Help a skelly

This is me. Cant eat food. Help.

1000 calorie shakes

Can you drink your calories instead?

Two words



I tried look, cant even reach 2l a day

water bulking

Grab food, put it in your mouth, chew, swallow and repeat. Its not fucking hard. You dont have to be hungry to eat. Just do it as often as possible and be sure to get atleast 5 decent meals a day. Gl skellanon, I used to be 59kgs but went up to 90kgs.

it's a willpower problem, not a physical one. Fix it


Is this glazed ham?


Listen to me OP. Order pizza every day, pour a whole bottle of olive oil on it, eat the whole fucking thing that day. Repeat tomorrow.

What's your deal OP? Why can't you eat so much? Are you sick?

How tall are you??

I used to be a skelly too, and I forced myself to eat/drink more... I threw up a couple times in the beginning, but after 2-3 months, I got used to it and now I have a normal appetite for the last 4 years. You just gotta do it.

Man. I don't even know how it's hard to gain weight. Like all you have to do is go to McDonald's like twice a week. And get like 2 double cheeseburgers. They are like 600 calories each and not even all they filling for a single meal. Like drink a can of soda. Go eat some ice cream. Go to a diner and get a slice of pie. Like wtf.

Dave Tate pls go
Force yourself to eat 4-6 meals a day with your Calorie goal subdivided throughout those meals. Count your calories and DO. NOT. SKIP. A. MEAL.
If you can also drink a large glass of water with every meal.
Another option would be to pin test and boldenone both of which jack up your appetite by a hell of a lot, but if you can't manage basic nutrition properly then you're probably not ready to add in hormone supplementation.

I never got fed properly by my mother.really fucked my life up, turned me agoraphobic. I dont have a normal appetite as a result


Just eat even if you're not hungry; if you don't you'll die really young.

How much you weigh and whats your height man. You look about as skinny as me, but I lift anyways even though I'm poor and cant eat so i'm a little more muscular. But it doesn't matter. Fuck being skinny sucks. we'll make it brah, we'll make it

178, 54kg senpai

I weight 2kg less than you around the same height. I know how you feel man. I'm pretty sure if I don't get it together soon I'm gonna fall into a deep depression. I'm 19, not sure how old you are.

22. Being skinny is the sole thing that really made me aware of the importance of the physique. It's a wild ride.

don't despair bros, we're gonna make it. What worked best for me yet is focusing on general health rather than specific things (like weight)

I'm surprisingly very self confidence, have good self esteem, and people see me as such. My weight is my ONLY self esteem hit I have, and I hate it.

I legit am a virgin because I am afraid to show someone my naked body. I have had girls I've talked to basically throw their pussy at me (not trying to brag) or show blatant interest, and I just turn them away because I am afraid to show anyone how skinny I truly am. Fuck it sucks

I fixed my appetite problem by forcing myself to eat. Calculate your calories, EVERYDAY. Chew your food fast and swallow it fast(try not to choke). Chocolate milk is a great drink since it's rich in calories and all vitamins you could ask for.

It is so easy

How are you supposed to eat the pizza tho?

Grab a piece an eat the crust last

But the crust pulls away?

What do you mean? Just cut the piece with a knife and gently lift the pizza from the base.

But then I have to use two hands for it. That's counter productive. Why not just get a regular pizza and some cheese sticks?

Yeah guess you could order just the crust with cheese.
I don't know bro. It just looks aesthetic.

Regular pizza with a cheese stuffed crust is better. Seems like no place does this anymore though.

Domino's pizza does it mate.

>eating dominos shitza

I'd rather not

It's cheap tho.

I know, you can taste that

Shieet you got high standards. A bad pizza is still a good pizza.

Tfw op means order pizza

That's literally not true

Literally swallow spoon fulls of sugar. Fructose is active in the CNS and excessive amounts in serum (more fructose than in a handful of berries) will trigger appetite and hyperphagia. It will also trigger an insulin spike and a resulting blood sugar crash a couple hours later, which will trigger more appetite. If you want to get big but can't eat anything, literally start with cups of sugar + liquid protein (whey, peanut butter, whatever). Yes this is the recipe for metabolic syndrome and diabetes, but in your case insulin resistance is a GOOD THING if it allows you to pack on mass.

Good luck user!

Well everything is subjective when it comes to food but it is hard to fuck up a pizza unless you put pinapple on top of it like a damn delinquent.

Tell that to my old middle and high school.

listen up, how I ESCAPED SKELLY MODE

peanut butter (1-2tablespn)
oats (100g)
full milki (400-500,ml)
protein powder (1 scoop 25g)
I buy these fortisip/buld up shakes that are meant for dying people and mix that in too, they have 300kcal and a complete vitamin/mineral profile which doesn't hurt.

these are about 1000+ calories, drink 2 a day, with 3 healthy and varied light meals.

once you get that ball rolling, your natural appitite will increase. and you will build up a healthy weight, ignore that faggot telling you to eat pizza with oil on top, hes a retard.

i've put on a stone in a week doing this.

dude dont be afraid, i've fucked girls while thin, they dont give a fuck as long as the dick is good size.

p.s. i get my build up powder from someone who is prescribed them, so i get about 60 for 20 quid, otherwise they cost like fucking 10 quid for 4 from shops


You will piss like a goddamn firehouse every half hour but it works.

Im 180cm 54kg. Know how you feel. You can do it m8

i was and still am embarrassed of being naked like i think the majority of people are, but i have an ex gf who it seemed to never be a problem. if theyre coming on to you anyways dont worry about it and try to think confidently, it's like asking what underwear a girl wants to see cause by that point theyre not gonna be like oh nevermind

Just eat anything you see