How does Veeky Forums stay motivated?
How does Veeky Forums stay motivated?
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At least he has a friend..
doing it for someone always works better than doing it for yourself
even if they're not real or just hypothetical
Whenever I think "why are you doing this to yourself?", I just look into a mirror.
"Ah yes, that's why."
Or just looking at pictures of me from some years ago.
Going fro 125 Kg, 40%bf to 75Kg 12-15%bf has changed everything in my life.
I'm an actual athlete and training is an integral part of my everyday life; I slack off, I fail in competition. So I stick to my training schedule.
>doing it for someone always works better than doing it for yourself
LOL no, you're making your success dependent on someone else, that's a recipe for failure. Motivation has to come from within.
i know Veeky Forums is going to hate me for this.
>stay motivated
I'm injured and haven't been able to workout it weeks, and I want to die.
You don't need motivation for something you love doing.
Pre workout + body dysmorphia
Came here to say this.
This and an anxious/obsessive personality. I fall off the wagon and then I hop back on, recreate the habit. Once you turn it in to a habit its easy.
>tfw no friend to bully you into being fit
Thinking about the shotgun in the closet if I ever stop lifting.
Besides getting in shape (which is going great so far), Im really out of other options
I don't need extra motivation to train because I find training to be really enjoyable.
In terms of dietary/scholastic motivation at this point I mainly use the sunken cost fallacy to my advantage, when I think about how many things that I've already done which were unpleasant to achieve my goal (either choking down a shit load of food, keeping disciplined with studying, or ignoring cravings while on a cut) it's a lot harder for me to throw all of that hard work away for a moment of weakness.
It doesn't hurt to have a deep, deep well of self loathing to draw upon in these situations too.
examining my own progress, thinking about the people in my corner, because I feel way fucking better when I actually do something. nothing that hasn't been said already.
only true answer here
This was my motivation but then I realized it wasn't the pussy per se, it was wanting to be in a relationship.
Basically this. As long as you've made it a long term or permanent commitment to yourself, after about a year, training / sports / activities become such an integral part of your daily life that you more or less stop thinking about it in terms of 'chores vs rewards'. Sure, there are still moments when you half-ass it or do it while not really wanting to, but at that point it's akin to something like cleaning the house. You're going to do it anyway, you feel you just need to.
History, as well as having motivating people around me.
Having historical figures you look up to helps, because you want to be like them.
Usually events that I know I'm going to partake in. Like I know in July I'm going on this rafting trip with some really hot young bitches, so I want to look my best.
Unfortunately I have the bad habit of being lazy about my fitness again after said events. But I guess as long as I'm not a complete hermit or become complacent in my life I'll be fine.
tfw no bf. That kind of motivates me.
damn thats a big change. good stuff, and coincidentally im at the same weight. i have a few questions
how tall are you?
how long did it take you?
what routine are you on?
I have to get it back.
Discipline picks up where motivation falls off. Simple as that.
Does anyone have statistic on whether it's better to recieve positive motivation or negative reinforcement for staying working out? I have 3 buddies and we all give eachother positive reinforcement and watch "hype" things to get us in the zone. Friend calling you badass after a dl > getting called fat by a stranger on the Internet
I won't let myself become that fat lazy piece of shit I see everywhere.
I want something more, and i'll get it
Having a goal is nice like "I want to get fit enough to do climb this mountain"
Snort 2 scoops of Cannibal Ferox. Read some Warhammer 40k stuff (mostly the Night Lord novels or The First Heretic/Betrayer by Dembski Bowden)
Watch some ISIS execution vids, jewish conspiracy vids, or Rotherham scandal vids.
Dig out my SS helmet and recite a battle oath with my hand placed upon it.
Then i'm ready to go to the field, gym, or talk to a QT grill 3.14
Look at your fucking face when you liftin.. it will remind you that you are ugly af and you will need to keep fucking liftin till you are a fuckin greek god. It works for me.
For her.
This. Did it long enough for it to be just something i do.
Self-loathing + inspiration I derive from my studies + inspiration threads on Veeky Forums or /k/
Awesome story. Thanks for the motivation to be friendlier.
You just fucking saved me bro.
Good bless you
1.80 m.
It took me about 1.5 years.
I'm changing my routine every 2-3 months. Currently, I'm doing a 3-split, legs, chest, back. However, thats only lifting. My week looks somewhat like this:
>30min jogging - 12 km/h (Rest Day)
>Chest + Heavy Bag Work
>Back + Heavy Bag Work
>1hour jog - 12 km/h + Fasting day
>1.5 hours kickboxing
>Chest or Back or Legs, Im alternating weekly.
My lifting workouts currently start and end with 10 min Rope skipping, lots of Stretching and usualy 4 sets for each exercise - 12-10-8-6 Rep. Takes about 1hour. Maybe a bit more.
Heavy bag work is usually for the time of 2 amateur kickboxing fights (4x3min +1min rest).
Diet is pretty low carb.
It's pretty brutal but also quiet fun.
used to think I was lifting for something, but idk what I'm doing anymore
Same, 14/88 Brother
>tfw dating a cute girl
>tfw don't want her friends to embarrass her about my fat ass
>tfw started lifting my ass off 6 days a week for her
I want her to be proud of dating me, bros.