What does Veeky Forums think of these 4 specimen, do they live up to their hype?
What does Veeky Forums think of these 4 specimen, do they live up to their hype?
Seid is just a meme and that is all he will ever be. The last two are literally who's. Connor Murphy is kinda cool, he lives in the same town as me, and the one video I saw of his I kinda laughed, but definitely not zyzz.
Skywalker looks TOO juiced to be like zyzz. Zyzz looked juiced but not like that. Seid is probably the best with Murphy coming in a close second. David Laid looks natural.
Sky walker smokes and his abs are fucked up. He's totally fake.
Laid is a curbro with a disgusting bitch face.
Connor Murphy is just a whore
Jeff Seid is the king of aesthetics
That being said though there are a lot of better physiques that don't get as much attention online just because certain guys never learn how to cultivate an internet following. Most of the men's physique guys look great (aside from the baby faced negros) yet normies don't know who they are
>there are a lot of better physiques
>No personality, just a compendium of bro-stereotypes
>Cringe out-of-my-skin videos where he replaces personality with showing his body
>Awkward in front of the camera with no natural charisma
>Barely posts videos about himself doing things or posts online regularly aside from Instagram, so his personality is unknown
Zyzz's personality was well known and liked. That's the difference between him and them.
Murphy by far
>has a college degree
>girls are literally throwing themselves at him
>dat height, face and frame
>knows he's cringey and just rolls with it because he knows that's what we want from him
>fairly modest for someone who looks like that
and despite all of that, Connor Murphy is still the type of dude that would explain macros to a girl at a party, look up Connor Murphy Boat Party
with that said he's become a bit too arrogant recently, ever since he got sponsors he's started shilling more and more, I realise a man has to make money but sheesh couldn't he lay off a bit, and don't even get me started with the phucable physique, every single video and IG post he's shilling that book
used to like Joffy but he's just become to much of an ass, trying too hard to be zyzz and can't expand his vocabulary past "brah" and "fuken shredded"
I'd like to like Laid but that Justin Bieber face just makes me wanna punch him
Skywalker is cool but the fact that he's a big time roider puts me off him
>inb4 all of them roid
highly doubt it, maybe Jeff is on a small dosage but I doubt even that
Non of these roiders have social skills, and are super cringe to watch, they could never be zyzz
Hope you are trolling, all of them are on roids or previously cycled (if they even came off).
Fitness industry has you fooled if you think otherwise. Fake Natty is what it's called, getting to the natty limit or just past it and then maintaining by lowering dose and/or using mainly hardening compounds to present a shredded hard look without all the excess mass.
Imagine their physiques at 12-15% bulked if you can, they carry too much mass at such a low bf% to be natty. FFMI over 25 is a no brainer if you can find their real stats.
Skywalker's face with Seid's body with Murphy's personality would be ideal.
Separately they're all sort of meh.
Connor's ffmi is 23, there's a video on yt about it
they really aren't all that heavy, appart from Skywalker who's 6'4 and like 240lbs
Connor is 6'2 and 210lbs, Seid at a claimed "6 foot" and 200lbs and Laid is just a twink
it's very much attainable natty if you devote yourself to it, think about it, they make their living off looking good so they can spend a lot more time and effort into it, someone who works manual labour 8 hours a day isn't gonna have the time, willpower or motivation to look that good
Yes, they all have muscular, lean, aesthetic physiques - gotta give them that.
I wonder, however - why would anyone watch their "content"? Do they say or do anything interesting or funny?
Jon skywalker is 6'4" 215 lbs lol
>maybe Jeff is on a small dosage but I doubt even that
Joffo, my dude.
He's not modest he's just insecure. He talked about it in his vlogs.
Zyzz and chestbrah both smoked brah. They also took Drugs at partying. Some video out there where s close friend is telling it.
Don't think you need testimony to say that Zyzz and CB did drugs. Part of what did him in.
the're bunch of fags
They all try way too hard to be Zyzz
They will deny it but anyone can see through it it's so obvious
Zyzz was one of us. Those fags were never a tfwnogf warcraft nerd. They also will never have the charisma and charm that zyzz had
Can someone please explain to me the cult of personality around guys like these? Not even memeing I don't get it. I don't think its a gay thing either because I'm bi and I only think about their bodies and couldn't give a fuck about them once i scroll past the post.
>Skywalker's face
His face is the worst
Zyzz is idolized so much because he started out like most of Veeky Forums
Seid, Murphy, Laid, and Skywalker don't have the same inspiration backing them up.
jeff pls abscond
being zyzz is not about the looks, it's about the attitude
what a cool guy
jeff pls go
Title of the vlog where he talks about his insecurities?
Connor is the best
Laid's videos are pretty comfy. I like his lifestyle.
not even close. zyzz was about the character/persona more than anything. there were tons of ripped guys before and after that nobody cares about.
Agreed,all the vids are so fucking comfy,those drone shots and edits are sick. That kid has a cool style.
Not sure if srs. His videos are boring as hell with barely any content.
Laid has the personality of a rock. He should be last.
Not you.
Why does Jeff Seid's face always look so retarded? Is it just me?
Permafat face. No can do.
Lazar Angelov, Bradley Martin (the best of all time), Literally anyone
>Jeff Seid
Best Physique out of all of them. However, the rest of them are all 6'2"+ so his proportions will be better. Is appealing to the zyzz fans and he acknowledges this. He wants to become an actor but has a lazy vocabulary. Was compared to zyzz and in the fitness industry early before it became as big as it is today which gave him an advantage. His support from his Father has definitely done him well.
>Connor Murphy
Marketing genius. Has a college degree and knows that women get youtube views. Knows that he is cringy and plays along with it. Gets more confident every video and never has been shown making out with any of the girls in his video even though he does off camera. Still pretty humble but definitely more cocky which is to be expected when rising to popularity so quickly. Great body but does not know how to dress well.
>David Laid
Crazy strong and sick video editing skills. Since he has an interest in media and video editing, he is the master of taking instagram pictures to make him look the best he can. Is passive aggressive to his friends and gymshark poster boy has given him an ego. Doing very well for how young he is.
>Jon Skywalker
Openly admits to steroid use. Not many youtube videos, just instagram person. Smokes too much weed to be productive at all. 6'4" and very aesthetic which easily out angles 90% of bodybuilders. Actually seems like he would have the most personality in front of camera too lazy.