Can someone explain why we need to eat food? Like, why not just take a nutrient dense pill once a day where you pick the macros and calories via an app? The pill eliminates all cravings for food and makes it so that you could be effortlessly Veeky Forums.
Can someone explain why we need to eat food? Like...
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Do you really want to live in a world without food?
i would honestly love this as someone with ibs issues.
differences between energy (calories) and nutrients
Some of you guys take this fitness shit and lose your lives to it.
Eating a good meal is one of the great pleasures of life. You don't have to be some fat fuck constantly piling McDoubles down your chins to recognize that human beings evolved eating food for millions of years.
For that reason, it would result in you fucking up your digestive system.
Absolutely. Do you know how much time you waste eating food each day?
Because nobody would buy it. People like food. On second thought maybe NASA or the Army.
you have a strong case of the autism
eating and preparing food communally is literally THE reason we are human, society would not have evolved and would not continue if everyone autistically ate their roots and mammoth and/or nutrient dense pills in their little hobbit cave
t. fatty
So I looked into this years ago and liver pills, multivitamins/individual ones can actually get you everything you need. The problem is it ends up being a stomach full of pills so you will fuck your stomach lining up.
please hang yourself
I wish. I've never been a fan of food and eating.
I would eat everything in drink form if it wasn't fucking disgusting.
I remember reading some shit where this was attempted. While the body was nourished, weird shit started to happen with insulin and gut flora.
I don't remember where I saw it so it might be broscience garbage
there is nothing better than drinking water when you are dehydrated. is it because drinking water is an amazing activity or because you are fucking thirsty and need water? I'd rather just not be thirsty thanks.
Law of thermodynamics would require that pill to be quite large. Proteun is measures in grams. 200 grams of protein is a large volume.
Your best bet would be some kind of bar you could eat or maybe a shake. But not a pill.
Not sure if troll. Sugar doesn't stop tasing good if you've had what you need, same goes for everything else.
You and your good points need to just move the fuck on
>Sugar doesn't stop tasing good if you've had what you need
except it literally does. eat a dozen doughnuts and tell me you think sugar tastes good afterward.
So sugar stops tasting good after you eat a ton of sugar.
As a former skelly eating wasn't ever enjoyable for me, so please stop projecting mister fatty.
yes you fucking autist. it's why people get "tired" of food.
Fucking phone keyboard shit god damnit
Poor mad little brainlet.
30 minutes?
>le very effishunt redditor who has BETTER THANGS TA DO!
your ability to deny reality is impressive.
>not eating a pill of uranium to have the calories to live on for life
Look up soylent. Basically the same concept except its a liquid vs a pill
Where do I get one of those?
wtf i hate skellies now
And enjoy your bitchtits
nah man, you can't separate the reward process from the aroma, the taste, the chewing etc. its pretty well ingrained at this point. even if you could survive on pills you would want to neck yourself after a few months. unless a few of thise pills are for the crazies
This. Fucking redditors want to make everybody robots. They want to eliminate food, sleep, driving, etc. Everything that has to be done manually they essentially want to get rid of because "it wastes time." Fuck off, life is boring if you have 24 hours of free time and nothing to do with it but """explore yor artsy side!!! xddd"
drinking water when you are super dehydrated is way more enjoyable than any meal you have ever had. enjoying food is literally nothing more than your body craving something it needs. you're absolutely wrong.
Take a 1600 calories a day diet as a reference, a very low one. Assuming you eat no fat (the most caloric-dense macronutrient), only carbs and protein, that would be at least 400 grams of carbs+protein to reach the caloric goal if you had a magic food that none of its weight is anything at all except for macronutrients.
>a 400g pill
You can't not eat, the closest you will ever get to that is consuming a liquid superfood containing needed macros, micros and minerals that is easy to chug down. Some companies are already trying to do it, but still failing for now.
don't you have some porn to be watching pleb?
From the Syrians!
>you have a strong case of the autism
typical brain-dead follower piece of shit
has no argument so fires back with meme response
>enjoying food is literally nothing more than your body craving something it needs. you're absolutely wrong.
hard to argue with such a dumb statement. do you think fatties crave ice cream and soda because their body "needs" it? being aware of your cravings and having the ability to discern needs from wants is something a normal adult can do
Further elaborating from that, now assuming you eat no carbs, only protein and fat, and assuming you would live on a 80g of protein a day diet, that would require 142 grams of fat to reach the 1600 calories, in a total of 222 grams of food
>222g pill
again, nobody craves sugar after they just ate a dozen doughnuts and a gallon of ice cream. after you do that the average person would be repulsed by sugar. you're autistic for denying this obvious fact over and over again.
>not knowing the difference between calories and Calories
brainlets piss me off
Ever since switching to OMAD on a 23/1 IF, I do notice I have way more time.
but they still craved it after 6 donuts and a pint? did they still "need" more sugar then? I only posted twice so I wasnt ignoring your "simple facts" before but i can see why you've had this problem
your body thinks it "needs" as much fat, salt, and sugar as humanly possible. it's the only reason you enjoy eating which was my point.
I don't think they will ever actually suceed with that. I mean yeah we'llk probably have some food gel we can survive on without consuming anything else but it will be inferior to a good diet with actual food. There are many thousands compounds in plants and we don't even know all of them let alone the incredible number of interactions during metabolism. There is so much work to do in nutrition and even when it comes to well known stuff like soy we're still not entirely sure about the health implications.
well i agree with that. my counterpoint before this sidetrack was that it's unlikely a nutrient dense pill will satisfy those "body-perceived needs" because the physical act of eating is too intertwined in the brain's reward process. even if you swallow a pill with perfect macros and 2000kcal the brain will be like
>yo but what we gon eat tho?
