go get a tan
Go get a tan
>look 10x better with a tan
>increased skin aging/wrinkles
>skin cancer
Can't tell if its worth it m8s..
>call people shitskins incessantly on image board
>develop skin cancer to become a shitskin
It isn't.
95% of the people at my gym are darker than me. I really need to start going outside more, I can't imagine how vit D deficient I am.
anyone have experience with alternatives to sun tanning? For example pills or spray?
Want those aesthetics but dont want wrinkled skin and cancer later in life
>"get a tan"
>uses shitskin as example
your kinds water fountain is over there, nigger
You don't need to be dark or orange
just put some 15 SPF on and get a light glow
i bet ur one of those guys that looks like an orange and thinks it looks good
I don't need one, I'm hot already
i inject MT2 what u wanna no
serial killer/10
>Zyzz's clothes/hair go more and more out of style every time I see him
why. it's not like a tan will fix my shitty facial features. and besides i'm a ginger. all i do is get freckles and they're fucking hideous
get the fuck out /pol/tardo
>Zyzz would have a hard part/undercut hairstyle today
you're gonna make that kid go over the edge, don't act surprised if he shoots up a bunch of people and blames this board for it
>2007 was 10 years ago
fug ;-;
I can't help it, its too funny to bully attention whores
Have any of you heard of eating 5 carrots a day to get a slight orange glow? Its scientifically proven to appear more attractive to the opposite sex. I know it sounds retarded but just spend 30s to google it before you shit on me. Is this legit? I dont want to waste 2 months eating disgusting carrots 5 times a day. Its supposedly proven to be more attractive than a brownish sun tan and also doesnt give you wrinkles or canser
>Its scientifically proven
Literally spend 30s to google it you retard instead of shitting on anything unfamiliar
Nah. He would have probably rocked a buzzcut like Chestbrah, or he would have had a similar cut to Skywalker's.
Enjoy your skin cancer
Don't overdo it. Moisturize regularly. Have decent genetics.