Penis size & body height correlation thread.
Post height and dick size
>176cm (nearly 5'10" ?)
>18.5 x 12.8 cm (7.3in x 5in )
Penis size & body height correlation thread.
Post height and dick size
>176cm (nearly 5'10" ?)
>18.5 x 12.8 cm (7.3in x 5in )
Other urls found in this thread:
why the fuck is this in europoor centimeters, how the hell am I supposed to read it
Feels pretty fucking great
selection bias
people with small penis are far less likely to post on a dick measurement thread than people with big penis
guess which one is my dick size
Sorry that all but 3 countries can read it
>implying those three countries aren't collectively the most important in the world
Lmao, must feel like a 3rd leg
>6 4
>7 inches
>every manlet has a big dick
>5 8''
>4.5 inches
glad to have gotten that off my chest
now does anyone know if jelqing works
They are using manlet rulers.
No but I heard suicide is great
shy as fuck even with a big dick
7.5 x 5
6.5" x 5"
I'm quite satisfied, considering that I'm Asian.
Oh look, it's the
>everyone fraud your dick size anonymously on a western Pennsylvania coal mining image board thread
6.3 x 5.3
>t. dicklet
dude 7 inches is nothing to brag about. I have a 7.5 incher and I've had blondes make fun of it for being small.
6.3 inches
Pretty good for a hispanic i guess
You sure its inches and not centimeters 7+inch is like 98th percentile
this * 100000000000
Yeah I'd feel small at 7, I feel small at 8 when it's not plump and looks all thin
>tfw it doesn't fit through a toiletpaper roll
>tfw my gf craves my fat dick
6.5x5 inches
Not massive but enough to be impressive to most grils
6" x 5"
What do people get from posting their dick statistics and or pictures of their dick anonymously.
Not bad if i say so myself
t. Pygmy
so everybody has a big dick then?
Everyone benches 315 for reps too
WRONG 6x5 is the absolute cutoff point
750lbs stiff legged
5.8" x 4"
It looks decent sized when Im fapping sitting down, but looks pathetic when im fapping lying down. And im a virgin probably because i subconsciously don't want to find out just how small i really am.
The length is fine but 4inch girth is really thin
idk man, it's a weird site for weird people. i think it's a confidence boost if they lie on the internet and they get it in their heads that their bigger than they actually are. as if size actually changes anything.
that said,
>8.5" flaccid
>12" length
>8" girth
JUST under 5 regularly but 5.1 when really hard. X 5
Yeahhhh, i know.
I sometimes i wonder if im measuring correctly. I could have sworn i measured 4.25 in girth once.
Fuck my life.
Suicide material right there, fucked on both aspects
I'm an inch taller than you and my cock is 2.25 inches longer, it ends up looking pretty skinny though.
19.5 cm long
13cm thick
>apparently I'm a big boy?
I still think it has a huge correlation with shoe size more than height
I'm 14 UK
Maybe, im 44.5 eu whatever the fuck that is in us/uk
18.5 x 12.8 penor
>176cm (nearly 5'10" ?)
youre 5'9, its okay to feel
>6" x 5.5"
yeah its fun
Yes, it works. Veeky Forums is retarded when it comes to jelqing. Just go to PEGym and Thunder's Place.
about to go put on my bathmate as we speak.
>Tfw 5'7" and 3 inches erect
I know. I'm actually 6.3 inches and 5.3 girth, and according to this site -
>half the guys in this thread have 7x5+
Why are ya'll e-statting on the internet?
6.5" x 5.5"
7", don't know the girth
I haven't bothered to measure my dick in years since I don't get laid.
yeah this shit gets fucking annoying. talk to any girl and they all have a story that their ex bf was 10 inches or some guy they fucked was 10 inches.
its bullshit.
most people think 7 is average. mostly cause people like the number 7.
average is 5.5 inches
not that surprising really. Generally speaking, we all have smartphones and laptops putting us in the upper middle class of society.
This message board in particular has a "dark triad" subculture and many of the people who venture on this message board have antisocial traits. People with antisocial traits, tend to be packing more heat.
Most "normies" don't have the internal walls to handle this website and usually avoid it for life after 1 visit.
if i wanted to e-stat id lie about my height too
doesn't matter how big your dick is if you don't get the chance to use it :(
my dick is legit
7.5 inches x 6 inches.
every girl I fuck says this
>"its pretty big"
and most girls feel like they could take way more.
5.21 according to OP.
You realize most Indians (pajeets) now have smartphones? That might have meant something in 2008, but not anymore. As for the people willing to venture into Veeky Forums, I don't see how there's anycorrelation there to a bigger dick.
Theres probably way more than a 1000 people on fit you dumbass
Shit i quoted the wrong person
I meant to quite this fag
>Veeky Forums has more than 1,000 people
That's not the point. According to the statistics, I should be larger than 88% percent of males on the planet, yet in this thread alone more than half are making huge claims. It casts a high level of doubt.
