Is starting strength really a meme? I'm starting lifting on monday and I don't know which routine to do

Is starting strength really a meme? I'm starting lifting on monday and I don't know which routine to do.

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just do push/pull/x and squat once a week

>starting lifting on monday
Why not yesterday? [spoiler]Don't mind me, just bumping your thread because have the same question.[/spoiler]

No it's a good program. Don't overthink it, as a novice the details of a program don't matter, just go and do it consistently.

It's a great program so long as you remember it's a beginner program and don't spend the next to years doing it and wonder why you look like a tyrant lizard

>Is starting strength really a meme


It's a good program to stay on for 6 months to a year for complete novices. Then again any program with linear overload will be decent. Beginners luck.

It's a solid program.

Full body routines are best. Especially for beginners.

But honestly, it doesn't matter what program you run, you will make massive noob gains.


Work on consistency, first.

It's arguably the best beginners programm out there.

OP, when you mean SS what exactly do you mean? I obviously know what the routine is but how do you interpret it? Which accessories are you planning to do and have you also gotten the idea of doing SS, not just the routine base? Rest times, progression and such?

I've been doing some pushups and shit for some months while eating good and gaining some weight. Will my noob gains be less significant?

Dont do gomad, dont get emotionally attached. Lift heavy full body 3 times a week, eat, sleep and be done with it. No need to form an identity around "training for strength", thats what autists do when they stumble upon something new.

its a dogshit routine made by a dogshit powerlifter turned dogshit coach.
here are some actually good routines:
>jonnie candito's linear program
>lyle mcdonald's generic bulk
>generic 2-way split
>alpha destiny's novice program
if you're an aspiring athlete
if you're into powerlifting
izzy navarez' PTW linear

It's not a meme and it's a great beginner routine especially if you're a skinny fuck hoping to put on some mass and follow a good diet with it. It's a great way to get stronger and learn proper form on main compounds; however it's true that squatting three times a week will give you disproportionally bigger thighs while upper body, and especially arms will lag behind; that's why you should do the accessory lifts like curls or tricep extensions like it's recommended in versions of the program. By the time you're done with it, ie around six months, you'll have acquired intermediate level strength, and will be able to do any routine you want like training for hypertrophy/aesthetics. Think of it like a sculptor working a big block of marble, you start by making big imperfect cuts to get the shape you desire (compound lifts, strength), and only after do you nutritiously work on the small details (accessory lifts, high volume).

Compound lifts and intermediate strength are what you should focus on as a newbie. It's just a learning period of six months. But by the time you're done you'll be glad you did. I see kids who start by doing shitty brosplit and avoid compounds and a year later they still look like shit because they're still weak; you could do a brosplit six months after SS but you'll be able to lift twice the weight, this is where the aesthetics gains will come: high weight, high volume. The curlbros do low weight, high volume and never progress. SS will have you learn high weight with low volume; so you can progress any way you want after.

Seconding this.

>It's a great way to get stronger and learn proper form on main compounds
>15 reps is great for learning form


Autist who tries to form an identity around lifting for strength here:
I only ever did brosplits for like 3 years.
Now started SS for strength gains. Can I add isolations/hypertrophy and gain both the strength gains and the muscle gains?

if you've been lifting for 3 years and cant tell SS is garbage from just looking at it you're beyond saving

>Can I add isolations/hypertrophy and gain both the strength gains and the muscle gains

According to Rippletits no, but Rippletits looks like shit so who cares.

Direct arm, shoulder, and upper back work won't hurt and will even help. But if you're going to do all of that why not do a better program to begin with?

Because muh strength programm.
What would you rek?

SS is good for two types of people
>high school and college age boys looking to rapidly add strength for athletics

If your goal is male aesthetics, GSLP, SL, and Alphadestiny's Novice are better choices for "I don't what the fuck I'm doing, but here goes..." for your first 6 months.

For your first 6 months your goals are
>learn proper technique on compound movements so you don't snap your shit up
>challenge your body by increasing weight in small increments

After 6 months or so, you'll want to switch a routine that includes more arm isolation movements and probably a higher rep range and more diverse angles. Brosplits are only a good idea if you jump on roids; stay full-body or Push/Pull or PPL.

>not listening to Rippetoe

Half a century of olympic lifting but it needs a Rippetoe to save the day. The Americans, the Bulgarians, the Russians, the Chinese, the Iranians they all got it wrong. Every single Olympic weightlifting team in existence got it wrong.
But this Texan backwater high school coach comes to save the day. Low bar squats for oly lifting. Genius. Pure unadulterated, brilliant genius.
Cant wait till he starts giving advice on baseball and cooking

What's SL, google gives me some skiing.


StrongLifts 5x5
Btw pro-tip, next time try "SL lifting" "SL program", etc. next time before giving up and asking.

Lol Veeky Forums still has the same old memes after 5 years.