Red pill me on eggs. Are they a meme protein?

Red pill me on eggs. Are they a meme protein?

Other urls found in this thread:“healthy”-according-fda

How the fuck could a staple food around the world for centuries be a 'meme protein'?

Fuck off


Someone else will be better equipped to fill you in on the chemistry but in my own experience on days when I have a few egg whites first thing in the morning I have a much easier time controlling what I eat later in the day and have decent energy even when eaten without a carb

>70 calories each
>6 grams of protein
>taste kinda bland so anything added takes over
I enjoy them hardboiled best. just add a little salt and they become tasty as fuck and easy to eat so long as they aren't over cooked and have the texture of saw dust when chewing.
scrambled eggs are trash, taste like vomit unless something is added.

Where do you put yolks, flushing them down the toilet?

>Red pill me on eggs

fuck off

I'm a fraud, I usually use the liquid egg whites you buy in a carton. When I've used real egg whites in the past I've used the yolks for omelettes for other people

They're fucking great. On a bulk I'll eat at least half a dozen for breakfast.