey on here then failed and disappeared?
Walk into gym
Meditation thread
Anyone else here a vegetarian who hates vegans?
I love fucking drinking. It's literally the best thing in the world. The entire world does it
Veeky Forums's opinion on Golden One? Also is his physique achievable natty?
/FAT/ SS + GOMAD, edition
How do you slav squat?
Is it too late to start over at 30 and try to become Veeky Forums again?
Are eccentric movements better for hypertrophy than concentric?
I'm gonna start keto. Any big fat tips to give?
Another sunny day in London
Vegan General
What are you cooking right now Veeky Forums?
Fit what is the best way to get rid of the fat on my hips?
CBT: squats are for retards edition
*blocks your path
Post Veeky Forums faces
Using Muscular Women as Motivation
How long do you have to lift to look like this? It's my goal body
Does daily calisthenics mess things up? I've been doing calisthenics steadily every 2 days for 3 months...
Insecurities thread, post everything you're insecure about:
Nofap - more test?
Traps that are not gay
Tfw you realize being lean is the most important thing
Chad is drinking beer while you are eating egg whites
This is what girls want
Apart from Kickboxing and Judo why don't we ever see any other martial arts in MMA?
Pleaseee help me, what routine is good for this look? i dont want huge shoulders or hamstrings...
Can anyone give me an explanation as to why Benzoyl Peroxide is Impossible to buy in Europe?
Squat - 120kg
Do lesbians like Veeky Forums men? Can a good looking man make a lesbian bi sexual?
Without laughing
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
Day 3 of /NoEat/
Pull 350
Do I have it?
Is accurate? It says 4/3/2/1 is:
What is the best forearm workout that hits every single muscle?
Why don't people shave bald after they recognize they loose hair
No deadlift
Being a bodybuilder or Powerlifters does not mean you are better at fighting...
I wish rent/mortgage wasn't so expensive. Hard to cut properly living with parents
Any Veeky Forums women on this board? How can I get in shape but still keep my curvy figure like pic related?
Unhungry skellington
Seid, Murphy, Skywalker, Laid
Where does someone buy steroids?
You're a bunch of right-wing shitbags
It's been a good run
Hey ive been lifting and doing bodyweight exercises for abt 5 years now...
Rate my dinner
Does physical activity (sports) throughout pubery have an effect on your frame?
Joe Rogan not be missing no leg day, yo
Is this even remotely possible for a 21yo skinnyfat white dude?
Fact or Fiction?
What routine for this look?
/friday night feels/
I posted on here a few days ago that I think I was eating too little...
Getting fit with gynecomastia
So im only just finding out about "complete proteins" etc and have been eating 100g of peanuts a day for a year +...
Someone forgot to turn on the overhead press machine
137 pounds. I'm starting SS next week. If I eat my body weight in protein a day, get necessary water and vitamin intake...
Best BB split for naturals?
Can we get a Chad vs Virgin thread goin?
Goodnight, my fellow Veeky Forumsizens
Do 200 crunches and working on doing an additonal 200 push-ups everyday
What is the biggest fitness redpill?
Tell friend I'm getting into weightlifting
How the fuck am I supposed to stop consuming so many carbs? THEY'RE GOD DAMN EVERYWHERE
/routine/ general
/k/ here
Do you still drink alcohol or is it a gains killer?
How does Veeky Forums stay motivated?
Mode me
So seeing as this is the fitness board, not just the lifting weights board
Use the same weight dumbbells for bench press and shoulder press
/dnp/ thread
Daily reminder that moose fucks niggers and those of you that worship her are pathetic cucks
/fat/ "we need new wojacks" edition
Achievable natty?
CBT Thread
First time using squat plug
High bodyfat as a male = fucking pathetic
Snaps your shoulder up
Alright guys...
Post yfw you realise your entire life of lifting is the antithesis of being good in the eyes of God and completely the...
How many of you on here are actually obese / fat as fuck and not just out of shape?
Genetics aren't really that important, just put in the effort and you'll make it bro
Piano apologises for calling the guy his ex-gf fucked while they were together a fucking nigger 10 years ago
tfw in the middle of my cut + IF and even the most disgusting foods start to taste really good
Only 21 years old
Are slayer eyes a requirement to look alpha and get pussy?
