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>no SIPS thread

Why aren't you SIPing at 2AM ?

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europoor pls go

Because coffee has a much lower chance of giving me stomach ulcers upon regular consumption

Nigga I started siping at 12, i am on my 16th can now


μπούτσα :DDDDD

>i am on my 16th can now

>breaking news
>local gym retard overdosed on energy drinks at 2AM


wtf is a sip

has there ever been a "meme" on any other board that was such blatant advertising?

who /purplesips/ here?

>t.Rockstar™ PR Team

Veeky Forums is literally nothing but advertisements for various cryptos

/S I P B O Y S/

What was the first "sips" post? I was around for the first of the meme a couple months ago but not for the original post. what really solidified it?

??? fuck off blatant energy drink shill

>local gym retard overdosed on energy drinks at 2AM


It's just retarted gorilla marketing by the Monster PR team

>a couple months ago
It's been like half a year or more now since this shit started

>local gym retard overdosed on energy drinks at 2AM

It's all fun and games untill one of you /SIPS/ retards gets a heart attack by drinking 16 FUCKING CANS, and then they ban caffeine drinks

Real talk why haven't they started making SIPS with creatine

>SIPS with creatine

do you want a heart attack ?

I'm always hearing about the /sip/ boys but how come I'm never hearing about the /nip/ boys

>ban caffeine drinks

yea...thats never going to happen

No I want gains

Impossible, you'd be so strung out from over a gram and a half a caffeine and and a few thousand times your daily dose of b vitamins that you'd be bordering on heart attack levels.

I think user is kill

>16th can

we have gone too far with this sips meme

That's like $45 of drank

It's called Bang you dink. Get the star blast flavor

put me in the screen cap so I can be on the news when this fucker kicks the bucket and gets monster banned


It started on September 18 last year. Picture of a hand holding a can of white sips with the caption
>that first sip of the day

The picture was sideways because it was taken with an iPhone. Guy shitposted it for a couple of days and then other people started doing it. Then the memes started.

>gorilla marketing
Back to school

Bang. Way too much caffeine though.

>Way too much caffeine though.

You are probably too much faggot for caffeine

>taking that at face value
Back to r*ddit

>being this retarted

Back to r*ddit


*sips fedora*

>*sips fedora*
>implying fedoras drink sips

Back to r*ddit

Log off kid

I stopped sipping 5 days back, yesterday was hell.
Its like my asshole has retracted up into me, everything is so fucking tight. And it's like sweating and shit. Now the sweating is giving me a rash. Been moisturizing my asshole and it seems to be getting better.

Sips, not even once.


>Heh... I was just PRETENDING to be-
Well, you know the rest

or maybe

you DON'T????????

S I P B O Y S 2 0 1 7


all im seeing in this pic

>mommy die if no reply

that was witty and i'll give you a (You) for it even if i'm under protection

>when you sip before bed time to wind down for the day

why do i do this to myself

i love sips but it's the only spare "relaxing" time that i have between work, lifting, and cooking.


never sip after 7pm

Sips all day m i rite?



>chadwalk ad


>That last sip of the night

newest of newfags