I want a legit response, I know we always have these threads but they always turn into shit posting and banter. I read a thread on fitmisc that made me kinda second guess his natty card. Am I missing something here? I always thought he was natty but the dude never really seems to get above 10% bf and is actually pretty joocy
Is Murphy on juice?
Other urls found in this thread:
>fitness model
>youtube fitness chan
>social media
of course
Is his corpse always was so small?
Is op a fag?
Who cares, steroids are excellent
Yes he is. I still follow him even tho he lies to his fans to sell them retarded programs. He said he had not made any gains for 3 years THEN MAGICALLY PUT ON 20 POUNDS OF PURE MUSCLE AFTER HE DISCOVERED THE SECRET. YOU WILL GET HIS SECRET AT ONLY AT phucablephisique.com FOR ONLY 99999$
How the fuck do mongols get that big?
He clearly is working out at a high level gym 6 times/week and eating 2,2g protein/kg of bodyweight and is also following the latest training programs by conner
I signed up for his email list and i shit u not he at least sends out one email a day about the program (weeks leading up to the release too)
By downing yak cheese, yak milk, and yak meat with yak butter tea.
Why don't people, instead of being fucking retarded, just work out as a natty for around 3 years. Anyone who has consistently trained as a natty should automatically be able to tell who is on gear. But yes, obviously he's pinning you fucking retard.
man this guy is obviously roided but i wonder how? fucking farmer in mongolia how did he get test
But i always like to believe he doesnt
he is not roiding, ppl need to realise genetics are everything, that is the purpose of the picture
i dont think hes roided but mongolia was part of the ussr, and they have a tradition of wrestling with solid olympic presence, i dont think it should be that hard to find roids there
Yes, you fucking retard.
>I stopped making gains for 3 years
>then I realized my potential and started trenning hard and following a clen diet
What do you think?
Everyone being surprised he's so big. Last time this was posted some dude explained he's a bodybuilder who visited his home village, can't find the source anymore though. Be a bit more observant, he's obviously not some farmer or bullshit. He's wearing fucking sweatpants for fucks sake.
quite obviously he is on roids
Are you on roids?
Am I on roids?
>Is Murphy on juice?
Yes. Obviously.
Anybody who is making money off how they look and not obligated to take regular piss test is most likely not natty. (And even they probably arent)
Why would you not?
Especially if you can finetune it to a 'natty plus' level, where normies still believe it is obtainable if they follow your program or take your supplements
No it wasn't Stalin went out of his way to make sure that the People's Republic of Mongolia was a sovereign country
>massive shoulders
>huge pecs
>small waist with well defined abs
Yeah, he's on fucking gear. I don't know who the guy is, but he doesn't look old enough to have done that naturally, and even then it's really pushing the limit.
Also this and this Though to answer the "who cares?" question - brainwashed yanks who think steroids are "cheating" so people like this have to lie in order to gain any ounce of respect.
You forgot yak testosterone
You know he is on roids when he is actively AVOIDING working out a muscle group because it makes it look "too" big. I mean come on guys
I think hes like 21 or smth
lmao this, watched that video and realized how out of touch with the natty life he is.
This dude proves you can't lift the autismo away. But also that if you juice enough, bitches don't care