Daily reminder that HIIT boosts BDNF and thus generates new brain cells

Daily reminder that HIIT boosts BDNF and thus generates new brain cells

Daily reminder that by not doing cardio your brain literally atrophies by the day


No, strength training doesn't help

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Jump-Rope-Adjustable-International-Authorized/dp/B00LGXE5NS/ref=sr_1_1?s=sports-and-fitness&ie=UTF8&qid=1497303361&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=speed rope&psc=1

did read about this, amazing, good thing, i member when i was feeling really good when i was doing cardio every second day, tho it was tiring after a while so i went to like 3 times a week of cardio but longer distances

cardio and fasting will sort your brain

I think I read somewhere you have to run 4 times a week for GOOD BRAIN.

well besides cardio i do lifting 5 times a day, so 4 times a week for cardio would be too much i think, tho when you think about it some people work out twice a day, so that is it, i just dont have that much cash now for that much food to support such high calorie burns

>tfw my job involves walking 10 miles a day with lots of hills and stairs

I'm a mailman. There's a 74 year old guy still working at my office, still doing a good size walk every day, and he is as sharp as the average 40 year old.

I hope I'm like that when I'm in my 70s.
My grandad was a heavy smoker and lazy fuck and he was fucked by 60.

t. iman peterson

if you wont drink, wont smoke, work out regularly, wont eat trash food and too much refined sugar, and will watch out for healthy blood (calcium, magnesium and ect) you will be shard as fuck when you will be in your 70, ofc if you wont have any diseases

5 times a day seems a bit excessive to me

omg, i meant 5 times a week, lmao



smashed my knees a while ago and while i can jog sprinting fucks me and jumping causes sharp borrible pain

Repeated wall pushups

Rich Piana here, whatever it takes man, you got to confuse the muscle

pushups can be cardio?

will hiit cardio and weight get rid of my skinnyfat face

both are GOAT cardio but be careful with them knees breh, give them 2-3 months rest if even those kinds of cardio hurt

knees have been fucked for a while actually :(
im waiting for another physical therapy thread to pop up, i need to fix thees fuckers before i can do anything serious, i think.

if i could id just run a lot

cardio kills face fat

better visit proper physician, instead of waiting for therapy threads, get all info, im sure good professional will provide you with all the help you will need

How much should i do
some guy in a thread earlier said it doesnt do anything to appearance

until you will wont be able to run anymore

i'm really poor

My head hurts when I do cardio

What does it mean?

then go on internet, you will find something for sure, i hope you will find something

thank you
when i had insurance i was told i needed to do some PT and then exercise my legs to pull the muscles around my kneecap up, that's my only lead

Walk daily, do body weight exercises like squats, lunges, reverse hypers etc. Do them till you get uncomfortable but do them every day. Tendons have shit blood flow so the best thing you can do is gently get the blood flowing to that area. Id also recommend magnesium oil just make it yourself for 1/3 of the price if you can afford it.


should I use stationary bike at gym after lifting

Rest days

Might just be poor running posture/form

This is a shitty bait thread, but the MUH CARDIO meme needs to die. Saying cardio kills gains is like saying running makes your legs weaker.

But what way? Running? Biking?

What is the least autistic way or doing hiit?

Jump rope senpai, Set a timer for 90s, go all out, rest for 20-30s and repeat

I don't have one

So buy one. They are cheap as
>tfw wasting trips on the spot fat reduction meme

It's only a 10 dollar investment and has lasted me well over 2 years.
amazon.com/Jump-Rope-Adjustable-International-Authorized/dp/B00LGXE5NS/ref=sr_1_1?s=sports-and-fitness&ie=UTF8&qid=1497303361&sr=1-1-spons&keywords=speed rope&psc=1

The absolute magnitude of BDNF release is greater with HIIT than AET, but the total volume of exercise is less, meaning the latter gives greater AUC. AET also stimulates the release of VEGF much more than HIIT, which greatly potentiates BDNF action in the brain. Greater IGF-1 AUC with AET has similar effect, and also explains why HIIT fails to induce the same degree of cardiac hypertrophy and increased cardiac output. So, AET is most likely much better than HIIT at stimulating neurogenesis.


