Need to loss weight/belly fat, does water fasting work

Need to loss weight fast, does water fasting work if not, give me a diet that does.

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>give me a diet that does.
This sound funny

i just want to loss dat fat so my muscles shows but however with water fasting you loss lots of fat but due to ur slowed down metabolism you gain it back fast without proper control, im just wondering if people who tried water fasting can give any tips

Skin deep diet, all you can eat is the skin from stuff ex: potato skins the breading from KFC chicken watermelon rein. Nothing else

cut off your belly

never change fit

Eat >1000 calories a day and drink a gallon of water a day. Also cardio.

cardio cardio cardio. All you go to do is catabolic shit every day and don't eat junk food.

i usually do weight training, when doing cardio should i stop using powderd portein as unused protein may turn into fats

Stop eating.

>mfw I thought water fasting meant drinking as little water as possible

water fasting does not do a goddamn thing. I lost seven pounds after a 4 day fast, ate ONE (one) meal at 1200 cal, and I gained all of that back. I am not getting any thinner (and have not been) and this water weight won't fuck off.

Sorry, but this was today and I am still pissed.

Why would you think that?

That makes total sense user. Great job with this fascinating discovery.

Water fasting is an incredible way of losing weight if you aren't malnourished or have type 1 diabetes.

Water fasting actually speeds up your BMR. the weight you gained back was probably water weight.

I don't believe this but if its true then try water fasting longer. Also don't be taking artificial sweeteners or anything.

>water fasting
>fasting from water

IF + Keto is ultimate fat burning diet. Don't forget to eat at a deficit. Determine your TDEE and eat 500-1000 below that. Drink plenty of water. Good luck!
note: keto not recommended once goal weight reached. also not recommended when bulking.

What effect would artificial sweeteners have?

some of them fool your body into spiking your insulin like it's real sugar, obviously it won't make you gain weight, but it won't give you all the hormonal benefits of fasting either

This cannot be right you fucking moron, you lost 7 pounds, and gained it all back after ONE meal? even at 100% conversion rate that one single meal (including the water drank afterwards) must have been at least 7lbs itself

Careful with generalizations. Some of them are 100% safe, I use sucralose on a regular basis.

>some of them


read the sticky u dumb cunt

I really don't know if water fasts disgust or impress me.

>Who is extended fasting for?
People who want to lose weight and for preventative care. Usually people with a BMI >15-20 to be safe. I'm around 20 BMI and I am currently on an extended fast, but we want to be safe.

>What is extended fasting?
Extended fasting comes in many shapes and sizes. The variant I will cover mostly is 0 caloric intake. In this variant you are allowed water, salt, black coffee.
>What is intermittent fasting?
Intermittent fasting is a very convenient form of fasting. You basically get all the benefits of fasting in a longer period of time. Basically you will split your day into a “feeding period” and a “fasting period”. You might eat all your meals within 6 hours and fast until the next day, or you might eat all your meals within 10 hours and then fast. Longer fasting periods are recommended so that you get as much of the fasting benefits as possible.

>What is autophagy?
Autophagy is activated after 12 to 24 hours after a fast begins. It is the process of the body cleaning out old damaged or dead cells and rebuilding them. It is a renovating function.

>People who should not fast, this link has a great list of people who should not fast.

>Is HGH really released during a fast? why?
At about 24 hours into the fast your HGH will spike up to 1250%, during a fast HGH plays the role of maintaining muscle mass and bone density as well as breaking down fat stores for “burning”. It is important for maintaining muscle mass that you do light exercise.

>Will fasting cause muscle loss?

I can help you with creating a fasting protocol or answer any questions to the best of my ability.


>At about 24 hours into the fast your HGH will spike up to 1250%

Is there a way I can manipulate this? I mean alternate daily fasting can I peak my HGH every other day, timing it with workouts and feeding?

Sure, cold showers make your HGH spike up to 1000000000%. And NoFap with maca root powder increase your T by 500000%

Water fasting works, few people have the discipline to do it so they make up lies about losing all your gains


Ya its called the warrior diet. Don't eat for 20-24 hours and then do a giant workout when your HGH spikes. Hit it hard for maximum gains, then eat all your daily calories in one meal, or in the smallest time frame possible, and fast again for 20-24 hours. Repeat.

i did it lost 6 stone and have kept it off for 2 years now & i now eat more than ever :)

>>Autophagy is activated after 12 to 24 hours after a fast begins.

Is the human body serious with this shit? It goes one day without food and is like fuck this SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING

I believe fasting is a spiritual ritual and should not be done simply to lose weight. Do it to bring yourself closer to god, to the universe, to rebalance and align your self - mind, body and soul. Doing it for cosmetic reasons is foolish.


