Is buying organic worth it?

Is buying organic worth it?

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it tastes better, so yes


The only reason would be for the hormone-free stuff. Even then I only buy it if it's not too much more.

Yes, always.

i tried it, the taste doesn't stand out much to me

>essentially %1 all my life

Yeah, organic eggs and milk, as well as hormone-free meat

most of the time no. the only things i think worth buying organic are eggs(barely) and peanut butter.


>drinking the estrogenic Jew

Good goy. Enjoy your gyno.


It's much better.

Protip: immediately put your milk from a plastic or cardboard carton in big glass bottles. The flavor will dramatically improve by the next day.

Is milk really that bad for your bones ?

I just had organic whole milk for the first time in my life a few weeks ago and it was a complete game changer.

So yes, worth it.

organic milk is the same as supermarket milk.
raw milk from grassfed cows on the other hand is entirely different.

No it isn't. The vegan myth of milk causing osteoporosis is based on the alkaline diet BS. They say that phosphate in milk is acidic and will remove calcium from bones. But hmthis is BS. The gut keeps all food at the same pH, and the pH of food is and will always be irrelevant (except your literally drinking acid which will kill your throat)

I'm surprised at all the positive responses in this thread, I always thought "organic" anything was just a meme pushed by faggots and/or jews.

Is it actually healthier though ?

Always depends. Often it's just taste; some pesticides might be bad and some drugs make the milk and eggs taste differently, also hormones etc. I personally don't think it's really good/bad for you, but if it tastes different do what you want...

Don't drink milk. It's bad for the human body.


I guess it depends on the feed. I find "organic" eggs are better because the chickens get to scratch around for bugs and shit. They end up a darker orange colour yolk like you would get if you kept your own chickens, and I think this translates to more nutrients.

Sometimes it's basically a meme. I know a guy who raises "organic" beef and regular beef on the same farm. He just keeps the herds separate and can't use certain products on them like drench (parasite control applied to the skin) but they live in the same paddocks and eat the same grass.

Raw milk is delicious and creamy, but it goes off really fast and the cream separates.

The process to stop it separating is just running it through a thin membrane under pressure to mix it thoroughly. The process to make it keep longer is simply heating and cooling the milk to kill bacteria. There's nothing dodgy going on there.

I grew up on a dairy farm and we would grab a bottle straight from the vat each morning for the day. But you don't want it like that from the shop, it'll separate in a day and spoil in one or two more.

And miss out on the second hand effects of the hormones, steroids and antibiotics they use to keep the cows big and healthy?

>Never gonna make it

Hormones and steroids are illegal to use in most western countries, do your research on where your meat is coming from. Antibiotics are used in drench to prevent disease killing off a bunch of the cattle.

My experience is in NZ where grass fed is the norm with silage or hay as a supplement (stored wet or dry grass), as I said find out where your meat is coming from if that kind of thing interests you rather than relying on the organic meme which just means the farmer kept a few separate and ticked the boxes required for certification to tap into that relatively small market

In terms of health, no

I prefer the flavor and I'm rich tho.

Milk has different flavors depending on what the cows were fed.

No. If you don't ingest calcium(milk is a good source of calcium) or fortified foods containing calcium then you will give yourself early onset osteoporosis.


If you really want an awnser to this question Veeky Forums is not the place. People are going to give you their OPINIONS. If you want facts I highly suggest you read The Ultramind Solution by Mark Hymn. Organic is just all around better for your health.

id buy it but its so damn expensive.
>half the amount
>twice the price