Endurance athletes also have much greater VO2max than others doing much more HIIT-type work like sprinters, and VO2max is highly correlated with brain volume, most likely mediated by VEGF


tf is AET and AUC

royal mail?

I work for the USPS myself. I want to get back into running but I feel like I'll just burn myself out.
Do you do any cardio aside from walking?

new brain cells can't fit in your tiny skull

aerobic endurance training
area under the curve

Dehydration, not being fit,

does LISS count to i want those brain gains

What is AET? Google search comes up with "Autism Education Training". I hope that isnt it...

Is 30 minutes on a stationary bike averaging 13-15 miles and 110 rpm 5 times a week good cardio?

Dont rest too much in between sets and your heart rate is firing when you lift.

What's the best HIIT exercised to do at home?

ok so what do i do, as a skinnyfat loser thats never been into sports with bad range of motion to get into peak health

>being such a brainlet that you worry about cardio or not drinking
It's nice to be highly intelligent

>peak health
A bit of everything. Cardiorespiratory, resistance, flexibility, neuromotor etc. There are unique health benefits from pretty much every exercise modality.

How do you balance all of these things? I havent done shit in years and Im trying to start

>daily reminder that cardio in general does this and HIIT is shit for anyone but trained athletes

Depressed? Do cardio.

how often do I need to do HIIT to maximize brain gains?

my brain doesn't have enough gains to actually read and comprehend the links yet

Holy shit, I was right the whole time.
If you notice, fat fucks tend to enjoy illogical arguments, such as healthy at any size and "my body gains weight when I try to diet." I theorized that lack of exercise and being obese for too long causes brain damage, resulting in their illogical bullshit ramblings.

>90 seconds
Pick one.
90s is well into aerobic. 60 seconds is good, 30 seconds is God tier. But hard as fuck to keep up


Newbie....what's GOAT cardio?

Op said kills brains, not gains.

Someone hasn't been doing cardio at all.

Elliptical and the stationary bike are good, treadmill is bad for your joints

The true GOAT cardio is running the entire cart path of a nice golf course.

I've heard about this but not the term for it. Also long term sleep deprivation, stress and depression can cause brain atrophy.

Has anyone tried Lithium Orotate? I ordered some because it has the same qualities, increases grey matter, forms more neurons and denser connections. Also using gingko and fish oil and keto for them maximum brain gains.

The fuck are you talking about?

The time doesn't matter unless you can't complete it.

HIIT is about stressing the fuck out of your body so that it is forced to adapt.

You're not training for anything. You're not trying to get a better 40 yard dash or something.
You're just lazy and want to get your exercise done as fast as possible.

does sprinting count as HIIT?

if i sprint for like 15-30 seconds and rest for a few minutes inbetween, will that make me less of a brainlet?

The fuck?
Of course.

What does Veeky Forums think of caloric restriction?
Any practitioners here?
HIIT probably applies too



definitely swimming

Any guide to essential HIIT workouts?

I can confirm a full long-week fast (water only) will rearrange things in your brain.
Be careful if bad things have happened to you in the past, you may remember stuff you aren't 100% ready to deal with.


too much rearranging

Do intense conditioning work for a traditionally endurance oriented exercise (running, rowing, eliptical) for a few sets about twice a week retard

i think a week long may kill me as im already short + bad nutrition + underweight

sometimes i wont for a day and barely the next but i have never measured my intake, but i did some crunching and i think once i have better gear and space ill be rollnig with an 1800 cal diet then restrict to 1091~
rn i am poor though and dont have all the foods i need to do this
i also read immediately starting fasting/cal restrict when underweight like i am can fuck you up on the same sites that advocate it

Nigga I lift 8 times a day and do cardio 20 times a week
Sort yourself out