If I started lifting when I was 15 years old this could have been me
If I started lifting when I was 15 years old this could have been me
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Inb4 pedophiles spam "nice" a million times in this shitty thread.
Nigger there's a big difference between elementary schoolers and high schoolers. I was definitely capable of consent by the time I was 15.
>implying fucking her wouldn't improve your self-esteem and confidence for the rest of your life
Those kids will go to court and say "I had fun why is she in trouble."
Watch her only get like 2 years in prison.
Judicial system is full of white knights ffs.
If you started lifting when you were 15 you'd be 5'5".
Did these whores exist when I was in School?
>a 25 year old having sex with 17 year olds is pedophilia
also men and women are different. a boy fucking an older woman isn't usually traumatizing for them
Those dudes did good though.
Yes, you were just to autistic to notice.
Its probably the same the other way around too but girls believe anything they are told
>implying its traumatizing for girls
I started lifting at 13 and I'm 6'2
Manlet detected
watch her not go to prison at all cause the lads wanted to fug her
15 is legal in my country, but not when you're their teacher.
Those guys were blessed
When I went to school all the female teachers were at least 40+
>no pictures of these guys (for obvious legal reasons)
Are you so insecure and lazy you automatically assume they're "Chads"?
>17 year old guys get to fuck a reasonably hot 25 year old
>they're victims
Not even the justice system is retarded enough to believe this is actually the case. Their dads are probably proud, their friends think they're badasses, girls are jealous and more likely to put out because of it, and the guys themselves probably had a great fuck early on in life. The only one who'll lose out is the poor woman, who did nothing wrong. Although she's probably a huge slut and cock carousel connoisseur so nothing of value was lost.
Why couldn't I have any teachers like this?
That's a meme.
whenever i hear about shit like this, i always get so fucking pissed off
being a teacher is my fucking dream job, and here are these fucking roasties going and fucking their careers up all because they couldn't keep their urges in check, fucking stupid cunts
In my country the sexual lower age is 16, not pedo just because theres a law in place to protect minors
>tfw qt 9/10 sixteen year old gf when i was 19 myself
Thread theme
>young girls who come to their teachers because they think they're hot
They act like that when they're found out si it doesn't look like they're whores.
Anyway 17 is literally on the border
In NY 17 is the legal age so I think it's fine
> tfw my chad mate thats 10 years older than me tells me how he and his friend shred a bottle of wine and fucked the hot music teacher
Dude can literally walk up to anyone and talk about anything and make them laugh and feel included, so im inclined to believe him, but fucking hell what a lucky cunt
I'm sure their dads are proud that they couldn't fuking keep it in their pants and their mums happy that their little boys got taken advantage off by some whore in authority position lel
Do people still believe this meme kek
if it were the other way around he'd be a rapist, you just know
Is the manlet in the middle their brother?
>that their little boys got taken advantage off
Is this trolling or were you never 17? If you're female then have you ever spoken with a 17 yo boy? Unless they were literally retarded they were not taken advantage of, it's like 99% certain their cocks were rock hard by the time she even got naked.
Yes. I was going to fuck one. We were on our first date and she says she wants to get married
Nope. Made up an excuse to get away.
You wouldn't hate sluts if they didn't reject you
Well, if you are a free person ( ie: not an American) you can just go to a jurisdiction where AoC is lower and fuck whomever you want as long as it's above the legal minimum. That's why countries like Brazil and Philippines have so much sex tourism. If you're American you can't do this because as a citizen the laws of the US apply to you whenever you are in the planet.
Which basically means you are an asset of the US Government™, a property. They own your ass. And your dick too.
As a matter of fact, the US citizenship is among the ones with the most liabilities in the planet. Only dumb Mexicans and the misinformed want it, despite your government acting like it's the hottest shit.
>25 year old teacher in highschool
wtf the youngest i ever had was like 40, and they were all aunties
who's hating sluts here?
im just mad at how unprofessional this fucking idiot was.
she must have went through years of college and probably worked hard to get to become a teacher and, whoops, it's all over and done with all because she felt like diddling some fucking treenie-boppers.
why didn't she just date within her age group, how fucking pathetic do you have to be prey on your students who you are getting payed to educate in the first place? and three on top of that? what a irredeemable fucking slut...
women like this make me want to go gay
And most of the 17 year old girls who threw themselves at 25 year old male teachers were having mini orgasms before his dick even touched their pussy.
