Red pill me on powerclean

>Red pill me on powerclean

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great exercise and fun to do. the most technically demanding compared to the other big 4, although not too far from squat.

fairly ok to learn proper technique using free internet resources.
progression may be a bit of a bitch, but everybody should power clean unless you're an old person with osteoporosis.

if you are training for no particular specialization, you have no reason not to power clean.

Largely overrated imo. Rip only includes them since the program was intended to help football players tack on mass and strength in the off season and the clean or power clean is often used in college and pro football recruiting in strength measurements.

However, the training programming used in SS combined with the compensating form (i.e. not being a full clean and using full clean ROM) makes it pretty unnecessary for your average gym goer. Unless you're competing in sports or crossfit (which you probably aren't because you'd have a coach to ask such a question to), you're better suited to training the various muscle groups through other compound movements.

That being said, they are fun to do and relatively easy to learn compared to actual oly lifts. If you've tried them and enjoyed them by all means include them. Just be conservative with form and weights used because it's easy to snap some shit up doing explosive lifts without some coaching/monitoring

If you can't power clean st least 225 then you've been doing a lot of things very, very wrong up to this point of your training.

>up to this point of your training
up to what point?
symmetricstrength says that 2pl8 PC = 4pl8 DL

Don't do it like the crossfitters do it. They all use bad form and turn the PC always into an upright row.

Always remember to keep those elbows locked straight until you have to fold the arms to rack the bar. That's the single most important PC cue.

>the other big 4
the power clean is not a big anything no matter how you slice it.

>elbows locked
wow thanks for the terrible advice