Work out macros for the vegan food I ate today

>Work out macros for the vegan food I ate today
>95g protein
>0g Vitamin B12
>0g Vitamin D

RIP gains. Looks like I can't have muscles and a clear conscious at the same time after all

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This is obviously a meat eaters bait vegans thread but I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are just stupid, not trolling.
1 cup fortified soy milk per day until you learn to use cronometer or myfitnessPal to track macro and micronutrient intake.
>150 g protein average and 125% DV B12 reporting in

How to you manage no carbs on a vegan diet?


If you want to have a "clear conscious" just do vegetarian. The amount of justification needed for an actual full on vegan diet/lifestyle is ridiculous since one way or another you're going to use an animal product or something that benefited from animal testing.

Appeal to futility fallacy, next

I have a soy allergy

And I'm legitimately trying to follow a vegan diet, not trying to stir controversy or arguments or whatever. It's gotten to the point where, when I go to eat eggs or meat, all I can think of is 'Why are you doing this?' 'There's other sources of energy that doesn't have to come from animals' 'This could have been a chicken. This used to be a chicken' etc etc

It's really fucking up my mind

>this could have been a chicken
Most of the eggs you buy at the supermarket are unfertilized, bruh. If you think eating an egg is tantamount to killing a chicken, you must by that same token think that jacking off is tantamount to carpet bombing a city block.

Apologies, I've just been fed up by the same arguments from non vegans that always end in a logical fallacy, shitposting/trolling or "I don't care".
There are other B12 fortified foods you can try, like: almond/coconut/cashew/rice/oat milk, fortified flaxseeds, fortified nutritional yeast, marmite etc.
If none of these work out for you one way or another, you can always supplement. It comes down to single digit pennies per day, ridiculously cheap.

I was certain you were trolling because 95g protein is laughably low. Eating my maintenance calories in white pasta gives me exactly 95 grams protein. No beans, no protein powder, no fake meat, nothing, just white pasta. I'm not saying I'm doing that or that you should be doing that, bit you must have spent all day eating fruit, rice and junk food to stay this low.

>guys if I point out a fallacy that means he's suddenly wrong!

Point is, OP is clearly irrationally trying to follow something that he definitely seems like he doesn't really want to, but feels otherwise compelled to. There are other options that allow one to have a clear moral compass that don't involve the mental gymnastics it takes to be a true vegan.

I've found meeting macros to be pretty easy.

I got for 180-195g protein a day.

>Protein shake in the morning (I have a nice true nutrition blend if you want it)
>Oatz n oatz n oatz n coconut oil
>Tofurkey for lunch
>Tons of lentils for dinner
>Some black beans n salsa, scooby style
>Celery, carrots, or cucumber as snacks


so you're eating 12 cups of pasta per day?

>doesn't really want to, but feels otherwise compelled to
What did he mean by this? :thinking:
>Vegan mental gymnastics
Pic related

OP described a very specific problem that can be solved without needing to go non vegan.

Haha, you are so funny :-)
Upvotes to you, good gentlesir!

You're making veganism only about eating animals. Do you also research products that you use to make sure that no animals were harmed? Do you take medicine? If you're going to be a vegan because of a guilty conscious that animals were hurt, it has to extend beyond simply eating them, otherwise you're just half assing it. If you do that, good on you for actually taking your own doctrine seriously. Something tells me since OP hasn't properly researched a good vegan diet, he also hasn't researched a proper vegan lifestyle, and yet will feel good about himself for not eating chicken or eggs but will take medicines that you tested on animals.

> I'm such a pampered emotional fuckstick I care about having a "clean conscience" from what I eat

neck yourself

>You're making veganism only about eating animals.
Quote where I said veganism only applies to dietary choice
>Do you also research products that you use to make sure that no animals were harmed?
Where I can, yes
>Do you take medicine?
Yes, and I have absolutely no problem with animal tested medicine. I don't even have a problem with killing a pig to replace a human's heart valve (I've read humans have compatible heart valves with pigs)
Veganism is about not causing unnecessary suffering and death to animals.
>If you're going to be a vegan because of a guilty conscious that animals were hurt, it has to extend beyond simply eating them
Says who? You, the meat eater? Come on.
>otherwise you're just half assing it. If you do that, good on you for actually taking your own doctrine seriously.
Tu quoque fallacy, nirvana fallacy, futility fallacy

Today as a vegan:

2300 calories
205g protons

Also I was a vegan before I started lifting, so none of that "you can't build muscles eating plants" bullshit.

What do you vegans eat? Give me some examples of protein rich meals I could try? Wouldn't mind trying out new stuff

Nothing but fresh human semen.

I was asking a question, not trying to be funny. how much pasta are you eating to get 95g of protein from it?