What the heck is a set and what the heck is a rep?
What the heck is a set and what the heck is a rep?
is this a new meme
>that guy who wears basketball shorts
You need to off yourself right now
>doing the Press in the squat rack
Why don't you try being constructive?
where the fuck do you think we are
go ask this in QTDFTOT
This clear enough for you?
So you're saying reps are IN a set. If that's the case, why not just have reps? Are sets there because you're supposed to rest in between them or what? And if so, then for how long?
>are sets there because you're supposed to rest in between
>for how long
5 minutes or longer is optimal for hypertrophy
>Are sets there because you're supposed to rest in between them
>then for how long
until you're ready for the next set
Gotta expand
Rep- represent
Set- the city you inhabit
"Rep the set, gotta rep the set"
Thank you for your info Veeky Forums bros
this has unironically been one of the best threads i've seen on this board recently
Why is that?
people are forced to speak in not memes
>5 minutes best for hypertrophy
Never go full retard.
how is that full retard?
>Set- the city you inhabit
set is the people you know, or the people in your gang
Why are people spoonfeeding this newfaggot who won't read the sticky?
You know what all of you just need to go back to R*ddit
Because it's wrong, and a waste of time/gains.
a rep, or 'repitition' is how many actions you do before taking a break.
Once you take a break, you have performed a set, or one set of reps.
If you do ten push ups, pause for 30 seconds, then do ten more push ups, you did 2 reps of 10.