Why do muscles look best on darker skin?
Can't I just put the oats in a bowl add milk and eat it like cereal? What's with sll you fags microwaving shit?
Tfw when neglected brushing teeth since little kid and now it's too late
Best high-protein, low-calorie recipes that actually taste good?
Anyone have the same problem?
Lifting and getting drunk with friends isnt helping with the loneliness anymore
No Stim
Could I get some glutes help please?
I think these"nattys" would be doing gear if it was more readily available. What think
Meanwhile in the Starship Enterprise gym
What the heck is a set and what the heck is a rep?
How come I barely ever see anyone mention back extensions?
Who do you lift for ?
Can someone explain why we need to eat food? Like...
I just want to see your fitfus so i can be motivated to go to the gym today please
Is this Chad Thundercock?
Height discrimination REEEEEE
Face of Veeky Forums
Be fat
Westside doesn't work for Raw lifters
Rich Piana Racist Rant
I just got expired fish oil and creatine from this supplement store in my town for free...
Six a day
My wife is pregnant at the moment, and i'm very excited to be a father. Thing is: i don't want to get fat...
What's his endgame?
Get bloodwork done
Fatties like this get decent faces
Did getting Veeky Forums help your success with women?
So is starting strength a meme? I'm a month in and considering switching to greyskull
Walk into gym
Should I feel self conscious about moaning and grunting during sex...
Anyone else ever fear the iron?
Can Veeky Forums talk about Warmachine
Started goal of biking about 1.5 per day
Is milk actually good for you Veeky Forums? Is it just a meme?
Tfw 5'12 manlet
Tfw rich piana took the ironpill
When is the right time to tell a girl you love her?
Fish oil? Why does everyone take it? Actual benefits or just a meme?
How do i introduce myself to my downstairs qt neighbour...
Tfw too much porn fucked your brain and you go soft during regular sex because you're not into it
I want to start lifting. I picked GSLP plus arms as a program to begin with
Veeky Forums gurus
Kroc rows or bent over barbell rows
How to build a big chest without bench press? With as little stress on shoulders as possible
How do I get this body? Pleasseee help
Even Pajeet made it
I'm a 6'1, 125lbs man who wants to take up Brazilian Jiu Jitsu...
Does anybody know what this shit is?
That's possible to quickly lose weight without lose its muscle mass? Doctors say when we do a diet...
While you're following a perfectly programmed weight lifting routine Makumba is SHOVELING DIRT
Me on the right
Breathing when deadlifting
Program r8 thread
Daily Reminder That Shoulders Are The Most aesthetic muscle
Sugar Addiction
What is the GOAT routine Veeky Forums?
Just relapsed /nofap on day 9. I feel like shit now, brain fog and autistic. Not even joking...
Hormones and weight
Iron Deficiency?
Are there any exercises I can do to make my butt bigger without getting t-rex thighs? thanks
/FAT/ In Pain Edition
Alcohol and GAINS
Physical Therapy General
This is all of you
Body rate thread
Accordig to Veeky Forums, what is the best exercise for:
Anyone else still autistic as fuck and here for years
Can't cook for shit...
Remind me why rice is praised so highly when it is literally just calories. It provides basically no protein or fats...
Martials Arts
That first sip in two weeks
Itt: Veeky Forums is now dogs
How long should someone rest between sets?
What do you honestly think of /fraud/ers
I'll just put this vid to end the calorie in vs calorie out debate
Weed smokers of Veeky Forums, how does it affect your workouts? I heard Arnold used to smoke every now and then...
How does weight cutting for MMA work?
We never learn
Farmer's Walk exercise
Powerlifting General - /PLG/
ITT: Veeky Forums celebs
What's the male equivalent of having a fat ass
Estrogen in food/water
Go to gym
How is your receding hairline holding up fit?
Filling, low calorie meals
You ate HOW many eggs?
She says "no"
Pleb Life
Progress thread
Fat people can't chang-
Pectus excavatum
I want to go to the gym and learn how to squat, deadlift and OHP but I have social anxiety...
QTDDTOT - Sad Ben Affleck Edition
Do you ever feel guilty about not working hard?
