Where does someone buy steroids?

Where does someone buy steroids?

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I will bump with Snu Snu girls

ask the short guy at your local farmers market


Is hilarious how much better is than

I'm kinda being serious. I genuinely wanted to be an Olympian. Ended up breaking my wrist in December I'm past depression and I know that career for me is gone. I just want pure aesthetics



Just go to the biggest guy at your gym and ask him for his special sauce.

T boosters don't cut it for me

if you are too dumb to find them then you are too dumb to use them

GNC literally sells steroids though, they're just seasonal, unlabeled, expensive, and citrus flavored. I'm 100% serious.

Yeah, /r/steroids is hush hush on that stuff is this legit?

Well I was told not to trust googles searches. So I'm kinda at a lost

Some more

I got plenty




Me lifting 315 a month after cast was removed

I would post more of me but that's not important

Doing front squats

I learned the next day I had a torn tendon on my pecs

>olympic dream
>dl 315
>thinken of roiding
>doesnt no where to get steroid

can anyone be more fucktarded than u

I think you misunderstood my left arm had 0 strength. I'm deadlifting a month after my cast was removed. I had 0 to no grip on my left arm.

Hell yeah i had dreams to be an Olympian. That photo was post cast. I still have desires to lift you are implying I should know all involving the internet. That's why I'm here asking

yolo and memes

Don't forget fidget spinners

Ask the biggest guy in your gym.

Maybe. But I much rather get it from a good source.



For giggles

This sub sucks