Sup retards, your natty vegan king here. How's it feel to be held back by physical constraints like the "natural limit"? I wouldn't know about that
2.5 years wasted
Sup retards, your natty vegan king here. How's it feel to be held back by physical constraints like the "natural limit"? I wouldn't know about that
2.5 years wasted
Back to the manlet pit plz
>literally chicken legs
Nice diaper. What's wrong with your neck?
low tier bait
>doesn't do neck extensions so he can reach the tastier leaves growing on top
You have previously claimed to be 6'1
Lie again highest i claimed was 6'0
That's what you get for not squatting. Instead of leaving the humanity behind the inches are doing that to you.
To the manlet pit!
PLEASE post a pic of you in a t shirt.
>is the weight of a high school girl
>talks shit
The vegan king has chicken legs, really makes you think.
> 6'
> Out with friends chatting up cuties at the local bar
> Friend is a solid 2" shorter claims to be 6' while standing next to me
> Stone face stare into his frightened manlet eyes as he silently screams for me to not reveal the embarassing secret that his height starts with a 5
This situation happens frequently and is always hilarious
I need to know if you really are OP.
Do you do any cardio?
Or just lift weights?
No cardio, lots of supersets and volume work though so im always sweaty as fug
>13 replies in and nobody posts their physique yet.
The fuck guys
Because you're an ugly cunt and it's hilarious. This is a shitpost thread
back to manlet pit, 6'2 is the new cut off in europe
>always claim to be 6'0
Wow, so you are able to achieve a lower body fat percentage without any cardio?
I have to say, there might be something to this weight lifting thing.
I just run, I don't lift weights.
I am a cross country runner.
Would love to have more definition, going to start lifting weights.
Its okay brah, I still love you even if ur a sadcunt
>post your ugly body
>get roasted
>"y-you're a sadcunt"
Hahaha, nah, you're just an idiot
hope you're not a troII. am a vegan (since about 1.5 years now, very committed) and am picking up Iifting seriousIy for the first time in my Iife, so everything i buiId wiII be entireIy pIant based. any advice on eating? currentIy just eating shit tons of Iegumes and a variety of grains. try to keep processed proteins such as tofu and seitan to a minimum. i suppIement b12/d3 and omega3. been thinking of buying some powdered protein, maybe pea or rice
I'm objectively better looking than you ever will be brah
Then why do you have no legs?
Brown rice protein powder, peanut butter, yeast flakes, almonds, coco powder, lots of broccoli and kale, almond milk, blueberries, tofu, and dark leafy greens. Basically all i eat
you'd look way better if you did squats and deadlifts. No memeing
Everyone has legs silly
>Senior year of HS
>Kid in front of me is a head shorter
>We are giving a girl our height for PE class fitness tests
>She asks him his height
>He claims 5' 11
>She fucking believes him
>I say 6ft
>She didn't think twice and wrote it down
Daily reminder stacies cannot comprehend spacial relations.
thanks brah, any reason for brown rice powder in particuIar or just preference? i'ma Iook into it. any foods you'd avoid? seems Iike Iegumes aren't your thing
There are already 2 cbt threads up you faggot
Those are awful legs. I can see why you only post upper body pics with no face
I can see why you post nothing at all :^)
I like the slightly sweet gritty taste it has when you mix it in with blueberries and almond milk
6'3 209
this is a physique i'd be content with, how Iong you been at it?
thanks. 2 years.
It's more hilarious to watch you scramble to justify your bad physique
>baiting this hard
2 yrs for that shitty physique? lmao
Nigga damn, what in the shitting dick nipples are those legs? I'm about to call CPS because you have two malnourished children living under you. Now I've heard of FrogTech but this is FlamingoTech. You're steroids on top, but heroin on the bottom, sort out your shit kid. We already have 2 other cbts Leg-O-Loss (get it? Legolas? LoTR?)
good feseek user
here my cbp
That's what 2 years looks like for us natties
Your stomach looks like a spread ballsack and your legs are 2 years away from a trophy, a trophy for most atrophied limbs on Veeky Forums
Your shitposting is so funny really, and honestly if I had a physique like yours I'd probably do the same thing. But I'm getting there, someday :')
Assuming you're OP obviously. What are you cycling since implying you are not natty btw?
Not only are your legs like twigs, but what the fuck are those forearms bruh?
You don't deadlfit, do you? No grip work, I'm guessing?
t. a dyel lanky skelly, but atleast I'm not out of proportion like you
Lower abs and bulk to 220. You're the same height as me just not as broad, get big then cut
That wasnt me i dont bring others down making an effort baka
>what are angles
being natty isn't an excuse for fucking around in the gym for two years and not making any progress
looking great op
what do you mean 2.5 years wasted btw?