93%* even...
There is no fucking way the average erect benis is just 13.24cm.
Do you realize how fucking small that is?
Only people with big dicks feel the need to post. Dicklets avoid such threads.
8"x6" btw
TIL every manlet somehow has an upper 99% penis size.
Good bait. In this thread you post your heights and lie about your penis lengths but claim to be 6'+ in other threads where height matters. So insecure.
More than half of earth's population are asians.
>average is 5.5 inches
There is literally an image in the OP of this fucking thread that tells you the average is 5.2" you retard.
Mostly your point does stand though, because people are liars and people also can't measure things with their eyes. Most guys will tell the girl they have a 6 or 7" dick, most girls can't tell what that looks like.
Also you have to immediately disregard any study that uses self-reporting. This is men lying.
As for OP,
Height: 5'9"
Length: 5.5"
Girth: 5.5"
Fatty dick.
5'10" and 6x5 penis.
Feels alright.
You see how you measure up against your buddies
7" length 5" girth
>tfw you dont find sex enjoyable due to history of racemixing and being tall makes riding muh motorcycle uncomfortable when tucking corners
dont really know how it feels to be self conscious about height or dick size. i wish other guys werent, but I dont have strong feelings either way at the end of the day, I suppose.
I can say with 100% certainty more men have seen my erect cock than women, via steam friends. I dont understand why nobody believes that my dick is 7 inches, it isn't even that large comparatively. always have to whip out my 7 inch dildo from an ex, and a tape measure
>5.5 vs 5.2
who gives a flying fuck
>Length: 5.5"
>Girth: 5.5"
that sucks homie
I think i'd prefer bigger dick and being 5'7 than being tall with a 3 inch dick
>7.5" by 4.7"
I know I'm a manlet, but am I also a pencildick?
I'm a firm believer the average dick size is made purposefully to be low to give all of us some feel good feels.
I'm Asian, a manlet, and my dick is 7.5x5.5.
Both measurements puts me in way above average category, and I simply don't believe that.
It's to the point where when I see all of you being 7 inches, I kinda believe it.
You just want us to believe you so you give us a half truth.
yeah that sucks. get a bathmate.
>tfw flaccid dick is literally less than 2 inches
i have difficulty going to the bathroom if somebody else in the room, unless they are washing their hands or its very noisy
Have you all never been in locker rooms where men are naked? Most flaccid dicks aren't that big, like OP would suggest. You just sound like an outlier. LifeStyles condoms did a study and found the average length was around what OP posted - I think even lower. They don't do this for your feels.
This does sound plausible.
7.25 x 5.5
Am virgin
my flaccid dick is 6 inches. I squat so my legs are big. my crotch literally sweats all day and it itches. my asshole is raw from too much sweat + scratching.
wear sweat pants at the gym sucks. cause it clearly outlines my dick .
its good and bad
Lol, apparently I should be showing my dick to the dicklets in this thread, from all their disbelief I'd get a more satisfying reaction than from most girls who aren't very impressed with 8 inches
protip: use baby powder. it's what it was made for. also, invest in a fucking bidet. I used to be constantly worried about my asshole due to how hairy I am. "oh no is there excess shit goo left in my boipucci from this morning, i didnt get to shower and toilet paper literally never gets everything even after you use half a roll"
get a bidet, its clean like the shower EVERY single time, you feel clean, your asshole doesn't itch, and you have the confidence to let your underwear ride up a little more than normal, which also helps absorb any wayward sweating that occurs.
lastly, stop picking your ass. I feel like a fucking dad talking to his 5 year old son, stop picking your ass, boy.
Idk man, that South Park episode seemed plausible as fuck. But then again...
>South Park
Bidgets should be standard in America. Even India has them in all middle class and up places.
>lastly, stop picking your ass. I feel like a fucking dad talking to his 5 year old son, stop picking your ass, boy.
I don't really. its for rubbing and raw. I have a dat ass for a guy. bubble butt.
I need to loose maybe 5 lbs? and stop eating so many carbs since its the summer.
if you shave, I would suggest not shaving your genitals+ass. try underwear that has a little more room to maneuver, as extra slack will slide into your cheeks and absorb sweat. baby powder to put a protective layer of sweat absorber+friction reducer.
also unironically a buttplug would help with asshole friction you queer
Wow bretty close to me. 6'2 6 x 6. I can't fit through a toilet paper roll flaccid but could probably squeeze it in. I was worried about what would happen if I got hard tho
I just want to penetrate a cute girl's cervix with my penis.
>6" x 4.5"
The real average for whites is probably around 20cm.
thanks for the tips mate. I use "monkey butt" stuff.
it helps.
I'm not even a big guy. maybe 17 % bf. just large legs, ass, and dick.
7.75'' length
5.25'' girth
9.25x6.25(6.25 at base 5.75 mid shaft)