Which is harder; getting shredded or getting built?
building muscle is harder than losing fat.
only disgusting fat fucks disagree
depends if you're starting skinny or large
This is completely false and 100% bullshit
Unless you're an anorexic twig, getting shredded is 10x harder than getting built
Guys like CT fletcher got 'built' eating countless Big Macs everyday while guys like Andreas Munzer died from getting shredded. He is the pinnacle of shredded.
All you need to get built is test + a 19nor + food
To get shredded below 10%bf and especially lower and stay at bare minimum, aesthetic, you'll need clen, t3 or t4, DNP, maybe keto, growth hormone, insulin, etc...
guys who are actually shredded compete in shows
Being built is just having lots of muscle and likely high blood pressure
>likely high blood pressure
citation needed
whats natty mean
natural, nigger
Shredded is a 24/7 job to get there and stay there. Getting built is mostly confined to the hours you spend in the gym assuming your appetite isn't the same as an anorexic twinks.
hey guys will cardio + lifting shed weight in my face? i want a more defined jaw and plumper cheeks raound my cheekbones instead of saggy/sunken
is mediterranean good for gains?
spot fat loss is a meme, but your face will lose fat along with the rest of your body
daego wop diet is decent too
It's always easier to lose something than to gain something.
>unless we're talking about virginity
Sike. Try adding muscle ( I mean a lot) losing fat is a guarantee lmfao
Getting built, without the shadow of a doubt. When you're a natty you shouldn't even try to get shredded, you'll look like a skinny little shit.
Are you all retarded and never learned any critical thinking skills?
Some people are raised with a small appetite and that generally sticks with them, so they find gaining weight harder.
Some are raised with a big appetite, and thus find restricting calories harder.
>hurr everything I find easy must be easy for everyone else
Then why don't you have any friends?
no it is pretty hard to gain virginity, some would say impossible
no roids
>is mediterranean good for gains?
please don't eat my people
>tfw cutting
>tfw light headed and hours are flying fast
Gotta look shredded lads but I'm dying here
I'm pretty bulky and my bp is 115/69
Some of the specific autopsy findings were an extremely muscular physique with an almost complete absence of subcutaneous fat, a liver that contained numerous table tennis ball-sized tumors (with half the liver consisting simply of a crumbly mass that was similar to polystyrene), shriveled testes, and cardiac hypertrophy (Münzer's heart weighed 636g; a normal man's heart usually weighs 300–350g).
>destroyed his liver for a meme
I guess I'm not going to make it
it is def easier being on caloric surplus than caloric deficit.
working out is hard either way when done right.
ergo, shredding is harder than bulking.
Legends say playing enough wow raises your virginity meter back up to r9k levels
>Maybe keto
This is what gymcels actually believe.
It's all drugs and genetics, keto doesn't do shit except make you shrink even further.
not that guy, but generally most/all things that help you increase testosterone/build muscle also increase your BP. the various steroids, SARMs etc, cholesterol (which your body converts to testosterone), hgh, etc
I'm built but at like 14% bodyfat, 100kg, 5'10, and getting shredded has always been hard. Even with tren + T3 + HGH +test + slin + cardio + diet.
But building muscle, so easy, tren + test + adrol + hgh +slin + food + cardio + high volume as fuck traing. Managed a 205kg bench easily doing that for 6 months, 500mg tren, 250mg test e, 200mg npp, 300mg EQ and 50mg Adrol for the first 4 weeks and last 4 weeks. Liver enzymes are fine, cholesterol is a little skewed (took 500mg - 1 g niacin and red yeast daily), BP was higher but is normal post blast, bodyfat did go up but so did gainz. Not so bad, huh? Hematocrit is now at 48% though after donating blood lol fuk but RBC is 5.5 x 10^-12 and it appears my, from the flow cytometer graphs distrubition, RBC are very mature, which isn't always a great thing.
I'm ngl I find it so hard to shred, even on PSMF with gear, I've neer done DNP though. Idk mang, I am also prone genetically to type 2 diabetes (got several SNPs confirming it and entire maternal side has T2DM)
It's hard senpai, some peopel get it easier tho, I don't. Building muscle is ez tho
The hardest thing is to STAY lean.
Your body wants to have a fat reserve, and will send out all kinds of cravings and hunger hormones to make you pick up the damn fork.
Semi-starving yourself for two months of a "cut" is doable, but mantaining those shreds year-round is super taxing on your willpower.
That's why bodybuilders only really lean out for a short period of competitions, while amateurs cut for the summer months.
Obviously it doesn't apply to skinny skellys, but who the fuck wants to be a skinny skelly?
no xd
It's easy to build muscle if you do your routine.
It's easy to lose fat if you stick to your diet.
what the fuck does this even mean
if you're skinny trying to make it, it's harder to build muscle
if you're fat trying to make it, it's harder to lose fat than build muscle
getting shredded obviously, only delusional 30% powerlifting neckbears disagree cos they think they are 10% bf when they cut to 17%
These newfags with these shits threads
Spotted the fatty manlet
There is literally no reason why you can't maintain 10%bf year around as a male, even performance doesn't suffer much if at all.
This whole post is amazing. PSMF is seriously underrated. I lost almost no strength while cutting on it
it is trivial to build muscle when you don't care about getting fat. only "trust me bro I eat all the times" disagree.
Thats why there are so many fat fucks who call themselves powerlifters as they have given up trying to lose fat
fat boi detected
shredded at some point. Till 10%bf it's easy, below it's hard to keep muscles and get shredded
>t. "I'm a hardgainer bro I eat 2000 calories a day and can't gain weight!"
go watch Eric Kanevsky's youtube. he loves to bulk and hates to cut. only literal fags complain about eating.
holy shit. that, in five months? how the fuck
Eat clen
Tren hard
Anavar give up
getting built is harder
t. shredded otter tired of being otter
just looked up Munzer. dude looks fucking disgusting. do any Veeky Forumsizens actually want to look like that? If you were given the option without any health problems or steroids to just transform to that body, would you do it?
the thin skinned ripped tren look is extremely popular. I think it looks disgusting. I'd like to look like this.
Why Legendary Bodybuilder Who Died With Almost Zero Body Fat ...
Mar 25, 2015 - Although it could not be confirmed, he appears to have died from multiple organ failure, the likely result of years of alleged anabolic steroid abuse. He was 31, and easily recognizable from the images that have gone viral in recent days. Munzer's autopsy revealed he had almost 0 percent body fat, the legend goes.
wtf 0% body fat? I hope I never catch whatever mental disorder pushes someone to do that.
>that musculature, 193 lbs
staying shredded
nah here he is next to an actual turbomanlet. /fraud/ing makes you look like you weigh more than you do.
Eric is 6"0 to 6"1 though.
Anyway, what he accomplished in 5 months is insane but possible with test/clen/tren. Very unhealthy though on the body to gain weight like he did and cut like he did in that short amount of time.
from hardest to easiest...
getting below 8% bf
getting built
getting lean to around 10%