My little sister beats me up, help.
I used to suffer from anorexia, I've got my weight up to 95lbs now (at 5'6 and 19 years old). My younger sister is 4'11, 10 years old and 100lbs.
Recently she's been beating me up/bullying me. For example, she forced me to eat a live worm yesterday.
The attached pic is of her 6 pack to give you an idea of her strength. I don't know how to fight back against her, she's too strong. Help.
She's not all muscles by the way. This is a regular pic of her, she doesn't look too strong here. How long would it take to overtake her strength?
yeah you already know what's going to happen next
Post vid if her beating you up
post vid of her pegging you
She has the same shitty insertions as I do...
There's no vids.
Some ridicule I expect but hopefully some advice as well.
she's a kid, you could trick her into killing herself or whatever
kids are evil but they're also pretty fucking dumb
If you're a boy stop being a pussy
If you're a girl get her by the hair and pull it hard, she might fight back but if you do that everytime she fights she won't want it anymore