Hey so my idiotic friend said that his 30kg in each hand seated db shoulder press is more impressive than my 60kg OHP!!!
Gonna have to go into fight with chad this tuesday
Barbell row or Pendlay row?
Best way to naturally gain testostorone?
Do I still have to exercise to lose fat if I'm water fasting?
Alright fit, im a fat fucker but dont want to cut, id rather just begin the journey bulking...
/FAT/ General "Fell for the DNP meme" Edition:
Anyone /bulletproof/ their mornings? Since I've been doing it, my whole life has changed
Planet Fitness Ads
Is this a meme?
Tfw no large black man to grope me while I lift
There's a girl at my work that i legitimately enjoy talking to and am ok with just being friends
I'll only be your gf if you become a vegan
How does Veeky Forums feel about tattoos?
Just lift and be confident bro
Friday Night Veeky Forums Feels
Does chad always win ?
Hey user, have you been hitting the gym recently?
If manbuns,ponytails etc. etc...
You can only post in this thread if your gym serves all you can eat pizza and bagels
Strict Form Pull-Ups/Weighted Pull-ups are the only pure display of true upper body strength
If you could choose just one exercise for rest of life, what would it be?
How can I learn to do a backflip without risking breaking my neck?
Have an excellent workout with 3 PRs
What kind of skills and stats does a guy need minimum to defeat female fighters like Ronda Rousey and Holly Holm in a...
My gains were NOT enough to make her love me again
Fake Tan
Have 550g chicken breast
This Mothafucking Ketchup
New day new thread
What country have the best gains diet?
Lifting shoes
Trap doms
Is it possible to bulk without junk food?
Walk into gym
High Bar vs Low Bar
Finally Some Motivation
How do I All Might mode?
6am wake up
Can I make pull ups easier by having a counterweights over the bar that goes down when I pull myself up?
Now that you've fallen for the skwats and oats meme
/wfg/ Water fasting general
Been lifting seriously for half a year, though it feels like I've developed upper body imbalances...
Is this bar 45lbs like the others?
Chad/Virgin memes
/FAT/ General "I still have 5 calories left, what do I eat?" Edition
Being Veeky Forums While Working
Remember how absolutely fucking shredded you thought he looked?
Fasting to increase HGH
Explain this shit
Decrease T FAST
Thoughts on yoga? I think it compliments weight lifting
What is AlphaDestiny's deal? Does the things he says actually hold water or is it another case of "Hey...
Fucks keep out
Go get a tan
Veeky Forums bros, with summer right around the corner, how do I clear this shit off my back as soon as possible
Why do we hate basketball shorts in the weight room again?
This thread is dedicated to the greatest lift, The Press™
How do I achieve this body?
Penis fitness gains
The most alpha eye color: light brown
ITT: Veeky Forums runs for political office
Back problems
Am I in starvation mode?
Critique My Form
Guys she broke up with me a week ago the pain is still there what do i do?
Used to think I was an incel loser before fit
So is 5/3/1 a meme or is it a good program?
Snap city
Why is obesity not a bigger political issue? Why does the media and government mostly ignore it?
Post em and rate em
What does Veeky Forums think of the buff dudes?
How many scoops of whey protein do you eat per day?
Why does Veeky Forums worship zyzz, a pajeet/paki?
How many breasts of chicken do you eat a day? I personally eat 4 a day
Help a skelly
I've recently been talking to my dad about finding a cheap power rack to squat in for my gym at home...
What has changed for you in the past 5 years?
This is the only equipment you need to be aesthetic
How do into Kodak Black mode?
Sup Veeky Forums rate my bod
Is drinking this fine?
Post overrated or shitty fitness youtubers
How does Veeky Forums get to the gym?
Does lifting help with acne?
These are fucking gold, more like them. Go
Reasons you lift
What would you consider a respectable dumbell and barbell curl?
Veeky Forums - Fit Ideals Thread
One chance at life
How do you brew your black coffee, Veeky Forums? I like to make cowboy coffee...
Mfw some dyel is shoulder pressing 30lb dumbbells while I'm curling 35's in front of him
/fat/ "lift while you cut" edition
ITT: Top tier gems only you do
How much of an alpha chad do you need to be to get girls like this? What sort of guy gets to fuck these types of women?
