Who do you lift for ?
>I lift for Wonder Woman
Who do you lift for ?
Other urls found in this thread:
I lift for 5/10 cosplay sluts
I lift for a second Holocaust
>lifting for a jew
Neck yourself.
>lifting for someone who doesn't even lift
I lift for fit girls on instagram
yes, Nazis are absolutely disgusting
The best part of this meme is that movie is blatantly against nazism
but he was right. a nigger shot that kid at the end and no amount of funny laundry men will change the fact that the races should be apart
Bad Goy!
The skinheads were right in that movie, though.
fuck off, fag
To destroy earth' planetary defense system and thus please my wayyfu
is this edited? why are her eyes so far apart?
so funny and epic
My future children
>and hitler
>why are her eyes so far apart?
>entertaining laundry man
>degenerate skinhead gangs rape people because they are just another prison gang, not a political party
>Using an ages-old symbol of truth, freedom, and justice as an inspirational image
For once I can get behind this meme.
ayy lmao
Wonder Woman comics have been around since 1941. I'm exaggerating a little by saying 'ages old' but that's 2 to 3 times the age of the average Veeky Forums faggot, so close enough. Gal Godot is just the latest to wear the persona of Wonder Woman.
Waiting for Godot am i right bros
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome my man
Sorry bro I got that off /wsg/
Buzz off reddit
>tfw no FAS gf
I do it all for her.
THat's not fas you dumb redditor it's just far apart eyes
The waifu.
For he who sits upon the golden throne and the glory of the Imperium of course
I need to start shopping pictures of myself with my waifu.
I think it would give me a test boost.
Keep it up my man.
>Lifting for some dead guy
You're not gonna make it
For Frodo
Captain's orders
source here, some german youtube series
I like you, user.
That's some fine taste you have there, user.
You have to be a rich kike to lock down a jewess
But apprently, if you only want to hit it, then you only need to be black or a chad and have a sizeable penis.
Bonus ponits if you're intact/uncut/unbutchered and are good at but does not prefer anal.
vaginal intercourse
For my father, RIP
you lift for a dog-faced kike with no muscles?
>not this version
I respect that because they're both good
Off she goes
For this goddess
>>not this shit version
I want her to impregnate me
I know that its about the muscles but holy fuck thats a sloppy photoshop
I want her to kill and eat me
Yang best girl!
Israeli here, i met her husband a couple of times, he's a pretty chill guy and even charming i would say (no homo). Would drink a beer with
I watched the movie while in HS, with my suburban jewish friends (I am Jewish too) and we all agreed with Norton at the dinner.The dinner scene made so much sense to us.
I wish to see, one day, a movie like American History X, depicting and showing the extent and networking of african american antisemitism in the US, the media never covers that up.
Also, most normal jews, internally cringe whenever someone brings up muh holocaust, at least the young ones do.
I lift for my sun bro
Cousin ancesters and/or muslim ancestors
idk how they did it but the daddario family is top 0.0000001% of the gene pool
Why is Gadot so fucking hot
>not lifting for best wonder
>lifting for the star of david
being a rich kike doesn't stop you from getting cucked by captain kirk (even captain kirk lite 2009 edition)
gal gadot is an evil jewish monster
I lift for my waifu (who is not real) and friends.
>Wonder Woman, an amazonian
>hire petite woman to play her
I will NEVER get over this.
I too lift for my Israeli princess and welcome our Jewish overlords.
I like the new Captain America more, Hail Hydra.
Derek was 100% right.
>I lift for my waifu (who is not real) and friends.
>lifting for 2D over 3D
>I'm Jewish
You need to leave Schlomo, we don't want you on our boards or in our countries
Take your backstabbing nefarious agenda elsewhere, and take the kikess Wonder Woman actress with you
Thomasin is bae