Nice, seriously.
That's legal age in many American states and virtually all of Europe.
I was 6'2 at 15yo, how would I have lost 7 inches if I started lifting then?
Yeah, you can't imagine how many women get into teaching because they want to fuck hot teen Chads. Apparently they think/know that younger men have a higher sex drive.
For every case like this that we know of hundreds are probably going on without being reported.
hmmm... it's like government enforced morality is antinatural and doesn't work, huh?
Why is there a dividing line between late teens and adults?
Everyone knows that most 15-17 year olds are having sex with each other, and that's how you end up with teen pregnancy, rapes, and blown-out colons from trying pornshit. But in USA you have to be within two years of a 15-17yo to have sex with them. Why not allow more experienced people to teach naive kids how to do it properly, instead of them learning from internet porn?
Oh, I forgot... the Jews.
Why would you ever want to be a teacher?
It's like the most overworked, underpaid, underappreciated, shitty job that there is.
While you're doing HOMEWORK like a little BITCH, Chad, Thad, and Brad are LITERALLY fucking the teacher and basically (you) are FUCKING helpless
>tfw she fucks her way out of prison and goes back to teaching at the same school because she also fucked the principal
imagine my shock when only teachers purport this opinion
summer break and can't even be fired get a real fucking job
She probably is all used up from the men in her age group and want nothing no more to do with her so she goes on to kids who she can manipulate and take advantage of
Mfw I fell for the lifting young stunts growth meme and didn't start til early 20s
Imagine being such a bum bandit that you report your fit teacher for shagging you
would have loved to have shagged Miss D
They definitely aren't underpaid. A $60k salary to be a babysitter ain't bad at all.
>hmmm... it's like government enforced morality is antinatural and doesn't work, huh?
where the hell are you even trying to go with this?
>nice, cushy 7:00-3:30 job where you get to interact and teach kids from sorts of different walks of life, helping them be the best people that they can be, inspiring them, being an absolute bro to them
oh, yeah, so fucking shitty, right? real life, isn't Detachment, dude. i really don't care about money, as long as i have enough to get by doing a job i love, that's all that matters to me
It's just society admitting that men and women aren't the same, when the rubber meets the road nobody has a problem giving a woman lighter sentencing. Don't get butt hurt about, just live your life accordingly. Generally women appreciate if you don't pretend that they're men.
I agree. The main issue I have with it though is that if the genders were reversed people would be flipping the fuck out.
>being a teacher is my fucking dream job
You should still do it. Everybodies favorite teacher is a guy, so you would have a good chance of making a positive impact, at least on the boys.
Unless you drank the koolaid on modern teaching dogma, then you're just going to teach kids to hide behind group work so that they are useless as adult workers. Why bother in that case?
Probably, I had a coworker who was two years younger than me in highschool and they told me about one of our teachers trying to hook up with them.
where are finding these journos
>nice, cushy 7:00-3:30 job
Workload on teachers is absolutely insane over here
>where you get to interact and teach kids from sorts of different walks of life
Read: the (sand)niggers ruin your entire class with their shit and you can't act on it because racism
>inspiring them
Maybe 5% of teachers manage to come anywhere close to this, I'd wager you're not one of them
>being an absolute bro to them
They'll more likely think you're a faggot, give you some nickname and talk shit about you during recess
>over here
okay, eurocuck, opinion disregarded
Not him, but they don't reject me. They come up to me and hit on me. And I still dislike them. Their behavior is unbecoming for a woman, no one has any interest in them other to fuck for a night and they're too blind to see that their behavior is the cause of all their unhappiness
not to mention academic calndar, wich is like double vacation time of any other real world worker
This, the only female staff under 30 at my high school were one of the Spanish teachers and the librarian.
Sam, if you see this, I still want to pound that ass
>tfw you never got molested by qt3.14 female teachers
Wyatt and Zach VINCI back at it again
at once?
Why do /pol/cucks call other people degenerate yet support hebe/pedophilia themselves?
Even if the age of consent was lowered, you wouldn't be able to fuck prime teenage girls because they would be fucking CHADS and not incels like you.
>25 and 16/17 year old is not okay
>27 and 18/19 year old is a-ok
Anyways, nice.
fuck off reddit
I know the type, their political conviction is just escapism from the misery of low T
Too easy to spot
You should read some John Irving, guy just can't stop writing about that shit. Not overly negative though, but still a bit sad that he just can't let go.