Gym Stories Thread
Will squatting 3x a week and deadlifting 1x a week give me a big butt?
Male - Female
What mode is this?
26 year old male
Dude fell for the SS meme
What are some great ways to lose weight fast especially for high school students buried with work upon work?
Is starting strength really a meme? I'm starting lifting on monday and I don't know which routine to do
Fap vs NoFap
What women want
Who has dated Veeky Forums bishes & Instagram "fitness models"?
What's the best martial art to defend against a terrorist?
Fitness Cringe: No legs edition
Trying to Look Better
Want to reach otter mode. How far off am I? (10 and a half stone and about 6ft tall) what do to get there...
Is pic related "clean"?
Is The Golden One more legit than Varg Vikerness?
TFW alphadestiny actually knows what he's talking about and the gains are coming
Detected early symptoms of the flu
5'8" at 19
One of my biggest fears is becoming huge/swole/ripped or whatever, finally maki9ng it...
TFW Your waist is smaller than your hips
Tfw I failed a 2pl8 bench attempt
Y-you get used to it right?
ITT: Post your favourite lift and your strongest fetish
Why they can't just wear baggy pants?
17 year old mogs entire Veeky Forums
Brain fog and depression
Tidy your room
How do you look better unflexed
Be you at the local gym
Why do anons with average sized penises like to circlejerk each other on how women prefer how pleasurable their average...
What music do you listen to while at the gym?
Is eating hotdogs a good way to get protein Veeky Forums boys?
My manlet brethren, why do we even try?
How do I stop thinking about her
/RPG/ - Rich Piana General
/PLG/ Powerlifting General
Is 1/2/3/4 enough for a braphog gf?
What mode am I?
Red pill me on powerclean
Day 3 of NOFAP
I fucking won my class
What are nofap benefits?
Been doing bro-splits for 4 years
Nobody will ever replace Zy
100 cal
What do you do?
University Megathread!
You wake up tomorrow with your goal body
If you want to be a Chad, you gotta have a nice ass
I have a small underneath the skip of my nipple that is tender to touch. It's towards where the arrow is pointing
Is the "Exercise each muscle at most twice a week" the biggest meme ever?
/FAT/ Wojack is Back Edition
Is stronglifts 5x5 good for someone who has been lifting for 11 months but has made super shitty progress doing bro...
How come the mighty gods fall, yet The Golden One stands incorruptable?
Me again
/thicc gen/ - no homo edition
Enter the gym
TFW you realize all the pessimism and le depression posting on Veeky Forums has started to give you negative thought...
Veeky Forums, why is it so easy?
Middle of cut
Is jeff from 13 reasons why a natty? He makes this roid abuser Steve cook look dyel
/nofap/ general
How's your chest gains going so far?
Forgive me Veeky Forums for I have sinned
Nattys of Veeky Forums, have you ever been accused of steroids? What was your reaction?
Fat people are laz-
How long would it take to lose 5% body fat starting weigh at 160lbs height at 5'9 body fat percentage at 20% assuming...
Ctrl + f
This goofy looking, pasty DYEL fucks hot /out/ chicks on the reg
Keto general
What's something to quickly grow your tendons?
Not listening to the old testament to hit PR's
Thought i was 6'5 for years
Why isn't there a Chad pill...
N-normies are laughing at us again
I tried so hard
Daily reminder that we're all gonna make it brah
QTDDTOT - Beach Ready Edition
New FPH/FPS Thread
Can I get a form check on my deadlifts?
Is monogamy sustainable?
Be you at the local gym
Good feels thread
What are you cravin'™, Veeky Forums?
How long does it take to start seeing abs in a cut starting at about 20% body fat 160lbs 5'9
Could a very Veeky Forums man defeat an ostrich?
How do I attain THIS look?
Egg eating hack
How do i get taller?
Weight Loss Journeys anyone?
Go running in London soon after moving here
About drinking water what you guys think, when is to too much? Or theres no such thing as too much of it?
Facial Hair
Mum never drinks water, EVER
Girlfriend cucked me last year, then we broke up, had a troubling few months of arguing
At what point did you realize that the neck is the only muscle that matters?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games