Just snapped my shit up bad going for a 455x3 deadlift. Form was ok but I think i went up in weight too fast, despite the first rep being super easy. Also /injurygeneral/ i guess.
very probable herniated disk, cant bend or anything, couldnt unload the bar, took 2 minutes just to get into my car to drive home.
Snap city
I was starting to get really aesthetic too :( will all gains be lost, anyone had to recover from a herniated disk?
Shit man, that's what we all fear. Have you seen a doctor or anything? I'd strongly recommend it. But then again I've got free healthcare so I'm not thinking about the financial side of things...
you can get aesthetic without heavy deadlifting if that's your main goal fammo
go see a doc, might just be something muscular if you didn't feel it through your nerves in the extremities etc. - but yeah, you won't be moving near your 1rm for some time, if at all
Prove it. There is NO, and I mean absolutely ZERO video evidence of someone snapping their back from a deadlift. They're literally just muscle injuries. If you broke your back while deadlifting, it wasn't from the dead lift
was this a new 3rm attempt? If so, what was previous
Nah man this just happened like an hour ago. I've actually done this before 2 years ago doing power cleans, same exact shit. Took months to fully recover but I did, and added 150 pounds to my DL.
i really love lifting heavy and setting prs but if i have to switch to bodybuilding focus because of this it wouldnt be the end of the world, id still lift.
Fuck off man, I literally sent a video, this is probably be anyway.
Yea it was a 3rm attempt for 5/3/1. Previous warmup was 405x3, but the previous maxout was 5 reps of 415, 2 weeks ago. That's probably the issue I think.
B8* also what scares me is that my form wasn't even off, are my disks just weak?
Butt is way too high. This isn't a good morning, it's supposed to be a deadlift.
how did it happen doing power cleans?
This is why I never go above 3 plates on deadlifts, a fucked up back is hell
You were lifting the weight with your back. Go post this in /plg/ for advice, but the short of it is that Deadlifting is a push. I can tell you were lifting with your back solely due to your head position. Your neck shouldn't move during the lift, it only does so if you bend your back backwards to hinge the weight. Your hips push forward during the lift as your feet push downwards. If you practice extending your legs whilst simultaneously pushing your hips forward, you'll notice that your back and neck don't move at all, and shouldn't. Your arms solely exist to hold the weight and channel the tension through your back so that your legs and hips can do the work.
>TLDR: This was awful form, and people going to Snap City on Deadlifts isn't because they're dangerous, it's because they lift like this without realizing how shit they lift.
agreed, they are not necessary for muscular development alone, and posterior chain development can be achieved just with sub-max romanian DLs/GHR etc. Sure, do heavy deadlifts if you really want, but they are only really a must in powerlifting.
Scooby doesn't deadlift either
Or maybe that's a stupid amount of weight that you don't even need to be able to lift ever?
Pretty much this. I know this is Captain Hindsight but maybe you won't have hurt yourself too bad and learn from it.
At any rate, go to a doctor sooner than later.
Your form looks fucking shit m8. Your back isn't even straight when you setup
You're probably right, my hips should be lower.
I didn't know wtf I was doing. 16 years old doing them for track practice with like 150 pounds, snapped my shit. Earlier in track this year I was doing 265 no problem, all about form.
It's not that simple. The thing is, way more people get injured at lower weights like 2 or 3 plates than high weights like 4 or 5 plates because you don't get to 500 pounds with shit form and stabilization.
I'm not saying my form was perfect, but it's far from being considered "bad form" on this board. I will take your advice anyway though.
Stay weak
>stay injured
I wont. I've recovered from this before and I'll do it again. I will pull 6 plates in my lifetime.
I have already learned from this. I don't plan on seeing a doctor though because he's going to tell me it's a herniated disk and to do physical therapy which costs a lot of money. As I've said, I've recovered from this before and I'll do it again.
Let's see your form with a triple at 455, 185 bw. I'm not being rude, I just think you don't know what you're talking about. A bit of rounding in the upper back is alright and not where the injury happened. I used to think the same way as you back when I could barely pull 315, but you learn as you progress.
Pic related is the exact moment of the snap
fag ass powerlifter they'll know you by name in snap city.
Go to a goddamn doctor. Unless you are somehow by law required to take his advice and do the physical therapy, you are only endangering your long-term health and gains.
No, your form was legitimately terrible. Your back was lifting the weight. When you do this, think of your hips acting as a start point and your head acting as the end point of a radius. Your back is doing a circular movement as you move it from 0 degrees to 90 degrees. This tension results in your back translating that to moving downwards as your legs push upwards. The result? The weight is pushed down by your upper back and up by your legs thus laying itself directly into your mid back. Guess which part of your body went to Snap City?
The Deadlift is a push, not a pull. Your back is not supposed to move during the entirety of the lift. Your back exists to hold tension in the bar and shift the weight to your legs. Your legs push up as your hips push forward thus resulting in no direct clash of your muscle groups by making them move against each other. What you experienced is classic shit form resulting in a Snap. See the horribly made pic related that I put together.
Also to add onto , I pull 500 at 200 on a cut, and there are a ton of other guys also from /plg/ at my weight and lower with less than 2.5 years in the gym that pull more than you. Everyone of them and those that pull more will tell you the same exact thing - your form was bad. I say this directly because you mention pulling 455x3 @185 as if it's impressive and you need to realize that lifting more than the average person doesn't make you a savant - your herniated disk and 6-8 weeks of resting will hopefully show you that. Any record breaking Deadlifter will tell you the Deadlift is a Push, not a Pull.
Fuck off where his hips are when he starts his pull is fine.
It could just be an erector strain. Where does it hurt?
>Deadlift is a Push, not a Pull.
Ayyy, my nigga. I've been trying to tell people this for months but no one listens.
This user knows exactly what he's talking about.
The hard truth :no matter how good you are at them, squats, dls and rows will fuck you up.