How long should someone rest between sets?

How long should someone rest between sets?

at least 48 hours

depends on lift, reps per set, if you are going up on weight keeping it the same or dropset.

Thanks user. I did 8 reps today and was wondering if 3 naps, an episode of breaking bad and 2 meals wasn't enough time before I hit them again.

light weight, like 10-15x reps 1-2min
heavy weights 1-5x reps 3-5min

Ok, just for example say 8 reps on a bench/squat at the same weight each set.

that is too much

i rest 1-2 min

I've always heard 1 - 2 minutes.

Sometimes I do a little more or less, depending on what my body is telling me.

The secret is to learn to listen to your body. It'll let you know what it needs. The main thing is just don't rest too long between sets.

I rest as long as I need to between sets. When I feel like I'm "ready" to make it all the way through the next set, I hit it up. I laugh at the thought of timing my rests in between sets.

long enough to catch your breath and then + 10 seconds to stretch anything that needs stretching.You should actively take deep breaths though to minimize rest time

there are studies that show 3-5 minutes rest is the best for muscle growth.

Then you're lifting light.

It depends if your going for endurance, size or strength.

Endurance 30 seconds to 60
Size 1min to two min
Strength 2 to 3 mins but keep your muscles moving son cuZ now end gittin cowld
This is off memory so could be wrong

>Strength 2 to 3 mins but keep your muscles moving son cuZ now end gittin cowld
this, but more like 3-4

That is interesting, I have always waited 3 but never saw anyone else wait that long.

When I was doing smolov for bench and some high int high volume squat program I was easily resting 8-13 minutes between each set just to feel completely rested and get all reps for the set.

Strong lifts app says 90 secs if it was easy, 3 mins if it was hard, 5 mins if it wasn't the last set and you failed to hit all reps.

I wait around 60-90 sec for 8-12 rep range
3-5 min for 3-5 rep range.

You're probably only lifting around 65% of your max if you're able to rest for 60 seconds on a "heavy" set.

Pretty long senpai. I did smolov for squats and usually rested 3 or 4 minutes. Longest was around 10 because I had a neighbor knock at my door (home gym master race ) and when I started my next set I felt cold and made the set harder

"Question 1 - How long are you resting between sets?

This is usually the reason a kid is stuck, because he’ll usually say, “Oh, at least 2 or 3 minutes.” Strength training is not conditioning, and if you do not recover from the fatigue induced by the previous set, then accumulating fatigue limits your ability to complete the sets and reps required by the program. In a novice program, fatigue is not a variable we wish to introduce, because force production is the adaptation we want, not conditioning.

Strength is the goal of the novice program, and its close friend muscular hypertrophy. We’re trying to get bigger and stronger here, and taking the squat from 115x5 to 335x5 accomplishes this task every time. With 4 months of constant progress, this can be accomplished even given a missed workout or two (for funerals out of town and such). So you do whatever you have to do to make this happen, and it’s quite obvious that if resting 7 minutes between sets alleviates the fatigue from the previous set, which is necessary to complete all three sets of 5, then you rest 7 minutes. Maybe 8. We’ll get hot, sweaty, and out of breath later – now, we’re getting big and strong.

Again, this question is first because it is the Number 1 Error made by novice trainees. It’s easy to fix, so fix it. If time is a factor, start the warmups of the next exercise, but rest enough between work sets to get all the work done."

I can't wait that fucking long