I think you're right that a 2000kcal pill would not eliminate cravings but I think a 10000kcal pill would.
plus the added dimension of the gut microbiome. obscure bacteria in there breaking down godknowswhat that we dont even want or need but they help keep intestinal lining intact or fight off pathogens or do some kind of intestinal public service noone knows about
it would have to dissolve slowly or something, the body is not equipped to handle that much energy intake in a blink
Yeah it's way way way too early to be thinking about a "perfect solution".
And even if there will be one, it might utterly fuck our bodies to eat anything that's not that gel/shake/pill/whatever (which of course is good for the companies, basically having population relying on their product to survive, kinda like Monsanto).
Human families and society practically evolved around getting/preparing/sharing meals.
You don't have a fucking Thanksgiving game a checkers.
God fucking dammit I love drinking water when I am thirsty as fuck. Its suddenly the most delicious substance on the planet. I swear to god, it feel like our own bodies are organisms of their own. I mean the whole concept of lifting. We are forcing our body to grow muscle/lose fat by our actions, but its the body who does it in response to the action, not to us.
Why would anybody worry about having a skeleton inside himself, when its your whole body who is an alien to you.
If you don't enjoy a good meal you're an outlier. A freak. Plain and simple.
We have hundreds of millions of fat people in the world that contradict that. I've had my share of binge eating sugary treats. It's not the sugar suddenly starting to taste bad that stops me, it's the massive blood sugar and insulin spike that makes me feel like I'm going to die.
The difference is 1000. so it's still 20 million kcals per gram.
Why don't we just pull a Chrono Trigger and use enertrons to satisfy us?
I wish we could tank ourselves with diesel and not eat at all. Energetically speaking just a third of a liter (or 1/10 of a gallon) would be enough to go hard an entire day!
fat fuck constantly piling McDoubles detected
A Brave new World?
you're bar. A gay bar
soylent is liquid
that's from fission. Imagine what would you get from fusion.
Alright, but how much protein?
i used to feed on joylent for one week
i was sated
but holy fuck i wanted some variety eventually
You idiot. Preparing and eating food is about way more than just the nutritional content. There's a huge social aspect to it, that if you removed food from the equation, human society would probably fall apart. Also there are emotional aspects to it, it's pleasurable, and sometimes comforting. You'd be taking away more than half of human experience.
Lybians, you nigger
Who's that hipster chick?
>not enjoying good food
never gonna make it
>Like, why not just take a nutrient dense pill once a day where you pick the macros and calories via an app?
>The pill eliminates all cravings for food
Tastes better than soylent
No soy.
this. And cooking is fun as hell too, and super satisfying! You get to create something with your own hands AND you get to eat tasty food
>why not just take a nutrient dense pill once a day where you pick the macros and calories via an app?
Several reasons including but not limited to
>Most nutrients come from food
>Most nutrients aren't available from pills
>Most nutrients only work well when combined with others, typically found within the same foods
>Most are labour intensive to produce, hence expense
>Missing out on other things like fibre and phytos etc
>Stuck being a manchild who doesn't cook
These are some of the many reasons people who buy soylent are almost exclusively autistic manchildren who don't want to cook for themselves
>food has fiber
>food tastes good
>people who buy soylent are almost exclusively autistic manchildren who don't want to cook for themselves
b-but muh active fast-paced lifestyle REEEEEE
Let's assume the research has been done and this is viable. Hope you don't mind paying $10,000 a month for you food pills.
No dumbass. calories are just a measure of thermal energy. Calories are a measure of food calories that are digestible by the human body. Nigger.
The small calorie or gram calorie (symbol: cal) is the approximate amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius at a pressure of one atmosphere.[1]
The large calorie or kilogram calorie (symbol: Cal), also known as the food calorie and similar names,[2] is defined in terms of the kilogram rather than the gram. It is equal to 1000 small calories or 1 kilocalorie (symbol: kcal).[1]
upvoted! TIL!
fuck off faggot and stop being right
Why are you so angry that some people would rather not have to spend time cooking and eating food?
What is wrong with you?
>not counting protons
Because that would not be healthy? No such pill exists, or could exist
How to ruin the economy even further. 101
all of them protons
For selected few. Already there are no jobs for people with 80IQ and under in the western world. And that's average in Africa.
>Why we need to eat food
That's a natural imperative.
>why not just take a nutrient dense pill once a day where you pick the macros and calories via an app
There is no demand for it, and we don't actually know everything about the stomach. More and more studies are coming about the importance of the stomach, putting it on par with the brain for many many body functions, so that would be very complicated to emulate.
But let's say scientists succeed in that endeavor. What happens economically speaking ? Who owns the plants to make these magic pills ? Private interest ? The State ?
What happens when war break out, theses plants are bombed, and suddenly there are no more farmers to plow the field.
And that's not even to consider the simple pleasure eating and tasting food provides to humans.
Humans made food as such because they wanted to, not because they needed to.
Some foods are born of need (cheese, cured meat), but they dated back thousands of years
>human beings
That's why I'm leaving humanity behind, bruh
This man is correct, eating can be both nutritious AND delicious. Enjoying the pleasures and sensations in ones life is not a crime.
got you, famalam
show said pill, dumb ass
not if the pill is dense af
this sounds like marxism
you sound like such a fucking pseud...
all potential credibility lost.
As others have rightly pointed out, it's due to mass.
A pill with the right amounts of macronutrients would work just fine in theory, but it's currently physically impossible to compress food that densely, plus even if we could I doubt our digestive systems are designed to process it. There's a reason we chew our food.
Lmao what is it with fatties and their belief that getting a dopamine hit from eating food is the most important thing in their life.
>an organism is an organism
>I swear to god
Yah don't say??