N-normies are laughing at us again

N-normies are laughing at us again


N-normies are laughing at me again*
Tbh this was the funniest thing buzzfeed has ever made.

Fucking let em. Fat cunts.



>tfw 30 year old kv
>not so autistic that i'd buy a girl i don't even know a $1200 watch
wtf was that, it wasn't even funny

>a picture of a woman makes you so angry that you get up and punch it in a fit of rage

They are laughing at /adv/ and /b/ and /r9k/ not us

not gonna lie this was cringe as fug

like a normie's failed attempt at understanding Veeky Forums based on visiting only a couple boards, throwing around buzzwords that vaguely fit

when was the last time you saw the word "Lulz" written on Veeky Forums, or Veeky Forums in general?