ITT: Shit you see normies do at normie gyms. >have to temporarily join normie gym bc reasons >see pic related and others on the wall >one squat rack >pajeet in squat rack: sweatpants, pussy gloves, pussy pad >has 25lb weight, then 10lb, then another 25 on bar >squats to 1/3 depth >does this for 20 minutes
>not having a home gym after going to a gym after two years of home gyming
home gym is a waste of time
Kevin Murphy
Andrew Clark
You're a fucking cunt mate, you've been infesting threads all day, fuck off and do something productive rather than tripfagging and making this board worse.
Gavin Foster
how is having a home gym a waste of time but going to public one not?
>tripfagging its not a trip >do something productive i work 9 hours a day
i was working while posting here
the only problem is i dont have a gf :(
Andrew King
I blast metal at my non normie gym
Nathan Reed
Watched a guido looking fucker do a set of machine curls on the lightest weight for literally 5 minutes straight
Elijah Gray
My gym doesn't even have a squat rack. But at least i can grunt as much as i want :,)
Jordan Phillips
Brayden Brown
>Team of 3 dumbasses dragging 'pic related' around the gym to sit on in between sets
Ryder Fisher
>pajeet >visible belly and bitch tits, wears relatively tight shirts, has messy hair and doesn't seem like he takes showers >loads up 185 on bench and does literal 2 - 3 inch rom, doesn't rerack weights >takes 55 lb dbs and seems to load up for db flat bench >brings up the weights but doesn't bring them down, instead he starts clanging the weights together. Picture a 1/8th rom db fly. leaves the dbs on the floor when he is done >goes on chest machine thing, idk what it's called, but he once again brings up the weights by a couple of inches and lets the weight slam back down >he sometimes blatantly stares at me sometimes
I thought these people were only a myth? I have an insane urge to push the weight all the way down to his chest when he benches.
>Relaxing in sauna all by myself after intense workout. >Father and two kids come in. >Kids start rough housing, jumping around, making noise, etc..... >I politely ask the father to make them stop
"They ain't hurtin nothin?"
>Kids start jumping around more >One kid falls off the top platform in the sauna and does 'The Scorpion' upon landing. >Pic related is 'The Scorpion' >Kid starts screaming and crying >Father rushes kid out of the sauna >I am laughing hysterically.
Noah Williams
>normie gym >4 squat racks >pretty much all the useful machines Considering that it's the cheapest alternative I'm surprised at the quality. They could use dbs heavier than 90lbs tho
Jack White
I work at a gym in the suburbs whose clientele consists mainly of affluent white people will will drop $500 for a year membership and only show up for a few months. They have planet fatness level rules and is only open from 6 am to 9 pm. However, the owner is fit as faurk and gets the best machines, racks, and equipment he can afford. We have anything you could want to get a workout in all paid for by fat suburban pricks who insist on the best as a status symbol, but hardly use any of it.
My co-workers and I were given free reign to come in and workout whenever we want, after hours included. The only bad part is that it's part time and hardly a career, so I'll be forced to rejoin the filthy masses soon. Until then I'm going to treasure every moment I have working out with an entire gym virtually all to myself.
Elijah Stewart
>didn't eat/train for 3 months >lost ~35kg >couldn't even squat 50% for 5 today I have become the normies
Jose Adams
I prefer Normie Gyms
>Drive past CrossFit gym >Phaggots have a large garage door >It's open so all the phaggots can be seen and show off. >Other phaggots are working out in the parking lot >Even more phaggots are running or dragging shit up and down the sidewalks.
Cooper Hernandez
Charles Phillips
Blake Long
This is actually good, my gym's locker room is full of naked old faggots blow drying their assholes. I'm pretty sure they don't even exercise, they just hang out there making people uncomfortable.
I'm not against nudity in the locker room, but you should make some attempt to avoid being a voyeur and get your clothes back on as quick as possible.
Leo Reed
My gym has everything I need - squat rack, bench, oly area with bumper plates - but man do they cater to the shittiest crowd. Literally dozens of treadmills, useless machines, kettlebells under 15 lbs, Zumba room. Their business strategy is to make bank on gym newbies. Good for them I guess but one or two more squat racks wouldn't hurt.
Carter Clark
It what universe is this a bad thing?
Parker Hughes
So you're saying you hate CF gyms because they workout outside?
God forbid people don't want to be running on a treadmill inside when it's beautiful out.
James Barnes
literally every single one. I swear it must be something lost from their culture to ours.
Joshua Bailey
They are working out outside to be seen, everyone knows that Crossfitters are the biggest attention whores in the fitness community.
If Social Media didn't exists, the amount of CrossFit practitioners would drop to 30%
Jaxon Jenkins
Yes, they're not low test self-conscious pussies like younger "men".
Grayson Young
These people are the reason you have a gym to workout at, dummy
Samuel Powell
they just like to be seen.
Jordan Perry
>there are no attention whores at regular gyms
Yeah ok buddy.
Anthony Gomez
Out of curiosity, why are you paying attention to attention whores instead of completely ignoring them?
Ian Cruz
>gym has no grunting rule in pamphlet you get after signing up >most people grunt, no one cares >trainers drop weights louder than most other gym goers
James King
haahaaa whyatt peepoh XD
Logan Brooks
I literally made this pic a few months ago
Jeremiah Young
Half-reps on everything
Sex Offender 7s
Circuit training on all the equipment
Bullshit "NFL combine" niggersports exercises
Noah Gonzalez
Cfb Borden?
Samuel Hughes
bit fuckin hard not too when they're in your face
Hunter Lee
>the scorpion
jfc you got me
Kayden Bell
When did I imply that? Are you confusing teh word "Biggest" with the word "Only"?
>Are you that retarded?
Andrew Hernandez
It is accurate as fuk my friend.
Jaxon Reed
hahaha yeah man, took this photo in 2014 when I was there for a week.