You TDEE - 500 calories per day losers need to suck it up.

No, you aren't doing it the "right" way. You're just being pussies and not maximizing your gains.

i couldn't possibly fast i would die i literally need to shovel food in every hour

>he doesnt know how water weight works

wut. im a runner i dont pick heavy shit up in a room full of sweaty grunting men...

>It goes one day without food and is like fuck this SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING

What this is retarded how is "acting to preserve muscle, recycle waste and unlock fat stores" = "SHUT EVERYTHING DOWN"

literally end yourself

This literally didn't happen.

Veeky Forums is a board full of brainlets.

I broke keto yesterday and now I'm doing a 60~72 hour fast to get all that garbage out of my system. Basically long enough to go to bed on an empty stomach twice.

Its not shutting everything down, at all. Its boosting things up. Your brain is bolstered, and you're body gives you a surge of energy.

Say you're a caveman, you haven't eaten in a day. Your body shuts down, you die. GG human race. Actually the opposite happens, its intuitive really. You haven't eaten so your body pumps you up so you can go hunt a fucking woolly mammoth.

People who say that you lose muscle first fell for a meme. Think about it for 2 seconds and you'll realize that your body isn't that retarded. It goes for the fat stores and muscle last. When you fast you hardly lose any noticeable muscle mass at all if you have fat stores to dig from.

tl;dr fasting doesn't shut you down it revs you up.

i eat 800g of carbs a day sorry for you misery

I'm not going to believe that taking in less energy actually gives you more energy and neither would any scientist or doctor.

You can tell me that calories out > calories in leads to weight loss and that sound thermodynamically sound.

You cannot tel me that no energy = more energy

The main reason everyone is scared of fasting is because the food industry fucking hates fasting. You can't make any money off fasting and you want people to eat eat eat buy buy buy. People think they'll literally die if they go a day without eating.

Fasting has been lost in our society in the last 50-100 years and we've never been sicker and more obese, even though we're supposedly more technologically advanced and smarter.

"to eat when you are sick is to feed your sickness" - Hippocrates

Fasting is a $0 cost remedy for many things and that's why it isn't popular. There is no money in it. Sure you can sell a book about it but that's a pittance of how much the food industry and health industry are making by telling people fasting is bad. Don't believe everything you read, follow the money, do your own research.

Fat is energy you retard.


lucky u got so much energy stored then :D

you could do better, like 1.5kg of carbs a day
don't you want to get big?

>I'm not going to believe that taking in less energy actually gives you more energy and neither would any scientist or doctor
thats what your fat stores are for, and there are plenty of doctors and scientists that could explain why fasting boosts you up, don't be so obtuse.

>no energy = more energy
Your body has energy stores you silly billy.

>believing we are so poorly (((evolved)))/created that in times of need we will burn all our muscle away leaving just a dead pile of fat at the end

no i want to stay the same. 80/10/10 or more like 90/5/5 atm

Same shit against veganism

>Drink cow's milk full of pus and hormones to get your daily dose of calcium! (even though greens give you enough calcium and studies have shown that people who eat dairy are at a higher risk of bone fractures)
>Eat meat and dairy to get enough protein! (even though plants give you all the protein you need. Who the fuck has ever heard of protein deficiency???)
>Eggs are sooooo nutrient dense!! (except they aren't... at all. Go look at the amount of nutrients you get in a single egg vs a cup of spinach)

1.5kg DAMN i eat nearly 5000kc to get 800g of carbs

hello fello vegan

>plants give you all the protein you need.

There is literally no reason on earth to be vegan unless you are diseased.


Ya, its that old "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" concept. Usually when something is being villain-ized by a certain people you can bet its actually probably good for you. And just because its a government organization doesn't mean they are the ultimate authority on the topic. I'm talking about USDA, FDA, etc.

This isn't always the truth but it should always be considered.

>USDA says defrost/marinate food in a fridge
>millions of americans now do this
>it's fucking retarded

The USDA regs are so fucking retarded.

Replace carbs only with vegetables.

Hello linda

eating at a big deficit is actually much worse than fasting for metabolism and muscle mass


note : also not recommended when cutting .

This. Lost 21 pounds in 6 weeks eating only meat and vegetables.

But, it does fucking suck mang. You will be craving plain, dry, white bread by the end of it.

hurrrr saturated fat causes heart diseassseee
you neeedz the carbs 4 energy kek



Fine my man , If you want to be stuck in the hearth rate zone 1 & 2 for your cardio just do it carbless :^)

eat over 1000 calories a day? ok i'll eat 18,000 a day. thanks Veeky Forums!

Linda Belcher?

currently doing that, lost about 8 kg in 4 weeks. not being able to eat bread is hell.