No excuse for those legs. You need to get at an angle under a squat rack
forgot to add my pic rofl
mirin neck tbqh
Lifting kind of a waste of time if someone can do what i did on a cycle in a few months. So 2.5 years wasted
Legit look worse than fat people.
Have you considered lifting?
>roiding for this
Disgusting legs, worse face
yeah i thought so
well I just hope in 1.5 years time I'll be like you or even better B-)
I'm still cutting from a fat 225 so no not gonna bulk back up to 220. Cutting down to 200 then lean bulking
>I'm broader than you
>doesn't post pic
That guy has a lot of mass, hes just bulking.
>mfw even skeletons have better legs than this idiot
CBT- I did my first cut after lifting for 6 weeks and I can see some veins edition
everyone please stop giving this fag (yous)
This is embarrassing, why even post?
I had to cut down from an obese lil meatball for the first year so you'll get there sooner
Week 9 of this recomp
you look insanely good desu, saved for inspiration. no need to brag about it on Veeky Forums tho it makes you look weak. start acting like this shit is easy to you and the fame will follow
Obvious samefag
doing good desu keep it going
Fame? Lol not even but thanks for the motivation man
>STILL small legs
just squat like once a week and the roids do the rest, what the fuck are you doing?
>finally got to 12% bodyfat after 2 and a half months of hard cutting
>okay time to bulk now
>rebounded fat and water weight
>everything goes to my stomach and titties
>everything jiggles when I walk
I just want to die
Cut out carbs dude. Stay lean af
Im natty tho dude
>cut out carbs
I don't know dude, I don't think that's entirely possible. I'll definitely lower my carb intake though and just pound the meat and veggies
You need to cut not bulk
Fuck dude.
This was me a week ago. I didn't like how little muscle I had at that level of leanness, plus I looked digusting. I was also mid PSMF
I rebounded hard.
Should I just hop on PSMF again? I fucking hate cutting dude, but I am so angry and sad about how I literally just lost all of my progress so soon
Why are your nipples inverted.
Your hips are a little wide, but thats honestly it. Just do a lot of volume and frequency for upper lats and delts to even it out. Cut my man, tough it out champ
Nipple placement and slight gyno
i squatted for merely 6 months and as a vegan and I had bigger quads, he probably doesn't even squat
nice juicy nips you got there, how much for your tittie milk?
y r u a veeg homeboy
I dunno, because I don't want to keep fluctuating on my weight gain and loss. Plus it fucked with me hugely mentally. I was thinking about just tough it out and bulk for just a little longer. I don't have a lot of muscle to cut down to either.
I am frustrated to the point of tears about what I've done to myself, but maybe if I added more lbm with this bulk I can look better at a higher bodyfat.
your legs look good. don't listen to these sociopathic sadcunts.
good birth giving hips.
does this diet make you shit like crazy? and do you ever have solid stool? sorry if that's gross but I figure a vegan diet is like having diarrhea everyday
Putting on more weight, inevitably more bodyfat, wont make you feel any better man. Trust me I know how it feels to lose definition and feel like you'll never be able to get back to how you were before. Stick with a cut.
Ive only been on it for about 2 months now, just wanted to try out a different diet but I dont think its for me. Cottage cheese and eggs are too good for protein to give up forever, considering i eat about 300g protein a day. And i hate carb heavy foods with a passion
The shits can be pretty brutal sometimes, but not liquid
y do u roid?
I've been training for exactly a year now. I still feel very dyel
6'0" 182lbs
dl 3x385, bench 2x220, squat 5x280
I just want to be big one day
>this guy
lol you need a back for that bro
Do you track your cals or do you just cut out carbs?
r u natty? if not what r u taking?
holy jesus christ I know on Veeky Forums everybody loves big legs and squats but even normies would find this shit comical
preh-t good 4 a dago wap tehe
>And i hate carb heavy foods with a passion
I love how they taste and make me feel, but I hate what they do to my body. I try to remove as many carbs from my diet as possible. At least simple carbs.
You look way better than i did a year in, so theres that
Im not neurotic enough to count calories every single day, and nobody really needs to either imo. But yeah go easy on the carbs and cut out grains/legumes entirely. Supersize your veggie servings and drink a loooot of water. Chewing mint gum helps to curb hunger too
Literally, how does it feel to weigh less than the average woman?
There shouldnt be any question about taking out carbs bro. Once you drop them your craving for them plummets
Im comfortable being stronger than most males 200 lbs and under