What the fuck guys. I was promised gains. How come i've worked out for 2 years and still look like this...

What the fuck guys. I was promised gains. How come i've worked out for 2 years and still look like this. Why are my hips so wide and my legs so fat? What the fuck am I supposed to do about this?

Side angle

Because you haven't cut yet you moron.
How about you do some accessory work???

If I were you I'd kill myself and hope to reincarnate into something better, in your case I'd be glad to come back as a moth or something

what are your lifts at? might be time to cut if youre happy with them

post a starting picture. with just the before we can't tell how much progress you made.

Bench: 235
Squat: 245x4
Im gonna cut yeah

At least you got a nice ass tho

This is the best i've got from sep 2 years ago

Cut pussy. Cut hard.